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Summary 04 (00300)

The New World Order

Part 030

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Much of the material on this page is treated in more detail in other parts of the blog. All is not linked. Please use the search function at the bottom of each page.

Table of Contents

9. The Internet

+: people can access information more easily. The regime’s web of lies is starting to fall apart /

-: mass surveillance

The Internet is the biggest change to society in a very long time. Its effects are still changing and if there is a final result it is not yet known.

[mass surveillance <–> freedom of information]


Two tendencies can be seen:

1. Mass surveillance is easier, the regime has now probably access to most of what we write and speak.

2. People can access information more easily. The regime’s web of lies is starting to fall apart since we now can compare more sources of information. Travel has done the same thing. Therefore the regime controls the Internet by f.ex Google and trolls and restricts travel by flying shame (that so far has flopped) and corona (successful, unfortunately). Ban on meetings using Corona for pretext.

10a. Internet trolls

The basic action of trolls (“shills”) is to cause conflicts in foras using vague information presented in media. The conflicts will split up the population and common ideas that can be used to influence politicians are demoted. Conflict between groups are meant to sabotage democracy and let international networks, like the ones controlling the EU take control over countries.

Internet trolls support the news media “left” agenda and are surely paid by the same sources. Other trolls oppose them but use strange arguments, fake awkward personalities, use negatively connected user names and avatars etc. Trolls that oppose the global agenda sometimes use nicknames with a Russian connection. They mix true and false arguments. Trolls make conflict of any small details to prevent unity and constructive criticism of the global agenda.

Two common ways to derail the discussion is to try to discuss the opponents person or define terminology. Sometimes teams of trolls send forward representatives with different views depending on the situation. Logical arguments are often deflected by general talk.

The most common tactic is to change subject.

One method is to make irrelevant comparisons. If power transfer from Sweden to EU is debated, the power balance Swedish counties like Skåne and Swedish central authorities should obey the same pattern.

Trolls vary explanations depending on context. If Starship works it is a fantastic moon rocket. If it explodes it is really another rocket that is going to the moon. … If there is hot weather it is according to the climate theories. If the weather is cold we should read other “scientific” essays that predict this instead. The theory can never be wrong. … When the EU needs more money we hear “I want you to panic. Our house is in fire.” But if we should take resolute action and put EV:s on the streets or consume less it is enough if we just “do what we can”.

The general idea of global propaganda is not always to win the discussions since this is not possible because global take over is based on lies. Instead newspapers and trolls try to focus the debate on harmless topics adjacent to the main issues.

Large amounts of trolls defend the impossible ideas of the global agenda by debate manipulation. In this way they also contribute to spreading conflict in the population when facing people who have having formed opinions on logical reason. In this situation the trolls make use of the forums being bought by global interests, moderators allowing argumentation against the person (“ad hominem”). To remind of the downfall of organized societies with strong state, trolls frequently associate to Nazi/Hitler. This also protects media interests, reminding of the Holocaust when many meida today are Jewish owned.

Trolls accused Trump of “changing the rules of discussions” when in fact global actors look more into how to change the rules of the system than following them. The trolls stopped discussing the subjects in question and usually start their replies by “You don’t understand that …” turning criticism of the system into criticism of the individual.

A major function of trolls is to try to detail serious criticism into criticism of facts that can not be changed or are of minimal importance, like personal properties of a politician.

Trolls in subjects that criticize global interests and foras often use unfriendly bucks and avatars.

The trolls try to derail any discussion into petty conflicts between posters, they either attack other posters or other trolls. Conflicts between trolls can also drown serious discussions. By ruining (f.ex) Swedish people’s possibility to have places like foras for discussions and formation of common ideas, the trolls facilitate global take over, f.ex by the EU.

Sometimes trolls assume an erroneous position intentionally only to create conflict and division. The whole climate agenda is very divisive and is used by media to divide the population. News media sides with the extreme points of view, the world is soon going under.

One technique is to contradict irrelevant aspects of a post just to defocus.

Trolls constantly spend much time fighting with each other over petty details in order to cover up big problems in the global agenda. Focusing on petty detail is a main troll trait.

Trolls make irrelevant comparisons to derail the discussion.

The trolls work in a coordinated fashion.

wwr: 78416920

Du tycker inte det är lite skillnad på Rivian och Tesla?

Jag försöker att utgå ifrån att du förstår lite mer än vad det just lät som. 🙂


Du skriver ju nästan bara trolliinlägg där du ger kommentarer om andra postare, vantolkar, analyserar inlägg och posthistorik och frågar vad de tycker. Kom in i matchen och skriv om ämnet.

TSLA har hög aktiekurs i förhållande till vad företaget visat upp och just nu verkar inte företaget infria förhoppningarna.



When a sensitive subject is in the current affairs, troll activation is very strong. The coronoa virus pandemic was interpreted by many as a reason for exaggerated authoritarian control. Many interpreted the Ukraine crisis in 2022 as a way to smear Russia and to stremgthen EU control over Ukraine. Troll activation was very high.

infidel: 79182750

Sök på termen “shill” så får du svaret. Utomlands finns det företag som specialiserar sig på shilltjänster, de har en hel stab av “liksom-fb” anställda, och sedan ges de ett manus med åsikter de ska spamma och åsikter de ska håna, och så sätts de att arbeta i “sociala media”.


companies that are said to employ shills:

EA (Electronic Arts), Activision, Blizzard

regimme trolls called independent posters russian trolls, but when Russia made big mistake with war on Ukraine the independent posters did not support Russia. This proves that they were not supporting Russia, but the independence of any country

Russian trolls, Russian bots

defend their own countries, not Russia.

Russias politics have been less centered around imperialism than the US, but the Ukraine war is a horrible exception, possibly much exaggerated in media. Russia is also under global control and was now made to state an example to scare countries into the big blocks and also show that “white men (Putin) can not be trusted”

Example of a troll dialogue

Information shifts.

Greta was initially presented as the anorectic child with social problems and Asperger syndrome and won fame because she had just sat down outside parliament with a picket sign. Later it was presented that she had won a competition writing essays. Later she was considered skilled with social media from the start and was successful at Twitter. Later her anorexia disappeared. Later she was considered unusually brave and extrovert, singing and dancing in front of a large crowd. She started out with the message that we are facing a climate disaster in 10 years. Even the World Economic Forum interpreted her message that way but she had to correct them that it was only the “carbon dioxide budget” that was running out in 8 years. It now seems there are no crucial “tipping points” but we should just do what we can. She then seemed to have forgotten the climate and went into several different areas, like the Hong Kong/China issue, Indian farmers situation, a Danish sewage plant. (When the EU raised the CO2 levels through the Corona recovery packages Greta said nothing.) She said she would not attend the COP26 climate meeting since the Covid vaccine was too unevenly distributed over the globe (but she attended).

She is just an actress (with actor training) following the whims of the global agenda.

-- Internet

--- trolls [almost everyone you meet on the net is a troll]

---- defend global values

---- attack global values with incorrect arguments or a faked, unpleasant personality

---- cause conflicts to impede unity that could raise demands on leadership

--- buying forums, controlling moderation

Trolls diminish criticism and transfer it to other areas. After Corona EU borrowed and gave money to member countries. This is against rules. Trolls move criticism of this to criticism of politicians and the Swedish system not having a constitutional court. EU transfers funds to private corporations that give board posts to politicians spending on EU. But trolls criticize politicians’ “high salary”.

Trolls move criticism of system, media and banks to “incompetent politicians”.

Trolls usually project system criticism on the poster, f.ex calling him/her “bitter”. If they cant provoke anger they go for bitter.

Trolls can try to divert criticism by quoting particularly strong parts to make it sound unreasonable or weak parts to make it sound unjustified. Much of trolling is about neglecting context and focus on detail, like f.ex other posters grammar.

Trolls divert arguments towards personal aspects. Greta Thunberg’s political agenda is downplayed and instead personal factors are stressed, like diagnoses, eating habits, IQ. Jewish networks are deflected into Jewish IQ, genetics, history, religion. Like all globalist actors trolls often deflect discussions with sexual aspects.

Trolls basically tries to shift topics away from matterss that can be changed to matters that can not be changed, theoretical topics or topics far away, or details

Beware how trolls vary their positions from time to time. When Gretas organization has done something good she is the boss when they did something bad she is not responsible but everyone is by themselves, f.ex

Trolls sometimes try to divert serious arguments by mixing serious arguments with misconceptions, random chat, talk about sex or anything unrelated.

As the agenda progresses the trolls change their positions. As the agenda becomes stronger, Internet trolls that sometimes criticized the agenda stop posting or gradually change their views to more progressive ones.

Party SD became EU friendly since

1. They got more voters and could get more influence but did not really wish to leave the EU.

2. The agenda moves forward and the regime tries to wipe out any EU-resistance.

Common techniques to destroy discussions where trolls have problems defending the regime:

1. write long avout peripheral details

2. misunderstand what other say

3. “straw man arguments” argue agains something the opponent did not claim

topic diversion
EU fees, borrowing, supra-national control politicians’ personalities, EU history, how many decades can EU exist
Greta Thunberg agenda split women and men, pressure politicians, is supported by high finance Greta’s mother abuses her for financial benefits
Jewish networks’ activity in other countries Israel atrocities against Palestinians
problems of mass immigration racism
destruction of well organized Nordic societies with: safe streets, low corruption, low abuse of power, good relations between countries, long period of peace, well developed social systems, low income gaps, good education, medicare, technology Swedish culture like Midsummer games or traditional authors; Swedish food, genetic variables of Nordic people

Nordic culture meant transparency (“offentlighetsprincipen”), low corruption, low abuse of power, low income gaps, peaceful relations to neighboring countries, low violence, safe streets, low conflict, result orientation, good and free education, high tech industry, goal-orientation, frugality, modesty, good and available healthcare, well developed and well spread social care. The economy was not based on imperialism or war. (Cp Michael Moore: “Where should we invade next?”)
The Nordic countries are not larger than it is possible for people to monitor what politicians are doing and for democracy to function. In these smaller countries people learn to cooperate. This has to be broken to make people willing to give up control to Brussels. As the EU increases its power and remote control, conflicts between individuals and groups (as through mass immigration and feminism) are promoted and local self esteem is demoted. Conflicts between the Nordic countries are already being instigated.

News media try to make objections against mass immigration into a matter of racism by labeling protesters “racists”. This is mostly wrong. Few people care about the color of skin of others. But Internet trolls try to focus disussions on genetics and historical differences. (1) However, the countries of origin of the migrants are very differently run than f.ex. the Nordic countries and by many standards the Nordic countries were better run and more pleasant to live in than f.ex Syria, Afghanistan or Somaila. Therefore the cultural input will be negative to the inhabitants of the target countries. (2) Above all mass immigration will divide the society. In particular since authorities do not try to integrate immigrants. Their target is to split up society so that no common demands can be made on the politicians. A global dictatorship can only be run as long as the pople does not unite against it. (3a) Even if you have no objections against people of other ethnicities you can never be sure they have the same thinking. Some segregated areas with migrant population are considered dangerous, especially for native Swedes. (3.b) The image is strengthened by the media giving an image of migrants as dangerous, connecting them to shootings and other crime. (3.c) It also seems that the regime is spreading conflict in the population by letting psy-op agents perform conflicts between migrants and natives in order to spread a behavior of conflict. This may sound horrendous but considering that the purpose of mass immigration is to disrupt society, the possibility of regime subversive elements must be taken into account. A Swedish older white man is definitely more likely to be met by women or migrants in contact with autorities. People from these other groups definitely seem interested in creating problems and friction. They seem to have been instructed to do so. They would never do that unless their superiors had instructed them to it. Security guards in malls and similar places are often of migrant origin which can create opposition between groups if they must take action against native Swedes. (Compare the Kalergi plan)

[ causes for mass immigration ]


* focus on ad hominem, opponent’s personality.

* start conflict about anything to stop unity which could lead to political demands. Conflict about petty detail, spelling errors. Aggression is a foundation for globalization.

* focus on “intelligence” instead of agenda

* confuse topic with history, theory, genetics, skin colors, to emphasize differences between geoups. their knowledge is vast on Jewish and many other parts of history

* bring up old posts

* terminology

* just take arguments from the opposition and use them against the opposition even when they do not fit. If someone points out that a troll is misinterpreting, trolls will soon say that poster is misinterpreting, just to cause confusion. When news media use Greta Thunberg to create hatred (e.g. by handing out a prize in her name that wishes older white men to die) trolls claim she is hated. (Which is motivated by a few trolls pretending to hate her.)

* say the opposite e.g. when globalists lock down society w/ flying shame & Corona restrictions they claim globalization facilitates contacts

* split up reasoning, sometimes by cutting up other posters posts in small parts. Trolls try to pick out parts and neglect the whole.

* if the regime has a major setback, the trolls sometimes start a similar case to confuse. Ex. the Iraqi defense minister received Swedish welfare. Later a similar case concerning an Afghan politicians received much publicity but it turned out to be based on loose grounds.

If trolls say someone seems intelligent, the person works for the networks. Those that ghe trolls consider inadequate are usually network actors pretending to oppose the global agenda.

Globalist fear of competition also destroys the Internet as a place to develop ideas, through troll activation.

Some trolls are deployed to be beaten, at least from some aspects:

Greta supporters wish to frame Greta as a strange outlier (since she opposes the regime, formally)

Musk supporters wish to make EV look impractical (since oil companies rule)

Bitcoin supporters wish to make Bitcoin seem impractical (since it is decentralized and opposed globalism)

One of the last resorts of trolls, when facts prove that global methods are harmful, is to say “But it has been like that for a long time, everyone knows it.” … which naturally does not make the situation better. Ex:

– Google maps shows that Crimea belongs to Russia.

– Yes, everyone knows that.

(But in fact president Zelensky is trying to get it back trhough warfare and all media talk about Russian invasion of Crimea)

10b. moderation

label as “conspiracy theory”

label as “Off Topic”

divide in different threads


Discussions are split up into parts that would need to be viewed together to connect situations to general, global politics. Posts with anti-global content may be removed whereas agenda friendly posts are not removed.

A counter-agenda opinion may be allowed once but is often drowned by trolls, sometimes questioning obvious matters. If the counter-agenda opinion appears again it can be removed as “repetition”.

The more concrete or pertaining to the local situation (like Sweden in Swedish fora) the more likely the post is to be removed. Vague criticism about “globalization” is more often allowed.

10c. Internet shutdown

2020: globalists seem to start breaking up the internet.

Internet shutdown


11. conflict between individuals

To try to make people with different views angry is a main m.o. of globalist actors. Much hatred in society is constructed by globalists. This is not only done by pitching groups against each other. It is also a way of how they deal with people of different opinions than their own.%

Every small aspect is turned the same way by the networks. Trolls promote going to the gym since some people use their muscle to attack others.

Big corporations prioritize to create conflicts with customers rather than helping them since competition between corps have ceased. Fulfilling the EU agenda of conflict will make them eligible for EU grants (which practically never are accounted for to the public). Creating friciton with the customer is prioritized.

In some pre EU coutries you can meet people who have not been exposed to the conflict agenda. In many smaller streets of f.ex Belgrade (Serbia) you can enter smaller shops and people are genuine and truly helpful to the customer. They value cooperation and wish the customer to come back. (2021)

12. people against government

Stir up rebellion against national government to have decisions moved to the EU.

Plastic tax

Left wing parties levy an impopular national plastic bag tax at about the same time as the EU silently levy a plastic tax. Psy ops are trying to stir up anti government sentiments.%

13. corporations against government and people

Elon Musk and Californian authorities faked a conflict to make Musk move to traditional Texas and spread liberal culture there. (Musk climed regulations were too hard.)

Tesla and SpaceX have frequent conflicts with environmental regulators and unions in order to discredit the authorities. This is done to break down government control in favor of big enterprise. F.ex Berlin factory had to wait long time for environmental authorities approval (without Musk complaining or trying to do something about it).

Corporations take advantage of their increasing situations of monopoly. Consumers suffer.

No organization that is criticized will try to improve but instead search methods to revenge the critic. This also includes where coroporations “are strongly interested in consumer opinion”. Any netagive comments will fall back on the person giving them.

14. PC, Mac, Apple, Android

Progressive image connected to Apple. Technical to PC.


15. any conflict

Any conflict is promoted, even if the opponents have no singificance since we should be trained to use conflict instead of cooperation.


Will LIV player Stenson be accepted as Ryder Cup captain? Will PGA block LIV-players? No true political singificance but the conflict is promoted in media.


longlivetheking: 80959976

Beslutet att frånta honom rollen som kapten kom snabbt. Mig veterligen så är det inte officiellt att han ska spela på sauditouren?


wwr: 80960089

Det var också min reaktion.

Och framförallt att Ryder Cup verkar komma att stänga ute spelare som inte har PGA/ET-kontrakt, om jag förstått det rätt.

I Solheim cup får man bara spela med Ping-klubbor 😉



To enhance division and conflict, the system promotes violence,.f.ex in movies (Hollywood) and video games.


Some people that go to the gym use their muscle for violence. When one social forum recently discussed Covid closedowns, the situation of the gyms seemed to be the major points of focus.

When New York Times describes how youth have parties in Washington Square they mention they arrange boxing tournaments.

crime as a defense against globalization

crime is used to maintain segregation.

Mindanao is said to have terrorism. This rumor is speread since people do not wish the island to be converted into a tourist chaos like Boracay or Panglao.

South America has a higher crime rate. This is because they wish to keep their more traditional lifestyle. The already high crime rate is further exaggerated in media to keep foreign travellers away. Some crime is also directed against travellers. News media report very little from South America since they do not wish to spread the fact that some areas of the world are still not under global dictatorship and chaos.



Claiming to fight discrimination, the agenda itself discriminates.

Greta Thunberg discriminates against white (racism), men and older people.


Climate live

Major daily The Guardian wishes old, white men to die. [ ] —

Nia Dennis wins plaudits for stunning ‘black excellence’ gymnastics routine


Greta Thunberg will not ask for any sacrifices for the climate when she meets minorities like native Americans or Swedish sames.

separation and isolation

[Flying shame,CovidLockdown,feminism,mass-immigr,terror,shootings,cost o living&gas…]

Stop people from meeting or having contacts (Cp the movie The Matrix)

Cost of living and gas price rise

Climate: flying shame

Corona, Covid-19: face masks, regard fellow man as contagious, restrictions on travel, bans on meetings, social distancing, working from home

Internet: social foras have technical difficulties%

BREAKING! Nytt KÖKAOS på Arlanda


wwr: 78149212

Det höga bensinpriset handlar om ytterligare en form av isolering. Flygskam gick ingen på. Sedan kom corona lockdown (och nu blir det omicron). Nu skall vi inte ha råd att förflytta oss.

Bensinen kostar 8 kronor litern i USA och 18 i Sverige!

EU kan inte behålla greppet om länderna om folk får tillfälle att kommunicera. Skjutningar, massinvandring, feminism isolerar och grupperar också folk. Höga elpriser gör det dyrare att ordna sammankomster och påverkar naturligtvis elbilsägare. Upptrissad hållning mot Ryssland ger samma effekt.

Eftersom EU gynnas av att isolera medborgarna så är det svårt att se hur man skall få rätsida på bensinpriserna när EU:s maktambitioner är så stora.


reduced mobility, isolation, trade barriers

Leaders unite and keep their peoples in conflict. Travel makes understanding between peoples possible. Travel therefore makes it more difficult for the leaders to command their people by imagined threats from distant countries. The Internet already makes it more difficult to imagine a Russian invasion of Sweden and more sophisticated threats, like invisible Corona virus must be used.

If it is more difficult to move, we must rely more on the news media image of the world around us. News media can then give an image of conflict between countries to make people unite behind the leaders.%

The two last major mechanisms used by the globalists included lessened mobility: The climate: shame of flying and Corona travel restrictions. Corona also splits people apart by social distancing, bans on meetings etc.

When Visa and MasterCard leave Russia tourists can not use cards but Russians can.

The plan seems to be to obliterate cultural differences between European countries and allow us to travel within Europe. But we will still be given an impression that Americans and Chinese are bad. Lately (2020) it seems the vilification of Russia and Putin has possibly been reduced. Will Russia be included in the European block?

Ad April, 2021: the vilification of Russia arises again. Russia is accused of planning to invade Ukraine. “Evidence” false. Completely unreliable Bellingcat is quoted, some images even show Ukrainian tanks with cations about Russia.

International trade is impeded. Amazon tries to suppress smaller competition. In Sweden Postal Companies are allowed to levy haphazard fees on imports from outside the EU.

Any factor reducing mobility is promoted, newspapers promote baking and cooking. We are encouraged to own pets.

There is even a “#noshower” trend.

Drones are promoted as jogging partners.

Robberies, telephone fraud, Covid, shootings (gun stories, cases, fairy tales; The second world war, WW2

Home delivery promoted.

wwr: 79796968

Det är inte Ryssland det går dåligt för. Det är oss det går sämst för. Nu skall man försöka lura oss att sluta flyga och köra bil, igen. (Som vid klimatkrisen)

Flights should be banned in continental Europe and car use banned in city centres to save energy and prevent Vladimir Putin profiting from fossil fuel sales, campaigners have said.


När kommer folk att få upp ögonen för att stormakterna attackerar Europa som helhet med detta krig?


restrictions of mobility, isolation (link to this blog outside this summary)

[ Corona Covid-19 ]

Travel counteracts division and bigotry, Mark Twain.

EU isolates the Nordic countries by slow trains

hostile environment, fear; Covid, shootings, gang related crime, residence, reconstruction, transfer to (smart) cities, city planning, architecture, mail order

One way to promote isolation is producing a hostile environment. Covid makes people fear getting infected. Shootings make people fear go outside.


mass shootings keep people off the streets

Guardian email to readers:

‘This article involved pints, curry and karaoke, but the general mood was not one of celebration’

Our crawl through Britain’s closing pubs

“Not a bad assignment,” said more than one pub goer, with raised eyebrows, as I explained that I was visiting pub closing parties around the country in order to write about them.

While it’s true that this article involved drinking pints, eating curry and singing karaoke, the general mood was not one of celebration. I was arriving during possibly the most stressful period in the life of a landlord, as their pub is being forced to close, and asking them to talk about it – so I’m eternally thankful to those who agreed to share their stories.


Bezos, Amazon, mail order

Swedish national public media even uses words that can have a positive connotation when they describe the “record” number of shootings.

The highly promoted artist Lady Gaga plays the role of the wife that arranged the killing of heir to Gucci fashion empire and served 18 years for it.

Reconstruction of public areas is taken as excuse to worsen service during reconstruction and the final result will be worse than the initial situation.

city planning: raising rents in centers of cities, depopulating common areas, reducing contact. Constructing jammed shopping malls with few seating areas. Mixing EU-scooters, electric scooters, and pedestrians with no rules and no separation.

Emptying city centers leads to less contact between people smaller shops will have less market. Shopping is transferred to shopping centers, dominated by international chains.

Move to (smart) cities

fighting dogs, connected to immigrants


aYaLLa: 80407299

Jag drömmer om att leva ett liv som clark olofsson där det alltid finns pengar, droger, snabba bilar, juveler och kompisar som också är proffskriminella. Jag vet dock inte hur jag ska börja och jag börjar bli gammal nu (25) med bra utbildning och jobb så jag vågar inte göra nåt kriminellt om det inte är världens stöt så jag kan fly landet efteråt gärna med många miljoner som inte går att spåra.

En idé jag haft är att parkera en bil mitt framför en bankomat, sen lägga min mobil inne ni vet där man har ratten fast det platta ovanpå, sen börja filma och gå därifrån. Sen kommer jag tillbaka efter nån timme och kollar på filmen och om jag ser någon ta ut svinmycket pengar så följer jag efter dom och sen hotar dom att dom ska ge mig pengarna annars jävlar.

Har ni fler idéer eller andra tips?

Förresten jag är kraftigt mot vapen och droger och rasism så jag vill helst inte syssla med såna brott.


wwr: 80489065

I det kontantlösa samhället blir det svårt att råna sig till pengarna. Du måste först bli känd som en samhällets fiende. Olofsson fick säkert en hel del av Netflix för serien “Clark”. Prinsparet som svartmålade kungahuset fick en miljard. Dessutom producerade väl en medlem av Helikopterligan ett annat idolporträtt av Clark. 1.cuz är säkert värdelös på musik utan har slagit igenom i media på ren kriminalitet

Netflix gjorde ju också en serie om en våldtäktsman som frikändes efter många år i fängelse men strax åkte in igen för ett mord. Det är alltid bra att ha media på sin sida.

Jag föreslår att du anlitar en reklambyrå som sprider rykten om dig som våldsman, langare, kanske pedofil som Quick och gärna slagskämpe som han i Kungsan. Jag tror pengarna ligger i media. Du borde försöka bli en slags kriminell influencer. Det handlar om mediabilden. Då behöver du inte skada någon heller.


assassin from Sweden hired:


wwr: 79145193

Jag har inte följt detta. Men det verkar som om massinvandringen givit oss specialkompetens på många områden, t.ex lönnmord. Vi kan bli en stormakt i mord. Numera hyr man inte in några juggar utan istället några svenskar om man behöver problemlösare.

Anis Hemissi, 24, a professional kickboxer from Sweden, was hired as an assassin to fly into London to carry out the murder, which the trial heard was meticulously planned for up to six months.


work from home:


wwr: 77701192

Många verkar ha lärt sig att det är mycket bättre att sitta hemma och jobba. Att träffa folk på jobbet var bara jobbigt 😀

Can you hear the death rattle of the skyscraper?

get on packed trains and jostle for the lifts, all in the name of teamwork and productivity. But will anyone ever want to work in a hermetically sealed high-rise building again, breathing the same air as thousands of potentially infectious other people?

Has the age of piling people into great glass shafts, of cities competing for ever higher spires, finally come to an end?



that “the ability of cities to enable the joys of human interactions and shared experiences may be their greatest protection against urban exodus”. They cite numerous studies that show people are happier with in-person meetings than with exclusively online communication, along with research that suggests even solitary deep thinking may benefit from the presence of other humans. One study showed that chess players forced to play online by the pandemic made worse moves than the same players did when they played in person.


Another timely book strikes a more sinister tone. Exploring the history and future of quarantine in Until Proven Safe, Geoff Manaugh and Nicola Twilley predict a world of smart buildings that will allow regular life to continue, but only because of continuous tracking and AI-powered assessment of their occupants. “In the coming quarantine,” they write, “you will be able to go anywhere – but you will be watched, measured, and diagnosed the entire time.” Skyscrapers will be back; and, from now on, they’ll be watching you.



Price levels, smaller shops


wwr: 80084045

De runda bröd ICA säljer kostar 35 kronor.

Förra året besökte jag bl.a Serbien, Ukraina, Georgien och Uzbekistan. Jag kommer inte ihåg exakta priser. T.ex en burk tonfisk kan i “dessa länder” ibland nästan kosta mer än i Sverige.

Men hur f-n kan en limpa bröd kosta 35 kronor? I de länder jag nämnde får man en motsvarande bit färskt bröd för 5-10 kronor, kanske utan valnötter dock.

Är EU (CAP) t.ex inblandade? 1/3 av EU-budgeten (!) går till att betala stora landägare för att lägga marken i träda. Organisationen grundades för att skydda franska bönder säger ryktena. Men det är säkert fler faktorer inblandade.

Går man längre tillbaka i tiden var brödpriserna rimligare även i Sverige. Det var inte så länge sedan frallor kunde kosta 1 krona.

Hur kan brödet ha blivit så dyrt?


wwr: 80087684

I första posten jämförde jag med Georgien, Uzbekistan, Serbien och Ukraina. Det är billiga och ganska trevliga länder. Sådana måste alltså bombas eller på annat sätt attackeras av supermakterna. (Nu har inte Uzbekistan blivit attackerat ännu, i år attackerades Kazakhstan, så Uzbekistan står väl på tur, kanske).

Bombning eller krig kan vara ett led i planen för att höja priserna.

EU manipulerar nu jordbruket i Ukraina. Förra året blev rödbetorna till nationalsoppan bortsch så dyra på de lokala marknaderna att de blev tvungna att importera ännu dyrare från EU. Det handlar förmodligen om att skydda de franska bönderna inför EU-inträdet.

EU är pest för konsumenten. Ett lokalt bageri med lokalt mjöl kunde prestera billigare om det hade någonstans att sälja varorna och inte slogs ut av Corona lockdown, storföretagens inköp av varandra och liknande


wwr: 80086773

Jag jämför med en del utomeuropeiska länder. Skillnaden är inte lika stor på andra varor.

För ett antal år sedan köpte jag ganska ofta bröd lokalt bakat i Paris centrum. Det var billigt jämfört med Sverige då.

Andra här säger att bröd är 3 gånger så dyrt i Sverige som övriga EU.

Det går att baka billigare. Men vi är så inkörda på att köpa i köpcentrum att de kan trissa upp priserna. City med mindre affärer och bagerier slås ut i den stad jag bor just nu. Höga hyror säger affärsinnehavare. Fina gåytor i centrum som åtminstone tidigare inte utnyttjades. Man tränger ihop folk i köpcentra som inte är alltför trevligt utformade. Livsmedelsaffärer går mot att “handla med ett klick”. Se på Ukraina. Där kan man ofta sitta ned och äta i en avdelning av livsmedelsaffären. Vi går mot dyrare och ogästvänligare.

Just bröd är dyrt i Sverige även jämfört med andra ganska dyra varor på stormarknaderna på köpcentra.


Creating a hostile environment

…, som varit ledare för ett kriminellt MC-gäng och avtjänat flera fängelsestraff, tränar juniorer i Sollentunas hockeyklubb.

Många föräldrar i klubben är, enligt Aftonbladet, upprörda men klubben kände till Jonas bakgrund när han anställdes.

“Frågan är om samhället tjänar på att utestänga människor från idrotten”, säger klubbens ordförande Karin Myrestam


Paolo Roberto, programledare

Male cleaner in women’s section

fredag2010: 78480858

Expressen: Nya rapporten visar gängkriminellas fäste

En ny rapport som finansierats av flera stora fastighetsbolag i Göteborg, bland annat Balder och Stena, larmar om gängkriminalitetens fäste i bostadsområdena.

tjänstepersoner från myndigheterna vittnar om att de ”förlorat kontrollen”

Bakom rapporten står några av branschens största fastighetsbolag: Balder, Stena, Familjebostäder och Poseidon

personer som jobbar med fastigheter intervjuas. 74 procent av dem uppger att de har problem med narkotikahandel, 65 procent att de har problem med gängkriminalitet och 21 procent har kriminella släktbaserade nätverk i sina bostadshus.

”De territoriella kriminella nätverken är multikriminella, anpassningsbara, expansiva och befinner sig i ett generellt högt konfliktläge. Situationen är både allvarlig och akut.”



Alternativ länk:


extreme weather

1. promote climate agenda

2. stay at home

impeding travel by air and other means [air travel]

Air travel is intentionally made difficult to stop people from communicating.%

airport chaos, slow passport manufacturing link

* air lines impose more strict visa regulations than immigration authorities

* Internet booking has made air travel cheaper and simpler but not to the extent possible. It has even become more difficult to check bags to final destinations, reserve meals etc, in recent times

* many airports demand “self check in” which almost invariably fails on longer, multi leg trips

* the reduced fluid rule for cabin luggage was said to be removed long ago, but is still in effect

* Security check is often chaotic

* short validity of EU passports, 5 instead of 10 years like many other countries. Only 3 passports allowed to be made in 5 years even iv the old passports are officially destroyed.


Magica-Lazio: 82325225

Ja flesta länder har 10års giltighetstid. De länder som hade 5år giltighetstid har ändrat till 10år för längesedan. Medans Sverige ändrade från 10 till 5. Förr i tiden var det bara barn (under 18år) som behövde förnya var 5e år i Sverige vilket är helt rätt eftersom utseendet ändras radikalt i unga år. Detta är en del av anledningen, lägg till att passet måste vara giltigt i minst 6 månader för inresa i väldigt många länder. Det betyder att passen i princip bara är giltliga i 4,5år och inte 5år.


* If you stay outside sweden more thatn 6 mo, you will be “unregistered” from Sweden even if you keep paying taxes and run all your government connection via Sweden. You will then not be entiteled to subventions for Swedish medical care, for example.

Many Western countries have rules that will remove the right to medicare and other social benefits if a resident stays abroad more than 183 days in a calendar year.


Agitatze: 79800703

Hujedamig, nu har det kört ihop sig på Arlanda igen!

Personer på plats vittnar om total misär:

“kilometerlånga” köer i säkerhetskontrollen på Arlanda”

“Kön är från Terminal 5, förbi skycity och till Terminal 4, vittnar en annan person som befann sig på Arlanda under eftermiddagen”

Swedavia som ansvarar för driften av flygplatsen har svårt att få till bemanningen av säkerhetskontrollerna.

“Vi ber alla resenärer att under de närmaste dagarna komma så resklara som möjligt till flygplatsen och att i möjligaste mån checka in hemifrån”, skriver de på sin hemsida”

Är det acceptabelt att vår största nationella flygplats håller så låg nivå?

Någon som befinner sig på plats i tumultet?

Har själ varit med om liknande när jag skulle flyga utomlands på tjänsteresa, och då var det bara att skoningslöst plöja rakt genom köerna för att hinna med flyget.

Får man skylla sig själv som inte kommit till flygplatsen ett dygn tidigare (som många i passkaostråden skulle ha sagt)? Eller kunde situationen undvikits?


* climate flying shame

* corona travel restrictions

Airlines don’t want you to travel!

Greta Thunberg who does not fly for climate reasons has on two different occasions had problems on German trains. The problems were highly publicized and once even led to German Railways replying to Greta and considering her citicism too harsh.

isolation by stick or carrot

stick: unfriendly environment

carrot: cocooning

Mass immigration, dividing society into groups and not trying to integrate them.

Ban on meetings and travel using Corona as an excuse.

Wearing face masks impede communication.

“Refrain from talking on the Bangkok SkyTrain”

“Covidianity” is a religion of isolation.%

UK: no meetings >6 ppl outside work, except organized (gov’t approved) sports. Weddings >15 ppl must be invited.

restrictions of mobility, isolation (link to this blog outside this summary)

[ Corona Covid-19 ]

Several other ways to isolate

Shop by a click and pick up

Mail order (Amazon)

Extensive media coverage of phone fraud and periodically robberies at home

Advertising alarms

hotsile environment: Corona, shootings, EU-scooters, electric scooters, fighting dogs

WAshington Post: your jogging partner chould be a drone

companion dogs and pets to keep us busy at home and not with other people

manu articles about buying dogs

Lady Gaga dogs kidnapping high profile

veterinarians overcharge, dog owners are cool (spoiler)


martinator: 78846531

Ja vad hade man förväntat sig när man köper en insmugglad upphittad gatuhund från ett u-land…

Finns det ingen gräns för folks dumhet. Artikeln gränsar ju till lyteskomik.


Honkenbonken: 78846825

E det inte oxå att dom vill visa upp sig med sina botox läppar o få lite fame..


wwr: 78847127

Jo så är det ju ofta i dessa artiklar. (Det var nog lite “hya” i några läppar där.) Men denna artikel verkar mer svårgenomskådad än genomsnittet. Det som slinker in via EU:s fria rörlighet brukar oftast vara finfina grejor och hundar skall alla ha så vi bara sitter inne och klappar dem istället för att umgås med andra och skapar gemensamma värden.

Märklig artikel. Var ligger baktanken?


(55 tusen för att behandla en infekterad jycke!! Har inte veterinärernas frekventa självmord varit på tapeten? Kanske “självmorden bland dessa rika knösar är omotiverade”? (självklart svart ironi, veterinärernas frekventa självmord måste tas på allvar)) “Det är synd om hundägare som ofta även utgörs av snygga tjejer. Det är inte alls så att hussar och mattar pressar veterinärer till självmord genom att kräva att de skall behandla deras klimatförstörande lyx-husdjur gratis.”


dampening gatherings, celebrations etc

Gatherings and celebrations are dampened as much as possible. Covid dampens Olympics 2020, new Covid variant Omicron and energy crisis in Europe dampens Christmas celebrations 2021.


Christmas celebrations 2021:

Another COVID Christmas brings anxiety, but also optimism


(original title was very different: /world/in-omicron-free-new-zealand-christmas-without-restrictions/2021/12/24/, first snapshot in archive “Wayback Machine” restrited access!

Christmas arrived around the world Saturday amid a surge in COVID-19 infections that kept many families apart, overwhelmed hospitals and curbed religious observances as the pandemic was poised to stretch into a third year.

Google cache very different from original article (which was positive according to url: in-omicron-free-new-zealand-christmas-without-restrictions):

original title very different: (original snapshot not available:*/

another title that was changed was

Surging COVID cases, ‘jingle jabs’ make for somber Christmas



EU cold war with Russia over alleged imminent invasion of Ukraine

Energy crisis, electricity bills soaring.

Gas prices (petrol prices) soaring.

(Also natural gas prices soaring due to EU/Germany not buying Russian gas in Nordstream2 sending electricity bills high)

dysfunction (work, police, medicare etc)

Big corporations spread conflicts.

Big enterprise spread conflicts.

Health, organization, productivity, goal orientation, development all threaten the global dictatorship. They are therefore counteracted. [dysfunctional]


Technological development and entrepreneurism are counteracted.

Top gymnast Simone Biles is probably influenced to not perform during the 2020 Olympics. She claims to suffer from an experienced lack of coordination!

Taking pride in work is discouraged. (How much pride can an Internet troll feel in his or her work?)

Many things that work poorly in society are meant to work poorly in order to make us doubt our own country. Long medicare waiting lists are sometimes attributed to clinics fearing staff cuts but it is not correct. The true reason is that we must learn to hate our own country. Calling police in non-emergency can mean 30 min wait.

A businessman wants to place a high capacity cable from France to UK. It would help UK in the current energy crisis. But the UK government disapproves! Even though not longer in the EU, global I fluency is so strong that energy improvements are not allowed. Rolls-Royce small nuclesr reactors (SNR) seem to be a false lead to appease the people and spread false hope.

Europe is broken down. National symbols like flags are demoted, the function of society is declining regarding education, medicare, lawfulness, inreased violonce etc. The same is seen in the US, but the function of society is probably attacked to a lesser degree. Inciedent with Russia over unkraine feb 2022 will lower European stock ineices and f.ex. VW stock whereas Nasdaq sometimes even inreased as did generally poor performer TSLA.

Left proponents disregard dysfunction:

sweintoo: 79684358

Ja, är man en blind vänstermänniska så.. jösses. Långa vårdköer, pisa-resultat som går åt helvete, skjutningar, sexuella övergrepp, rån, korruption och fusk i myndigheter. Brist på folk överallt, dysfunktionell bostadsmarknad. Men just det, du är ju en blattevurmare då förstår att du inte kan kritisera utvecklingen då denna underbara befolkningsökning står för det mesta av problemen.


Artemis can not fill propellant

Trenden: The anti-work movement

wwr: 78525124

De som sköter det hela verkar ha bestämt att vi inte skall jobba mer. Det låter ju logiskt med tanke på att de globala idéerna bara fungerar i ett dysfunktionellt samhälle som vi hatar och inte vill bygga upp.

This year, I stopped being productive. Why is it so hard to come to terms with that?

When overwork is framed as a virtue, finding yourself grinding to a halt has emotional as well as financial consequences


Quitting Your Job Never Looked So Fun

Workers across social media are enjoying the vicarious thrill of chewing out a terrible boss. Some are even doing it.


Even With a Dream Job, You Can Be Antiwork


Kellogg’s is pushing to replace striking workers. A Reddit ‘antiwork’ mob is fighting back.

Driven by anti-capitalist “anger and resentment,” one of the Internet’s biggest “Great Resignation” discussion boards has focused its power into a real-world labor rights campaign.


Antiwork: Unemployment for all, not just the rich!


Tunga instanser har sagt sitt. Bara att stämpla ut!

Biden och Harris föregår med gott exempel. Musk hänger på Twitter.

Självklart är detta bara ett logiskt steg i vänsterns oavbrutna försök att bryta ned samhället så att demokrati förhindras. BLM, AFA etc, eller hur?

Men kommer detta att slå?

Kan vänsterns sk-tpress få oss att sluta jobba?

Kommer vi att gilla det?

Vad händer med samhället om trenden håller i sig?



wwr: 78528623

Einzelgaenger: 78528530

Du kommer tyvärr bli livegen. Tro inget annat, du måste konsumera för att överleva. Och om någon annan står för den produktionen av det du konsumerar så är du livegen. En slav. Det har alltså motsatt effekt och du kommer inte få någon frihet.

Frihet kommer ifrån att man är autonom. Att jobba och producera är en förutsättning för frihet.


Bra insikt du gör där. Kanske en variant på det som sägs inleda vissa läroböcker i företagsekonomi – “There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch.” Wiki


Einzelgaenger: 78529114

Och när dina barnbarn vaknar upp till en värld där de inte äger något och enbart några få familjer äger allt i världen, så är det bra om de kommer ihåg att det hände för att deras syltrygg till farfar tillät detta att ske genom att vara för lat för att jobba 🙂


%%%%% work

Control is widely spread and an efficient worker trying to improve a deparment’s function can be counteracted in many ways. The workers reaction is naturally to try to improve him/her-self and the department’s function even more. However, since the system is regressing, the more efficinecy a worker produces, the more he/she will be counteracted! A negative spiral will easily be created when workers try to improve but the system promotes inefficiency.

leaders must fall

leaders must fall in order not to threaten the global dictatorship

short pull-date


society’s regression towards the Stone Age

Society’s regression to the Stone Age (Northvolt, NASA …)


energy depletion

parachuting more and more dangerous: high capacity main canopies, reserve behind your back, canopy release system/reserve/main independent

control of money flow, impoverishment of nations, corruption

EU collects money for “cohesion” (some say corruption). Developmental assistance work similarly.


Rich countries become impoverished and can be controlled. Poor countries can be bribed with the grants.

Large corporations can overcharge due to monopoly and mutual support. Corona lockdown killed smaller businesses. Privatization increase price levels.

Energy crisis and increased price levels make the population controllable. The problems are vaguely blamed on “inflation”.

impoverishment of the people

In a global system taxes must be high in order to keep the people weakk and dependent. Other mechanisms are used to transfer wealth from people to large corporations, like the “energy crisis” which was only a price hike, in Europe being the effect of EU “pay as clear” auction rules and oligopolies in the energy market.


short selling

financial role models are short sellers like Soros, not investors like Buffet.


self-destructive behavior

Trump – Did not accept Biden win, did not condemn Capitol Riots

Scholz – Does not buy Russian gas (US order)

Putin – invaded Ukraine

Sweden – mass immigration of nationalities difficult to integrate


honesty, productivity, cooperation, helpfulness

The system will create a divide between on one side people that are honest, productive, helpful, non-discriminating and on the other side, those that are not and wish to partake in the spread of conflicts and bitterness.


honesty, productivity, cooperation, helpfulness

These properties are still important in smaller units so the global dicatorship try to increase the size of the units and induce conflicts between groups. Internet trolls try to spread bitterness.

This is how the world was built and these properties will hopefully outlast the efforts of the global dictatorship to eradicate them.

creating lazy bums, slacking off, no work trend

Trenden: The anti-work movement

wwr: 78525124

De som sköter det hela verkar ha bestämt att vi inte skall jobba mer. Det låter ju logiskt med tanke på att de globala idéerna bara fungerar i ett dysfunktionellt samhälle som vi hatar och inte vill bygga upp.

This year, I stopped being productive. Why is it so hard to come to terms with that?

When overwork is framed as a virtue, finding yourself grinding to a halt has emotional as well as financial consequences


Quitting Your Job Never Looked So Fun

Workers across social media are enjoying the vicarious thrill of chewing out a terrible boss. Some are even doing it.


Even With a Dream Job, You Can Be Antiwork


Kellogg’s is pushing to replace striking workers. A Reddit ‘antiwork’ mob is fighting back.

Driven by anti-capitalist “anger and resentment,” one of the Internet’s biggest “Great Resignation” discussion boards has focused its power into a real-world labor rights campaign.


Antiwork: Unemployment for all, not just the rich!


Tunga instanser har sagt sitt. Bara att stämpla ut!

Biden och Harris föregår med gott exempel. Musk hänger på Twitter.

Självklart är detta bara ett logiskt steg i vänsterns oavbrutna försök att bryta ned samhället så att demokrati förhindras. BLM, AFA etc, eller hur?

Men kommer detta att slå?

Kan vänsterns sk-tpress få oss att sluta jobba?

Kommer vi att gilla det?

Vad händer med samhället om trenden håller i sig?



wwr: 78530560

Men varför gör då de stora tidningarna (i första inlägget) reklam för denna trend? Varför vill de skapa slöfockar?


Einzelgaenger: 78531411

Av samma anledning de förespråkar alkohol? Porr, knark etc. Det skapar slöfockar. Slöfockar är enkla att kontrollera. Män som producerar och är självständiga är inte enkla att kontrollera.


Dogs, daily delights and ditching Twitter: could a ‘fun-tervention’ improve my life – in just one month?


wwr: 81145722

TangPing är kanske västerländsk infiltration av Kina?



Decadence is exported to the West from f.ex. China. Eastern coutries protect their populations. Decadence is even exported from the US West Coast to Europe to break Europe. See: US attack on Europe


stone_sleeper: 82339472

“It’s almost like [Chinese company Bytedance] recognize that technology’s influencing kids’ development, and they make their domestic version a spinach TikTok, while they ship the opium version to the rest of the world,” says Tristan Harris.


Amerikanska tv-programmet 60 Minutes om TikTok i Kina vs TikTok i väst. Algoritmer i Kina föredrar vetenskapliga videos medan västerländska användare översvämmas med dekadens och demoraliserande trender. Ungdomar i Kina drömmer om att bli astronauter medan västerländska vill bli influencers.

Men man kan inte klandra Kina för allt, det här fanns innan TikTok. Det är bara att slå på TV:n.

Man vill framställa det som om Kina manipulerar algoritmer i väst och fördärvar västerländska ungdomar, men det är knappast vad det handlar om. Det är snarare så att kinesiska staten/Bytedance manipulerar kinesiska algoritmer och skyddar sin befolkning från dekadenta västerländska trender.


no heros

Heros and role models are not allowed to form. The networks can only prevail in chaos. See: leaders must fall.


wwr: 81967123

Greta har verkligen rasat som aktivist. Bilderna i Elle, demos har sjunkit från en halv miljon deltagare till runt 10, förlusten med gruvan, lite märkliga slagord om dinosaurier etc. (Däremot verkar det gå bättre för henne med det mesta annat, som hälsan, det sociala, plugget etc )

När massmedia öser hysteriskt runt de globala hjältarna är det svårt att tro att de någonsin kommer att tas ned. Men så verkar obönhörligt ske. Biden kommer inte ihåg någonting längre. Kamala Harris blandade ihop Nord- och Syd-korea. Trump beordrade (kanske) attack av den amerikanska kongressen. Putin invaderade ett grannland. Den populäre Boris Johnson. Puigdemont blir väl åtalad. Assange sitter isolerad. Musk räknas som ryssvän när han förespråkade folkomröstning i de ockuperade områdena och kom i krig med både Zelensky och en Ukrainaambassadör som skrev F/O till Musk. Zelensky kommer också att falla, hur otroligt det än verkar nu. (Om inte förr så när han underställs EU.) Det får inte finnas hjältar, bara kaos. (Möjligen EU:s bunkergäng, Merkel, Macron, Leyen får ingen röra. Det visar vart vi är på väg.)


destabilization and chaos (1)

Chaos will impede unity and thereby democratic demands. Inconsistent rules create conflict. Logical builders of society will be demoted. When there are no written rules, leaders can not be held responsible and rules can be applied according to group affiliation, not according to facts.


Chaos will hide the true actions. The multitude of fake news like climate, Covid, Estonia (2020 Sweden) will cover up global dictatorship take over (like the EU)

The world’s two richest men cashes in on more taxpayers’ money as US lunar landing project falls into disarray.

Some aspects of destabilization are not necessarily catastrophical. If a person once uses dope at a party, plays rock and roll music, questions his/her parents, it will not make society go under. But chaos is a prerequisite for undemocratic, unelected networks, including the press, to keep control and keep elected politicians from executing the will of the people.

News media writes anything. Maybe just to make us give up committing ourselves to what they write about. Biden wall. ref

authority, breaking down

While authority remained in Sweden, newspapers encouraged people to criticise it. Now that authority is moving to the global networks, newspapers slant articles against people that criticize those in power.


It all switched. As long as authority was national we were taught to attack it (1960’s). Now that authority is supra-national/EU/global people who criticize it are regarded as idiots in the newspapers or given diagnoses as Asperger like f.ex system critics Julian Assange or Greta Thunberg.

Swedish government is still a target for criticism but in general newspapers convey an image of how meaningless it is to criticise enterprise and local authorities.


Many of the processes used by globalists to create chaos and undercut democracy are ways of destabilizing society.%

To achieve a dysfunctional society, the news and other networks try to destabilize it in many ways, as described in this blog. Promoting diagnoses/mental illness and drug prescription, like amphetamine is one. Disrespecting education is another. Conflicts between groups of people are created through feminism and mass immigration.

Much of what is described in this text, like conflicts, drug abuse and more can be labeled destabilization or chaos.

global leaders are often short lived

wwr: 78854858

Finns det någon som gillar Zelensky?

(Volodomyr Zelensky, Ukraine)

From peacemaker to warmonger: Tragic downfall of Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky

The president of Ukraine came to power calling for peace, but continued his predecessor’s militaristic policies


Hans mor kanske?

(och kanske Macron och Stoltenberg)

Kort datum på många globala hjältar. Biden, Musk, Greta …


turning hierarchies, the dictatorship of the proletariat

One way of destabilizing society is to turn hierarchies upside down. Put competent people at the bottom. When Kublai Khan was emperor of China, intellectuals were given a very low rank in society.

This corresponds to the dictatorship of the proletariat under socialist systems.%

The white men are now put at the bottom of society in Western societies.


Reorganization without the neeed to do so can be used to create chaos and control leadership of organizations.


no fixed rules, vague rules or personal decisions

To make us used with dictatorship, rules are replaced by personal decisions. Like China.


Astronauts are no longer defined by where they traveled but by personally influenced decisions.


wwr: 76657437

Samma dag som Bezos flög så ändrade amerikanska myndigheter reglerna för vem som får kalla sig astronaut (“får sina vingar”). Ändringen har inte med flyghöjden att göra utan med någon slags utvärdering av deras prestation.

Typiskt globalt medietrams. Nu kommer detta bara att tjafsas fram och tillbaka om. Jag skulle tro att miljardärturisterna i framtiden kommer att tilldelas någon liten symbolisk uppgift för att få utmärkelsen. De får väl betala extra för att testa något litet handtag eller spänne i selen eller liknande, gissar jag.

Men det verkar ännu inte fastslaget att ens Branson eller Bezos får utmärkelsen.


Musk sitter ju kvar på marken och fegar. Det skulle inte förvåna mig om förändringen kan ha utlösts av att de andra miljardärerna skulle få utmärkelsen vilket vore ett jack i Musks helgongloria. Men så mycket pengar som Branson och Bezos öst in i detta så lär de nog kunna påvisa att något gått till att utveckla rymdsäkerheten. De kan nog anses ha köpt utmärkelsen. Vi får se.

Edit igen

Det skall också vara aktiviteter under flygningen. Så Branson och Bezos investeringar räknas inte. Kanske inte heller de som designat säkerhetssystem. Det hela blir säkert bara tjafs.


wwr: 76660899

Helt onödigt att ändra anser jag. Dessutom verkar ändringen vara retroaktiv så kanske Branson och Bezos inte erhåller utmärkelsen.

Hur skall man dessutom värdera prestationen?

På 80 km höjd håller man på med helt andra saker än flygning. Blackbird har höjdrekordet för flyg på 26 km. Tvåa kommer faktiskt ett segelflygplan som flugit högre än U2.

Typiskt globaltjafs för att skapa konflikt och kanske även för att gynna Musk.


wwr: 76663771

Regeländringen från amerikanska myndigheter är bara trams. Nu måste den flygande under flygningen ha bidragit till säkerhet i rymden eller för allmänheten för att få kallas astronaut.

Det kan betyda att utbildade astronauter med lång tid i rymden inte får kalla sig astronauter om deras arbete i rymden inte var inriktat mot säkerhet.

Sedan finns det givetvis diffusa undantag som kan beviljas genom personliga bedömningar.


skiers are aSked to promise not to use some tuypes of ski wax, but no tests exist to see if they comply


Ahmed945: 78782481

Calle uttalande om flourvalla får en att undra om han dopar sig också. Tycker han närmast försäger sig.


wwr: 78783737

Det är väl EU som har hjärnsläpp som vanligt. Införa regler som inte går att kontrollera! Då bäddar man för tjafs, vilket EU älskar. Då kan de anklaga nordbor för fusk. Tidningarna hjälper till.

EU:s livsnerv: Suddiga regler. Se bara elmarknaden och de priser vi fått.



A$AP Rocky (ASAP Rocky), Drake.


When news is low and school is out in the summer, US artists seem to come to Sweden and spread chaos. The artists are allegedly world famous but it seems even many young people don’t konw them.

July 2019: A$AP Rocky (Rakim Mayers) gets into a fight with Afghan Mustafa Jafari. Even president Trump weighs in to support Rocky.

July 2022: Drake (Aubrey Drake Graham) is arrested for drug related crime.

Expressen rapporterar att artisten Drake greps på en fest på Berns och fick följa med till Norrmalmspolisstation då artisten var misstänkt för narkotikabrott. Drake vägrade lämna blodprov och blev inte tvingad till att göra det. Är inte rutinen att polisen genom våld tar ett blodprov på en misstänkt i en sådan här situation? (Fb)

Young people seem to be taught that “cool” artists from the US come here and assault immigrants and take drugs. Drake did not have to leave a blood sample, for seemingly unknown reasons. Swedish police is unable to deal with the situation, seems to be the message. (Swedish police are said to be “dialogue police”, talking instead of taking action.)

wealth, money

The global networks are in very strong financial control. After buying newspapers and politicians (f.ex by board posts) they can just continue transferring taxpayers money to big enterprise they control. F.ex 2020 EU took €750 bn of taxpayers money and spread without accounting.


Countries and EU do not have any more money to give to high finance. Countries are already in debt to high finance and in 2020 also EU got a souvereign debt, which of course falls back on countries and individuals. We had no more money to give to high finance so we borrow from them and give back to them through corps they control.

Billionaire Soros even criticizes Sweden for wanting not to break EU rules and demand that borrowed funds are lent to recipient countries, not donated. But Sweden is already in debt to Soros and his partners. Therefore, in this blogs opinion, Soros and high finance could have footed the bill.

Due to massive financial overpower high finance have been able to totally control the lives of others by putting them in debt. This is another important fact, a cording to this blog. Democracy has changed into plutocracy. Super rich bpeople have the right to a very good life for themselves and their families, but their wealth does not give them the right to control society and the lives of others, according to the opinion of this blog.

These are opinions, but a fact is that media, trolls etc stress wealth. Even some politicians describe anti global people as failed. Hillary Clinton, f.ex said Trump supporters belonged in the “basket of deplorables”. Making people obsessed with money is an important control mechanism of the global dictatorship.

stock market; volatility, local market promotion

Stock prices are more and more controlled by Internet actors like Reddit/Wall Street Bets or Elon Musk promoting seemingly random stock. The often falsely high evaluation contributes to instability and sets up opportunities for hedge funds and short sellers. Gamestop, Robinhood. Tesla.


wwr: 81404138

2022 08 26: Helt omöjligt att förutsäga denna börs. De som har position att styra den skapar medvetet instabilitet och kaos genom oförutsägbara uttalanden. FED gapar plötsligt ut att de kommer att bekämpa inflationen och Nasdaq trillar 3%. Kaosgänget har infiltrerat alla nivåer.

Wall Street sell-off accelerates, Dow slides 600 points after Powell speech

De som vet vad Powell kommer att säga (eller dikterar det för honom) cashar in.

Först släpper de börsen lös med noll-räntor och sedan skriker de ibland rätt ut att de skall bekämpa inflationen. De försöker manipulera sin omgivning precis om en barnunge jag såg i affär’n idag.


Swedish stock market commentators promote Swedish stock by discussing them in favor of e.g. US stock that would be better investments in times of depreciation of the Swedish krona (SEK)

Swedish brokers sometimes give good deals on funds investing in Swedish stock

The sum of this is that some, less experienced, Swedish investors lose money by keeping it in Sweden when they serve global interests by aiding the Swedish market not to collapse entirely under international pressure.

impoverishing the people

financial advice are generally poor or inverted, aimed to make the recipients poor, in order to make them dependent on corporations and forcing them to borrow

Robinhood encouraged young, inexperienced people to take risks in the stock market without sufficient background knowledge while the real profits in a market that has been falling for a period of time are made by short sellers


Gamestop was part of the hype, short sellers (“Wall Street”) were spoken depreciatorily about while they in fact were the ones winning in the end

Musk was part of the gamestop hype, also by promoting cryptocurrencies that have had technical difficulties all along (energy consumption, Ether crash …)

Tesla CEO Elon Musk seemed to rally behind GameStop’s epic surge, tweeting out a link to the Reddit board that’s largely hyped the stock.


Musk making fun of short sellers, sending them short mpants. But now (November 2022) Tesla stock has fallen considerably.

Financial advice during the stock fall of spring 2022 were generally “hold”, not to sell, which more and more people gradually realized by themselves. General people “in the know” (working in the finance sector etc) long time said them, theemselves, did not dare invest in stock even though stor rose tremendously for several years during the zero interest ecpoch

nazism, national socialism and international socialism are different

nazism, national socialism and international socialism are different


international socialism

smearing national socialism, labor unions and emperors during world war II

The unlikely event of Germany, Japan and Italy teaming up in a world war seems to be a smear campaign against their political systems:

Germany/national socialist, Japan/emperor run, Italy/trade unions strong

All three factors (emperor replaced by president) are ways of the people to control the big corporations.


Swedish construction workers labor union wearing pussy hats to smear themselves [ labor unions ]

Germany/national socialist, Japan/emperor run, Italy/trade unions strong.

During the 1930s, Mussolini organized industry, agriculture, and economic services into state-controlled labor unions and employer associations called “corporations.” Government officials appointed the heads of each union and employer corporation. They negotiated wages and working conditions with each other.


“Kim at the department of immigration wants to help you … but he has no time. We surveil the government employers.” – Union ad criticizes *government* employers, not private. Also: more migration is advocated. [ labor unions ]
“Kim at the department of immigration wants to help you … but he has no time. We surveil the government employers.” – Union ad criticizes *government* employers, not private. Also: more migration is advocated. [ labor unions ]
falsely connecting nationalism to Russia

The agenda tries to connect nationalism to Russia. This is all wrong. Protecting you own interests mean opposing take over from any of the superpowers. Posters that oppose US take over of Europe are falsely called “Russian trolls”. Opåposition to US take over does not imply support of Russia.


The activists paid by global US/EU interests try to falsely label nationalists as Russia supporters. They shout “bad Russia” and insist on bringing cases to the ICC. That can be relevant, but ICC is a kangaroo court that is not allowed to sentence American citizens. All its 30 cases have been africans.

Activists who truly defend their country insist that Russia should pay the damages for the war. But the EU-supporters will gladly see the EU collect more money to rebuild Ukraine into something the EU can control at the same time controlling European countries through money collection and spending on EU friendly businesses. Global activists falsely attack Russia and try to isolate it to create war. Isolation and cold war will only strengthen both super powers and make smaller nations depending on super power support.

location of control


Vanguard, BlackRock, UBS, JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs

Larry Fink ref


(Fink: Kappa Beta Phi, GWBush: Skull and Bones, Bilderberg, WEF) (Phi Beta Kappa – arts, Trilateral Commission)

The World’s Top Asset Management Firms ref

complicated cross-ownership, BlackRock and Vanguard seem to have common ownership


Assets Under Management (AUM) US$b

1. BlackRock, US, 9,464

2. Vanguard Group, US, 8,400

3. UBS Group, Switzerland, 4,432

4. Fidelity Investments, US, 4,230

5. State Street Global Advisors, US, 3,860

6. Morgan Stanley, US. 3,274

7. JPMorgan Chase, US, 2,996

8. Allianz Group, Germany, 2,953

9. Capital Group, US, 2,600

10. Goldman Sachs, US, 2,372

MyJustice: 79050814

Vanguard äger i princip Blackrock .. så allt ägs utav ett bolag ..


multi nationals

control, asset managers


See also divide and conquer, no competition, comflicts between groups

control, asset managers; links
asset managers Vanguard, BlackRock, location of control
multi nationals
WEF, World Economic Forum

no competition

multi nationals

Breaking borders is essential for the multi nationals’ take over


holmium: 79050800

Starka nationalstater och nationalisering av alla tillgångar som globala företag har i nationalstaterna i Världen är det enda som kan råda bot på dessa missförhållanden.

Men så länge politiker i väst arbetar för utländska och globala herrar istället för sina länder och folk så kommer inte detta att hända.

Vanguard och liknade globala konstellationer hatar och motverkar starka och självständiga nationalstater för det är det enda som kan hota deras globala hegemoni och maktmissbruk.


Vanguard, JPMorgan, BlackRock and Morgan Stanley,

10 Largest Investment Management Companies ref

Investment banks

high finance

The Charles Schwab Corporation

… is the second largest asset manager in the world, behind BlackRock.


Vad jag kan se är Charles och Klaus inte släkt. Men det kan också vara gömt.

MyJustice: 79050814

Vanguard äger i princip Blackrock ..

så allt ägs utav ett bolag ..

kolla så får du se



multi nationals

control, asset managers


See also divide and conquer, no competition, comflicts between groups

control, asset managers; links
asset managers Vanguard, BlackRock, location of control
multi nationals
WEF, World Economic Forum

no competition

methods used to kill small enterprise and support multi national/EU take over:

buy startups

Corona lockdown

energy price hike

World Economic Forum (WEF), Klaus Schwab

WEF whitewashes the destructiveness of the global system into a utopia. But there is nothing beyond the conflicts and destruction of the present global dictatorship. WEF also acts like a decoy. Trolls make extreme claims that top politicians are members of WEF and controlled by the organization (in a way similar to Bilderberg). But these claims are easily refuted by other trolls, since the claims are not true. Top politicians all act after the same global agenda, this can be seen from their actions, but the physical network controlling them is unknown. In this way the trolls try to make claims about a global agenda seem unsubstantiated. The global agenda is true but it is not carried out through the WEF.


In order to whitewash the destruction of the global system, WEF presents the New World Order as a utopian society where everybody are friends under a common leadership.

WEF seems to somewhat have replaced the Bilderberg group in the public eye.

Cp Trilateral Commission

The meetings in themselves verify the existence of a global elite. Schwabs friends include Xi, Trump, Merkel, von der Leyen, Lagarde, Santos (president Colombia) etc. Klaus Schwab is naturally part of the global elite.

There is information that Klaus Schwab is related to the founder of Charles Schwab Corp., one of the seven largest banking institutions in the US and that he is related to the Rothschild family. This information is disputed, however.


multi nationals

control, asset managers


Wef only tried to embellish, put lipstick on a pig with globalization which means war

Wef completely failed:


wwr: 79582243

Psykonaut-: 79582047

Laddade ner Covid-19: The Great Reset igen, bara för att se hur inaktuell den blev sedan Putin flippade ut. Klaus kan inte vara en guru i ett postputin age of aquarius.


Det var du rätt i. Jag har länge uppfattat att Schwabben försöker försköna mycket hårdare förändringar. Går det mot diktatur via krig? Har det skett tidigare (ryska revolutionen, Maos gerillakrig, kanske USA:s “enande”)? Nu handlar mycket om Europa.

Huruvida Klaus är släkt med Charles Schwab Corporation verkar det finnas olika bud om. Det finns även uppgifter om att han har Rotschilds ingift i släkten.

Charles Schwab Corporation

It is the 7th largest banking institution in the United States with over US$ 8.5 trillion in client assets


Men hans umgängeskrets visar att han tillhör eliten.


Agent-000: 79583880


WEF:s alternativa idéer döda?


wwr: 79584006

Ja, Klasse gissar sämre än vi på Flashback!

Xi också med sina tal vid WEF om globalt samförstånd och hur kineser gillar att sitta i den stora båten.

Nu bombar globalisterna igen. Allt är som förr, bomberna faller bara närmare oss 😀


control, asset managers; links
asset managers Vanguard, BlackRock, location of control
multi nationals
WEF, World Economic Forum

no competition

Agenda 2030

UN Agenda 2030, signed by most countries contains vague goals that can be used to pressurize countries to follow a common path. Similar to WEF it an also be used by trolls to claim a world government exists. But the Agenda in itself is not enough to prove this and claims of a world government will seem exaggerated even though the actions of politicians are synchronized. Agenda 2030 partly seems to define some goals of the global dicatorship, but in the harsh parctical way it is carried out.


The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was launched by a UN Summit in New York on 25-27 September 2015 and is aimed at ending poverty in all its forms. The UN 2030 Agenda envisages “a world of universal respect for human rights and human dignity, the rule of law, justice, equality and non-discrimination”.

At the heart of the 2030 Agenda are five critical dimensions: people, prosperity, planet, partnership and peace, also known as the 5Ps.

coe, Council of Europe

accepting the unreasonable

Elon Musk now [2021] claims SpaceX will land manned spacecraft on Mars 2026. But the Starship that are tested explodes almost completely, more often than not. It seems completely impossible to land manned spacecraft on Mars before 2026.

Caster Semenya is a man claiming to be a woman. He even does not dress like a woman on many occasions. News media do not question the unreasonable situation where he competes against women in top level running.

Ukraine elects comedian Volodymyr Zelensky as president.

News medias efforts to normalize completely unreasonable situations make logical reason lose ground in society. Instead of logical reasoning we are encouraged to think of which group we belong to and decide on what others think.

Caster Semenya wins the 800 metres World Championships finals, Berlin, 2009

However these illogical claims are promoted in news media. This is a way to destabilize society. Logical reasoning is depreciated. People get used to hearing things that are unresonable.

a constant flow of orders

Making citizens obey a constant flow of orders serves the same purpose. Air line hijackings have almost stopped and not letting passengers bring drink through security is not needed but still enforced. Wearing face mask in many situations, long after the Covid influenza is not motivated. Constantly making people obey illogical commands makes them stop reasoning.

counteract mental focusing and the ability to concentrate


concentration is a disease (Asperger)



wwr: 77683734

Där rök en jurymedlem till. Denna gång för att hon spelat sudoku under vittnesmålen. Hon hänvisade naturligtvis till att hon är “fidgety” och alltid virkar när hon tittar på TV. (Regnbågsfärgade fidgety-toys säljs allt mer som alla säkert noterat. Alla försök att koncentrera sig skall utplånas.) Tidigare sparkades två för dålig ekonomi resp en Buddhist som enligt sin religion inte kunde delta i att utdela fängelsedomar!

Det finns två avbytare kvar och man kan visst gå ner på 11 personer i nödläge, sedan blir det “mistrial”.


society won’t protect you, any problem is your fault

Among other countries Sweden before the 80’s, 90’s protected individuals very well. But now globalization is increasing the distance between authorities and population. Conflict is introduced into the society.


If a problem occurs it will now automatically be blamed on the individual to protect authorities och corporations. Several cases were presented in foras where very skilled con artists, using phone calls and advanced technical equipment managed to fraud people out of large sums of money. In one case the fraudster even had managed to enter a text massage conversation with the bank and made the victim call the fraudster. In the foras, trolls blamed the individuals. But the individuals had not broken bank rules. The fraudsters were very skilled and the victims had identified themselves to the fraudster through the standard computerized bank id system. The bank could not even tell to whom they had sent the illegitimately obtained money!

But in foras trolls blamed the victims in a section where victims of similar cases were labelled “idiots”. (Final result from courts were never obatined in the new paper articles.)

So we are taught never to question the bank, corporations or the system but take the blame on ourselves. The agenda also tries to give people bad self confidence for the problems that occurred. Maybe some people even hesitate to bring up problems since they may be labelled idiots for being victim to fraud!

Another thing these articles teach is not to answer the phone and isolate yourself even more.

centralization, hierarchy, hierarchical structure

In order for a global dictatorship to carry out control, command chain is hierarchical and power is centralized.


France is promoted within the EU. France can build nuclear power and let state regulate energy. Sweden is deregulated and is not building nuclear. Stalin Holodomor can be compared to EU-France energy starving peripherally located countries.

Moscow was strong, space program etc, but countryside weak during USSR.

Communist countries like Vitenam neglect areas outside main cities. Saigon is developed, other areas less so.

Globalization is not global trade between equals. Globalization means dictatorship and centralization. Thie requires a hierarchy. USA is on top. Russia and France are below this, other large Western European countries come somewhat below this level and in Europe, peripheral countries like Sweden have a very low rank, even though Sweden had a high development before the EU.

France is promoted also in the US, e.g. through movies: -1- Real Girlfriends in Paris (women seeking love would not be an accepted theme in Sweden), -2- Emily in Paris

Swedish forestry is attacked by the EU. Sweden must export electricity to Germany according to EU rules.

France is allowed to nationalize electricity production and build nuclear reactors. Swedish electricity is national but not controlled by the state. Swedish politicians are not allowed to propose new nuclear reactors (2022).

Sweden – forestry attacked by EU on climate grounds!, energy to Germany, pay for euro (so called Corona funds), export energy to Germany

Italy, Spain: keep euro low for German exports

Greece: killed by euro and loans, bought by Germany

city life, centralization

It seems people are moved away from the countryside and smaller communities to larger cities. This is done to split up the sense of unity among inhabitants of a smaller community. In “smart” cities the people will also more easily be exposed to mass surveillance.


Suddenly electricity prices unexpectedly rose severalfold in cold, dark northern Sweden, highly dependent on electricity.

Spreading hatred and aggression

Creating hatred is central to globalization. Globalists start conflicts with other people and incite hatred towards third parties (like muslims, Greta Thunberg, activists etc).%

1. general

* non-useful customer support, airline check-in etc

* the 100 ml x 20 x 20 cm rule at airport security check in

* having to wear face masks even though the influenza season is over since long

2. conflict with the next person

Globalists will attack fellow men in discussions where it is not motivated, just to stop unity among people.%

Globalist actors may start conflict with fellow man for now reason, just to keep hatred flowing. Globalist bosses may promote women and order them to treat men harshly to keep gender conflicts going.

3. promoting an impossible agenda

News media often promote an illogical agenda impossible to carry out. Climate action is promoted but EU only sets up goals and invests €30 bn in fossils infrastructure. This creates anger in the population. Since the population since long has been cut off from political influence, this anger will only add to people’s frustration. A generally increased level of aggression among people reduces the possibilities of joint action.


Ex: Greta

wwr: 73634021

Ibland är hon ung forskare, ibland holistisk shaman, ibland jammar hon med Queen. Hon sitter i Corona-panel i CNN. Hon undervisar världens ledare i miljöfrågor. Hom hoppar in som chefredaktör på en av Sveriges största tidningar. Tidningarna betraktar hennes ord som absolut sanning. 17-åringens bakgrund för att skaffa sig denna erfarenhet var att ligga hemma och gråta.

Ingen tror väl på detta. Det handlar om att pressa ut en omöjlig agenda för att skapa konflikt i befolkningen.

Jag tror hon är en skådespelerska som är ganska duktig i skolan där hon borde vara på heltid, eller med hennes egna ord

This is all wrong. I shouldn’t be up here. I should be back in school

Hon påminner en del om detta Twitterkonto som skojar med Elon Musk

beta2-agonist drugs

Norwegian skiers use more asthma medicines. They claim it cures asthma. But it would be ridiculous if so many top level skiers had pulmonary disease. A conflict is created when others must argue that the improvement in capacity is doping and not curing a disease. It is trolling to claim the top level skiers are sick. This conflict is an effort by globalists to split up the Nordic countries.

holistic agenda

Media mostly promotes a unified holistic agenda. It is used to create conflict with scientific results.


4. aggression against unknown (often famous people/objects/events etc)

Globalists spread hatred towards many objects, even those they have designed themselves. Globalists spread hatred towards Greta Thunberg. This can make others hate her (and also make it possible to claim she is hated).%

Hatred towards fellow people disrupts unity and political demands in society. Hatred towards our home country and its politicians simplifies taking over it. Creating self hatred makes people believe they are the problem and not society.

Greta Thunberg’s backers try to create an image that she is hated. If that is really the case it is probably not to an extensive degree. Some criticize the agenda her backers make her promote, but her person is left out of serious criticism. Some actors attacking her personality, like “rebel news” and “anti-Greta” Naomi Seibt are probably employed by media to engance this image.

Hatred “against Greta” is not widely seen, but is sought by the media. For example by letting major newspaper The Guardian share an award in Greta’s name. The award hopes that ‘bitter, old, white men will be driven apoplectic and pass on’.

Major daily The Guardian wishes old, white men to die. [ ]
Major daily The Guardian wishes old, white men to die. [ ]
In this video, retweeted by Greta, a man ‘gets irrationally angry at a child’.

Caster Semenya is a transsexual, biological man, wishing to compete in athletics as a woman. But to provoke hatred, Semenya acts like a man. News media support Semenya.

Caster Semenya (rt)
Caster Semenya (rt) wants to be accepted as a woman but acts like a man

Small, false flag, Swedish political party “Alternativ för Sverige” creates condlict with immigrants. If people ask supporters about the party the supporters do not try to defend party ideas or win others over to party membership. Instead anyone thinking different is attacked in person.

AfS attacks people that ask about the party, create conflicts with Muslims and supporters talk about street fighting. One prominent person among supporters grabbed a poster violently from a girl demonstrating against the party. People supporting integration are sometimes derogatoryily labrled “cuckd”.

Many people seem trained to promote aggression. In shopping centers you see people promoting hatred towards immigrants. Psychiatrists talk about releasing aggression. Psychologists about bitterness.

In a foreign country visa office with many western foreigners, some foreigners seem to take part in a game provoking new foreigners. In forums for foreigners some posters try to make others question the police, which is impossible in that country. Seemingly ordinary people will encourage aggression and envy. Networks go deep.

One way of promoting hatred is to try to create envy, for example against the rich. In the Norwegian Hagen (“Lörenskog”) kidnapping case news media promotes a picture of the rich, white man as untouchable by law.

Network actors often try to provoke anger in their opponents. This can be done through unfair treatment. If anger fails they sometimes erroneously try to claim that those who criticize the system are bitter!

creating hatred against onself

creating hatred against onself


Sejfu: 77600721

Poeten Jimmy Alm har blivit anställd av Tranemo kommun för att en gång i veckan skalda om kommunen. Kostnaden på 894 000 betalas av – skattebetalarna!

Enligt ansvariga chefen Juan Ochoa – Echevarria ska konstnären Jimmy Alm få arbeta fritt och utan styrning. En dikt i veckan i ett års tid ger en kostnad på nästan 20 000 kr/dikt.

Inom ramen för samma statliga projekt finns Kulturbryggan, där konstnärer får flera miljoner kronor för att skapa konst för naturens minsta invånare; fåglar, maskar och skalbaggar.



– Är det rimligt att lägga skattepengar på dikter för nästan 20 000 kr/st?

– Vad hade man hellre kunnat prioritera i Tranemo?

– Är det rimligt att lägga flera miljoner kronor på konst för skalbaggar och fåglar?


wwr: 77629723

Vilket poem! Inte illa.

Det är ren trolling. Man fortsätter spräcka upp samhället. Denna gång sprider vänsterns dårpoeter hat mot sig själva.

Miljonstöd till konst för mask och svamp

NORDMALING. Skattebetalarna står för notan – 1 030 000 kronor – när statliga Konstnärsnämnden finansierar konstutställningen.

Publiken: fåglar, maskar, skalbaggar – och svampar.

– Det är de som är huvudpersonerna. Vi ser dem som bofasta och oss som migranter, säger konstnären Mats Caldeborg, som befarar att besökarna kommer att ”äta upp varandra”.

– Jag ska inte tycka något om det, säger tidigare kulturministern Alice Bah Kuhnke (MP).



define groups and create conflict

Globalists create conflict by:

Emphasize the differences between people, create groups, connect properties. Make politics of qualities have no relation to politics, like sexual orientation, vegetarianism, influenza …

Connect vegetarianism, gay, climate …

Give only vague facts so that groups will squabble.

complaints and whining, no activity

Russia is allegedly committing war crimes in Ukraine but no cases are borught forward to trial in f.ex ICC.


Russian journalist allegedly disappears after TV protest but so far no demands have been raised from Amnesty or Swedish FM on Russsia to explain what has happened to her.

Russia allegedly destroys values for trillions of dollars in Ukraine but western countries are immediately willing to pay for the damages.

Russia will hold elections in the territories they conquered in Ukraine. West has not demaded to send observers but will probably complain about election fraud, like they did in Crimea.

Media is constantly whining about Trump without results. After 674 days of investigating the Mueller probe closed and aquitted Trump and social media Flashback closed the discussion and referred to other threads in the forum. The Mueller probe was given extensive publicity, after that the Ukraine investigation and now (Nov 2022) a similar probe with a special counsel/prosecutor (Jack Smith) into the Jan 6 Capitol attack (faked, videos show police letting the rioters through without significantly trying to stop them).

attack strong points

Sweden was a more equal country than most. This sense for justice was explointed by the networks to make Swedish people believe they were not equal enough. In Sweden equal opportunities were well implemented. But to pitch women against men the networks introduced e.g. affirmative action. Engineers are set to be 50/50 men/women. The target is not to give men and women equal opportunities to follow a certain career.


An efficient way to spread conflict and hatred is to create inequalities.

1. affirmative action for women [ “kvotering” ]

2. Antidoping

a. Therapeutic Use Exemption, see Björgen, asthma drugs

b. anti Russian handling, since 2016 (today July 2020) Russia has been treated extremely poorly by WA (IAAF), IOC, WADA etc

Democratic system broken down; signs of NWO

[evidence of NWO]

Democracy has been broken and politicians are no longer controlled by the people. Politicians act in unison. There are no agreements or meetings that could make world politicians act like one. A common power controlling them must therefore exist.


The left will create chaos, instigate mass immigration which leads to conflicts

The right will privatize and oppose integration of immigrants.

The green in Europe will support green dictatorship/EU and oppose oil and nuclear energy to weaken European countries so they will not have the strength to become independent from the EU.

Obvious signs the system is broken are

* Politicians change but not policy. Elections do not change policy. The network and news media are in control. We do not elect our leaders, we do not even know who they are. For example, the politicians parties send to the EU-commission only act as fronts for technocrats. EU policy is never debated, never changes.

Biden continues Trump policies.

Sweden elections

2014: Decemberöverenskommelsen: Rt parties let through Lt parties budget to disable naitonalists.

2018: Rt “Alliance” split up after elections and L+C went from rt to support lt.

2022: Rt leader of M, Kristersson did rallys together with L leader and exhorted voters to support L so it didnt fall outside 4% limit for parliament. After that Kristersson incorporated L into government and 4% L kicked 20% nationalist SD out of government. Pollicies were unchanged compared to previous socialist government.

Politicians seldom meet the people and are not clearly associated with one constituency

EU is moving decisions away from the people affected by them.

Political parties have few activities for ordinary people and few activities where they get to attract members.

* News media all over the world present the same news with the same evaluation, supporting EU and multinational corporations.. This proves there is a network of medida and big corporations. This media flow controls the politicians. Even state owned media in Russia (RT) and Iran (both considered opposing the West) present the same picture. Iranian state media gave the same image of the unrealistic hi-jacking of a Swedish oil tanker during the US-Iran conflict during Trump regime.

* a. news media have stopped questioning politicians

* b. news media have stopped questioning enterprise

*. Governments worldwide accept the fact that an influenza

* leads to extreme countermeasures, even including bans on meetings, contradictory to the constitution

* is said to continue long after the season for influenza is over

* influenza “problems” disappear almost on the day the war in Ukraine erupts

* Big enterprise do not compete. They don’t care if you choose another big chain. They are even more interested to spread conflict between sales representatives and the public.

* society based on rules, not on political decisions

* By making chaos out of democratic events like Sweden formation of government, execution of Brexit vote result (took >4 years), US election 2020, letting crisis actors carry out capitol riots, render another Swedish government crisis about a minor matter (rents) June 2021 … the networks hope to make people wish for dictatorship.

See voting system

The Swedish politicians fake another government crisis around a small matter, June 2021

Police protection of the polling stations to make a meaningless choice between 8 alternatives that are the same, seem important.

* New CDU leader Armin Laschet has only 12% of Germans behind him. (Söder has 43%)

* Georgian politician Saakashvili is transferred to another country (Ukraine) to likely participate in a similar revolution. (“Revolution of Roses”, “Revolution of Dignity”)

* The few less globalist politicians that appear, at one stage often change their personal actions for the worse. F.ex 1. Trump refusing to admit Bidens win and also not taking a clear stand against the Capitol riots. Ex.2: Lukachenko with a machine gun flying helicopter over Minsk, referring to the citizens as rats. Hijacking the plane with the blogger.

* President Biden is senile and grossly incompetent for the job but no one discusses it openly and the US keeps running business as usual. All proves to be due to shirking responsibility since Dems now control Senate and House. Reps can no longer be used as the fall guy. Biden incompetent

* Bill Gates knew society would respond to Covid virus with disproportionate strength; He held TED-talk on epidemics in 2015, he bought pharma stock early. Long berfore Ukrain food crisis Gates became US largest owner of farm land.

* Sweden will take measures that would not be supported by a majority of the people in a vote, like entering the Iraq war or introducing large mass immigration. The politicians must have received orders from above to undertake these actions.

* Russia invades Ukraine for no good reason and creates a new cold war.

Extremely unexpected by anyone in Ukraine

West countermeasures extremely lame, cutting off Swift, Sweden refuses to play Russia in WC, will at first be admitted into the Eurovision Song Contest, later said will not be, NATO:Turkey/Greece does not close Russian warship access to Ukraine through The Bosporous, some sanctions, EU continues to buy 1/3 of its oil from Russia, Putin and Lavrovs bank accounts blocked. ALl mostly measures that make headlines but with less effect.

Russia would never dare invade US controlled Ukraine without agreement with the US. [-1-, -2-, -3-]

* Russian deserters are not executed by firing squad but they themselves sue the army!

* Russian deserters sue the army. Protests on TV, lean punishment. Clinton supported yeltsin who appointed Putin. Russia is part of the liberal agenda.

* politicians have the same opinions in all important matters, EU, NATO etc. Outlier SD just changes to main stream if needed. Orbán/EU and Erdogan/NATO always gives in in teh end.

* Northvolt Ett, Skellefteå, receives SEK bn from EIB and from Swedish pension funds, also other contributors. Starts production Jan 2022, 600 employees. June 2022 1000 employees. But no production! Press contact blames Swedish immigration laws that are too strict!! No one (news papers, politicians) investigates for fraud. Must be centrally controlled.

Starlink is presented as a world sensation, but no testing in big press. AV’vailable i s. Sweden but no reports. Northvolt gets billions of SEK from Swedish taxpayers but only produces political agenda, no batteries.

* Whatever Musk does is good. Whatever Bezos does in bad. Anything that happens in Texas or Switzerland is bad. Young ethnic girls are always cool, older white men mostly make mistakes. … [ targets ] All is presented according to the same agenda.

* Elections are disabled. After Swedish elections 2022 the largest party of the winning block is left outside government. Tory member-election of party leader is disabled by leaving Rishi Sunak as the only candidate, the orhter two candidates withdrawing. Johnson, the most likely candidate to win had, e.g. obtained the needed 102 memebers for candidateship.

%%%%% signs

Sweden elections 2022: Oct 1 situation the parties form their own government, excluding 20% party SD, small parties are made powerful

If election.result don’t fit the agenda, representatives go rogue.


wwr: 79793339

Ronaldmc: 79790500

Ryssland har ignorerat väst sen dag ett. Hela väst fördömde detta och sanktionerade Ryssland hårt. Men nu verkar det som om dessa saktioner inte var så starka som man trodde. Underskatta man putin helt ?

Cargoes of Russian Sokol crude from the Far East have sold out for next month, and several Chinese firms used local currency to buy Russian coal in March. Gas flows from Russia to Europe have, if anything, increased since the invasion on Feb. 24. None of these are the subject of restrictions”

Bloomberg Economics expects Russia will earn about $320 billion from energy exports this year, up by more than a third from 2021. The ruble has already rebounded to its pre-war price against the dollar.”


Sanktioner mot Ryssland och andra länder har nästan alltid bara varit stora slg i luften. EU lade oljesanktioner mot Ryssland efter 2014 men köper 1/3 av sin olja därifrån etc (jag tror “viss forskningsutrustning” inte får köpas från Ryssland etc). USA köper fortfarande olja av Ryssland Stormakterna (USA, Ryssl., Kina, EU) samarbetar och försöker tafatt dölja det med sanktioner och retorik.

USA vill ju ha kriget naturligtvis, så att vi skräms in i NATO och EU. EU vill ha kriget så de kan svälta oss med energikris etc.

Ryssland är förmodligen den enda stormakt som inte vill ha kriget. men när maffian ger order, vem vågar vägra?


wwr: 79793535

Världens andra militärmakt får däng av den 22:a under ledning av en liten komiker!

Det beror på att vi lever i en digital värld där allt handlar om vad som “sker” i tidningar och sociala media. Krigshetsarna vill suga på denna karamell så länge som möjligt så vi skräms in i NATO och EU.

Man vill också tvinga de få starka länder som fortfarande står upp (men vacklar), de europeiska, till slaveri under de stora blocken, i vårt fall EU. Den energisvält/holodomor som det nya Sovjet/Det Fjärde Riket (EU) nu riktar mot oss måste få tid att långsamt strypa oss till underkastelse.

Ha en trevlig helg!


Drooid: 79793602

Om Putin hade behärskad sig så hade världen fortfarande trott att de var nr.2.

Nu har de ryska väpnade styrkorna visat att de var en värdelös pappersprodukt.

Ska vi vara snälla och ge Ryssland plats 23 i ligan? 😎


Det betyder att allt är dirigerat numera. Tesla är värt 3 gånger så mycket som VW och Toyota tillsammans men säljer bara marginellt fler (dåligt byggda) bilar än Volvo!

Det går inte att analysera situationer logiskt längre. Det enda som alltid gäller är den globala diktaturen. De stora äter de små om man tittar närmare. EU och NATO sväljer nu de små länderna. Rysslands angrepp kommer inte att få allvarliga konsekvenser för landet. Den lille komikern lurade Idiot-Maggan att skicka bössor till hans nassepolare och snart kommer vi svenska vapenlangare att tvingas betala allt vi ställt till med igen.

Allt är vårt fel. Sverige hade för lama Coronarestriktioner och betalade 400 miljarder till EU för det. Vi krigade i Irak och Afghanistan och tvingades sänka Sverige i malströmmen av flyktingar. Våra utsläpp brände jorden i U-länderna (som var bördig tidigare och inte alls öken). Snart får vi betala klimatfonder och ta emot klimatflyktingar. Våra granar släppte ut mest säger Greta. Hon brukar åka till Norrland och demonstrera mot dem samtidigt som hon hjälper samerna i deras rättvisa kamp mot oss.

Det enda sättet att förstå vad som händer är att inse att allt är vårt fel. Vi skulle aldrig ha hetsat Ukraina till detta utdragna lidande.

* Even Russian TV stages a “protest” against the war. ref. Like Iranian news media and north korean sites (run on jp domains) they are west oriented.

* Sweden and Finland joins NATO in a panic during the Ukraine war even though one reason Ukraine was attacked was that the country said it wanted to join NATO. Sweden and Finland have no conflicts with Russia like Ukraine had after Ukraine’s mismangement of Donbas.

The Swedish application is in practice decided by the government. Later formal approval is sought by the parliament. No referendum even though 200 years of neutrality (and peace) will be broken. No discussions about USA behavior in e.g. lies about WMD before the Iraq war.

* The superpowers have carved up Ukraine between themselves, like many times before. The collaboration between the superpowers shows how the NWO can use them for teh same purpose.

* Trump´s politics makes sense until he creates big problem with Iran for no reason. He exits a funcitoning nuclear deal. Putin has long controlled Russia in a good way according to most observers. Putin suddenly invades Ukraine for no good reason. This action will only give Russia problems.

Trump´s and Putin´s actions show they are controlled by others who want them to create conflict at the expense of their own countries.

* Sverigedemokraterna som från början skulle försvara Sveriges intressen har stegvis ändrat sig i en mängd frågor till att omfatta den globala agendan. Främst EU och NATO. (Men även: vinster i välfärden, abort, HBTQ, arbetsmarknadspolitik, skattepolitik, sjukersättningen, skolan.)

* wwr: 79746596

Ryssland rankas militärt 2:a och Ukraina 22:a. Men Ryssland förlorar.

Det bevisar att allt sköts globalt idag, t.ex. krig. Likaså hur USA, vars krigsmakt rankas som #1 i världen kan förlora krig mot Afghanistan

war and stock are globally directed.

Det är precis som Teslas aktie. Den är inte värd något med traditionell analys av fundamenta, de säljer aningen fler bilar än Volvo, men i realiteten är Tesla världens ungefär sjätte största företag (efter Apple, Saudi Oil, Microsoft, Google, Amazon etc) , värt tre gånger så mycket som VW och Toyota tillsammans

Ett mönster man kan se är att Zelensky och Musk kommer från judiska familjer. (den senare bara med 90% sannolikhet, på moderns sida)


* Zelensky “forgot” to get security guarantees during NATO negotiations and Ukraine got wiped. Sweden will be protected ny UK into a “nice” NATO membership

Swedish newspaper SvD reveals Swedens ongoing plans to join NATO. If this was not a global show the disclosure would gravely engdanger Swedens security since Russia just attacked Ukrine because of its plans to join NATO.


* During Ukraine war, EU is promoting sanctions that are camaging Europe but not affecting Russia that can trade with a large part of the world.

* Russia: Strong Jewish interests in Russian revolution. Jewish interests still strong as the oligarchs that appeared after Soviet dissolution. Clinton assisted Yeltin in elections and Yeltsin appoointed Putin.

Jewish participation in Russian revolution. Allegedly less under Stalin but oligarchs that appeared during the 90’s often Jewish. Clinton helping Yeltsin who appointed Putin. (Putin training martial arts with Rotenberg at age 11)

Russia oligarchs

ukraine war:




not Putin’s war

war, motive: break Europe

* China under NWO

There seems to be a hierarchy within the NWO. US is at the top and can attack Europe with f.ex refugees and US is spared regarding climate regulations. Within Europe France is at the top, in practice having much influence over the EU. This pecking order may have been influenced by coordinating a strike against the Nordic countries since they managed (e.g. were small enough) to combine high development, good social systems with democracy.

Electricity flows according to vague EU rules. Sweden sends to Germany that sends to France. UK politicians do not allow a businessman in their own country to draw a cable with electricity from France for “environmental reasons”, whereas a cable form Nroway is considered OK!

In Ukraine and other military matters, French president Macron acts as a spokesperson for Europe. Napoleon Bonaparte, De Gaulle expres efforts to control Europe.

Brussels/EU acts like a proxy for France. EU are obliged to keep meetings one week every month in France, leading to massive administrative complications and also carbon dioxide emmissions equivalent to 12.000 jet round trips over the Atlantic, yearly.

remote governing

To reduce people’s influence, politicians try to move control away from people. Swedish people have much more influence over Swedish politicians than they have over EU politicians. In Brussels lobby groups and bribes work more undetectedly.



A strong president can run a country more efficiently than a split-up political system. Presidential candidates formulate clear policies for the voters to reject or support. Therefore it is much more difficult for the international networks to manipulate countries controlled by strong presidents.




South America


weak governments

US presidents regularly lose House seats in the midterms. In this way the politicians do not need to take responsibility for their promises but can blame the opposing party for stymying their promises. Biden had majority in both the House and Senate and had to play senile in order not to be made responsible and also to lose the House in midterms. Regarding lack of climate action the Democrats blamed Dem senators “Manchin and Sinema” for not following the party line and regarding lack of stricter gun control a Texas Republican senator was blamed. Bidel too lost the House in November 2022.


In Sweden minimal parties are made scapegoats. MP was made scapegoat for not developing nuclear power. In 2022 L (4%) was included into the right government even though it is a left party (supported socialists in 2018) and demanded that the largest right party (SD 20%) would be kicked out of government and the “right” government now follows left policies.


By manipulating blocks of approximately equal strength the politicians, wording together, can continue the same policies independent of election results. The US kept its economical advantage by appointing Trump who scrapped the climate spending. The climate issue being constructed to suppress other areas, in particular Europe to strengthen EU control over weakened countries. In the same way US spreads progressive agenda over Europe and the world to weaken it while US itself is traditional.

This is one reason that Wouth America is covered up in European media. In South America the results of presidential elections have more influence on the governing of the country than in the West.

“Elections cannot be allowed to change economic policy”

Wolfgang Schäuble, minister of finance, Germany


snowleopard Biden intentionally acts incompetently


President Donald Trump on Tuesday night lost control of the House of Representatives.

Democrats seized at least 26 seats to gain a majority that could stymie his agenda and lead to investigation of his administration.

But he did way better than then-President Barack Obama in his first midterm election.

Presidents almost always lose a few dozen House seats in the midterms.Barack Obama lost 63 in 2010 and Bill Clinton lost 52 in 1994




Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema blocking Biden’s climate agenda


zeitgeist, regression

While control was still in Sweden we were encourage to criticize our leaders, like in the 60’s a and 70’s. But as EU, multi nationals and other global actors take control we are taught no to question authority whatever it does.


We seem to have been lucky to have lived under a period of democracy which was poorer before and now seem to be dismantled before our very eyes.

The people in power are now so focused on counteracting democratic forces that the world is regressing. The US has big problems launching to the moon. Plague and war torments Europe as part of a series of crises.

taking up the oppressors’ habits

After the revolution, “the pigs start walking on the hind legs”.


After obtaining power, the progressive actors become the conservative oppressors.

Orwell, Animal Farm: After the revolution, “the pigs start walking on the hind legs”.

Toyotmi Hideyoshi: After obtaining power TH ordered a sword hunt, but before he had been positive to ordinary people owning swords.

LIV Golf: Privatization is only good when you benefit yourself (LIV golf)

The “anti-racists” become racists NASA racism

attacking referendum, referendas, elections and votes

US election count, no observers in minsk ’21, disrespecting votes in Donbas 2014


Nullify votes

HIgh tech US can not count votes

Swedish politicians disrespect result of vote by farce where they refuse to form gov’t according to vote

OSCE did not send obeservers to MInsk 2021. They said they were invited too late. But as soon as they said that they were invited. Chaos ensued after the elections. EU did not send observers. Instead elections were criticized without evidence and chaos ensued.

Referendum in Donbas has been neglected. It was supported by polls by Washington Post and Framkfurter Algemeine. In Minsk and druing war 2022, leaders squabble over land and people’s nationality like a piece of cake instead of finding out where the people want to belong.

attacking parliament

Politicians intentionally make fools of themselves. Like Sweden plastic tax, Sweden not being able to from government etc.%

After 2 years, Greta still hasn’t found the parliament entrance. She campaigns behind parliament! The world famous activist has not yet spoken to any Swedish politicians! She seemingly protests against the parliament itself, not its members or their decisions. Greta disrespects the Swedish politicians since her handlers has taught her that Sweden is best run from Brussels. [ ]

Parliaments are also attacked by external forces like Greta sitting or standing with her back to the Swedish parliament, not talking to the MP:s. (But EU MEP:s are so important that Greta leaves class to send them text messages.)

Ukraine president Zelensky is a former comedian that shoots the parliament in pieces using machine guns in his comedy series.

Capitol riots also show that police couldn’t even defend parliament. Biden is 77 yo and Pelosi 81, not so active any more.

Trolls want to shrink the parliament, which would lead to less contact with the people, less defense against multi nationals, EU, global actors etc

this would lead to a vicious circle

less parliament -> less defense against global actors …

shirking responsibility: confronting institutions, rendering president powerless

Promises made by president but halted by parliament.


Biden claims to be without power even though his democratic party has the majority in the Congress. (arms regulations, climate improvement) The president communicates with the people but adds that he is out of control.

He will only claim to be in control when popular reforms are presented.

Greta just gives up.

wwr: 77754399

Men det är så genomskinligt. Tidigare skyllde Demokraterna på Republikanerna när USA inte ville genomföra reformer. Man brukade även säga att domstolar bromsat det som presidenten lovat. Nu har Biden majoritet i båda kamrarna. Men då ställer de upp Manchin och Sinema (en gubbe och en tjej) som bromsar det egna partiets förslag.

USA vill inte genomföra några miljöåtgärder och annat. Därför har de en president som lovar vad han sedan inte påstås ha makt att genomföra.

USA är ett skämt. Ingen går på det där.

EU körde samma trick med gröna jordbruksreformer. Det påstått progressiva parlamentet stoppade progressiva förslag från Rådet eftersom “de inte var progressiva nog”.

När organisationer blir så stora som USA eller EU försvinner demokratin och de gör som de vill och låter olika instanser skylla på varandra. Så gick det inte att göra i Sverige innan EU. Då kunde man ta fram vem som var ansvarig. Nu bollas bara ansvaret mellan olika instanser. USA försöker skylla bristen på miljöåtgärder på en person som inte är presidenten (Manchin).

Ingen går på det där men massmedia har förbud att kritisera USA eller EU allvarligt (utom kritik som aldrig leder till något typ “USA:s krigsbrott” etc).


voting system

Proportional representation lists makes us lose contacts with representatives. British system better. Therefore they could take back control in Brexit. Swiss system best. If 50.000 people sign a petition, referendum is called.


See: link

US makes a farse of voting process 2020.

Belarus 2020 elections: Lukachenko elected by 80% is forced to resign by protesters.

There should have been

* international election observers

* trial against Lukachenko if he locked up opposition and had protesters killed, as some claimed

* new election


wwr: 74362141

Valsystemet kan nog påverka lite grand och kanske hålla mot reset lite.

Laschet blev tillsatt som CDU-ordförande med bara 12% av folket bakom sig. Söder hade 43 i poll.

Britterna har valkretsar där folk känner kandidaterna. Det gör knappast vi med våra “pr-listor”. Alla partimedlemmar valde även Johnson som ordförande genom poströstning. Helt otänkbart i vårt system.

Britterna genomförde Brexit.

Föregångslandet Schweiz som är ett av de som bäst står emot reset har närmast direktdemokrati. För några år sedan ville regeringen köpa JAS-plan. Men folket gjorde tummen ner, inget köp.

The press expressed worry: “Can ordinary people understand so difficult matters?”

– The Swiss haven’t been at war since the invention of the airplane.

Nu har mer än 50.000 schweizare skrivit på. Så det blir folkomröstning om deras nya Coronalagar när de varit i kraft 9 månader. Även britterna har TV-debatt om Coronalagarna behövs. Helt otänkbart hos oss.

Sveirge och Tyskland är förlorade i EU-globalistträsket. Vi är redan helt resettade.

Boris Johnson appointed as party leader and PM by postal vote among party members.

See democracy broken

rules based order

“in democratic nation states, rules are the product of a democratic process, and democracy and rules therefore go hand in hand, this is not the case for rules in international politics”


—- quote from Chatham House —-

the post-war international order, which is widely understood as being a ‘rules-based order’.

The assumption is that rules mitigate the worst features of, or ‘civilize’, international politics. In particular, they are supposed to prevent great powers from acting in an unrestrained way.

‘rules-based order’ has been threatened – first by ‘revisionist’ powers such as China and Russia and now by President Donald Trump

Since the crisis began in 2010, creditor countries led by Germany have sought to expand the eurozone’s system of fiscal rules and rejected pleas for flexibility by debtor countries.

This emphasis on sticking to the rules leads to the idea, as Wolfgang Schäuble, the former German finance minister, put it, that ‘elections cannot be allowed to change economic policy’. Rules are rules.

the process of developing rules to govern relations between states has gone further in Europe than at a global level or in any other region in the world.

Thus the European Union is the ultimate ‘rules-based order’. In a sense, the essence of European integration is the gradual removal of policy – in particular economic policy – from the space of democratic politics and the creation of rules to govern it.

‘Since the end of the Cold War there has been a tendency to assume that the system of rules should continue to expand, and displace politics, indefinitely’

Although the process of depoliticization has gone furthest within the EU, it has also taken place at a global level.

—- quote from Chatham House —-

As the economist Dani Rodrik has shown, the period between the end of the Second World War and the 1980s was one of moderate globalization in which the limited rules of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade allowed states to experiment with different models of development. However, since the end of the Cold War – the era of what Rodrik calls ‘hyper-globalization’ – integration has deepened and constrained states to a much greater extent.

In particular, the rules of the World Trade Organization established in 1995 now limit the ability of all but the poorest states to pursue the kind of industrial policy that used to be possible. There is now a backlash against ‘hyper-globalization’ from citizens who feel that they can no longer influence policy through the democratic process, which remains largely national.

Whereas in democratic nation states, rules are the product of a democratic process, and democracy and rules therefore go hand in hand, this is not the case for rules in international politics.

This explains why, outside the West, the ‘rules-based order’ is often seen as illegitimate. Even within the EU, rules are to a large extent a function of the relative power of member states – as the development of the eurozone’s fiscal rules since the crisis began illustrates. Thus, as Rodrik argues, there is a fundamental tension between deep integration – and the rules that come with it – and democratic politics.

That does not mean we should abandon the idea of a ‘rules-based order’ altogether. But we should think about the limits of rules in an international context. The question, in other words, is: at what point do rules go from ‘civilizing’ international politics to undermining democracy

—- quote from Chatham House —-


control of politicians, corruption

Control of politicians (corruption) through:

1. News slant, feeding frenzy

2. Board posts, ambassador posts, well paid lectures

Democracy has been replaced by technocracy.

Brexit was unnecessarily postponed for 4 years through political and administrative tricks. But now (July 2020) this all seems to have been a smokescreen for Britain leaving Europe and connecting to the US starting 2021. Time will tell.

All parties in Sweden have the same agenda. They only put up a prolonged, fake conflict to form government 2018.

self hatred

Hating your own country is central to facilitate global take over, f.ex how the EU takes over control from Sweden.

Art in the center of Stockholm.
Håller turen i sig för Löfven? –

In his 2021 new year’s speech the Swedish PM stresses how poorly Sweden has acted against Covid.

World class pole vaulter Mondo Duplantis will compete for Sweden “since qualification is easier than in his native US”. French looks, heritage and name. The agenda promotes EU. Mondo is friendly and world class but makes a clean sweep of prizes at sports awards 2021, even parents (trainers) gets prizes. … We are being taught that foreign and French things are better than our own. A Frenchman will lead the Swedes in Tokyo Olympics (if they will take place) like France should lead the EU.

“Sweden doing poorly.” But no one asks why it happened and who drove this agenda. No we are supposed to be so poor that the EU should run the country.

Sweden and the Nordic countries were generally considered highly developed in many areas from technology and economy to social security and low corruption.

Michael Moore advocating the European model.

Margot Wallströms son, kommunikationsdirektör Saab


Z-Library: 80292244

Viktor Wallström, mest känd som son till Sveriges hårt kritiserade tidigare utrikesminister Margot Wallström (S), ges nu en högavlönad toppbefattning på JAS-tillverkande Saab som ”kommunikationsdirektör”.

Till skillnad från andra lediga tjänster på Saab har denna aldrig utannonserats så inga andra har kunnat söka den. Sedan är Saab också ett tekniskt företag som tillverkar militär teknik och att då ta in en utomstående utan teknisk utbildning är tecken på korruption. Är detta tjänster och gentjänster kanske för Socialdemokraterna?

Saabs VD Micael Johansson motiverar i ett pressmeddelande att Viktor Wallström får jobbet utan att behöva konkurrera med några andra kvalificerade sökande med att han ”är en skarp och strategisk ledare med utmärkta erfarenheter som kommer att stärka vår kommunikationsfunktion ytterligare”.

Viktor Wallströms akademiska CV utgörs av en vänsterpolitiska mastersexamen i freds- och konfliktstudier från Uppsala Universitet. Han har tidigare hållits om ryggen av mamma Margot med toppuppdrag under den tid då hon var EU-kommissionär.


Z-Library: 80292251

Dagens industri skriver om det också bakom betalvägg


ridiculing democracy

We are taught that democracy is wrong. When the networks infiltrate Internet forums they intentionally let democratic procedures fail.%

The Swedish democratically politicians intentionally fail to make us distrust the system:

1. forming government 2017

2. Plastic tax

Catalan independence was constructed to fail. Puigdemont (a little unusual looking) ended up in the European parliament.

This tendency is very dangerous. Democracy is going down. We do not know who is talking over and what their goals are. Very possible federalization of the EU will occur. If exit from a compulsory union is not possible, revolutions and violence may ensue.

Ad 2018 election:

All parties in Sweden have the same agenda. After the 2018 elections, pseudo-conflicts lasted for about 6 months to pretend other government alternatives than the previous were possible. They were never possible since “right” parties M and KD did not even talk to SD.

Same with 2020 US presidential election. Counting votes is chaotic. Delayed, claims to go to court etc

President elect Joe Biden even acts senile with strange attraction to children and behavior to women. This will probably be used to put forward VP Kamala Harris.

News coordinated

3. Privatization has taken control out of the hands of the politicians. The reasons given are often “efficiency”. As the politicians make themselves weak, the people loses influence over the governing of the country.

Three Powers Are Now Capable of Launching Astronauts Into Space: Russia, China and Elon Musk. The privatization of space launches marks a new era in which the U.S. depends on the good will of tycoons 05.06.2020 [ ]

4. Competition exists no more.

Tesla and SpaceX are integrated with the international networks. Obama cancels US pride – crewed space program and replaces with SpaceX. (Grants from Jurvetson contributed.) Tesla has 0 PR budget. Editorial material makes Tesla the most valuable car company in the world, but they only sell 1.5% of cars on the US market. P/E about 200, 8 times more than average US car maker.

Musk is declared a genius but seems very ordinary in interviews. He displays global agenda. Smokes dope, has a trans-looking gf, is said to have anotherchild with strange name and gender neutral upbringing. He is a typical, good looking, globalist front.

Cars built are expensive and has technical overkill. Starlink: At present 540 satellites but no Internet service! Likely spy satellites.

Greta had no previous experience of environmental activism. National newspaper made interview the first day she “went on school strike”. She has theater background and training. She reads speeches with strong drama but is extremely poor off script. Adds to global agenda by hating the Nordic countries. Criticizes Danish sewage plant, refuses prize from the Nordic Council. She never criticizes corporations. She even helps oil company with PR by setting her name on their donations. Her role is to scold the EU (then she gets a standing ovation by EU parliament members!) to make them bring in more money they can use to spend on global agenda.

Today you must be approved by interview in a Swedish bank just to open an account. 40 years ago they compensated you for incorrect investment fund advice.

Today the company causing damage to your apartment is not responsible. You are! Better pay insurance!

5. Politicians elected are intentionally poor and incompetent, without visions and goals.

Sweden: Löfven, Kristersson; Trudeau.

When Corona is debated in Sweden, details about testing and not corona economy with stimulus package €750 bn are topics.

News media will only promote poor politicians that can be controlled. See intro.

The left-right scale of politics is outdated. Left and right differ very little in economic and other policy. The GAL/TAN scale measuring globalization is more relevant. However, politicians on every side are corrupt by the globalization. Nationalist politicians will betray their ideals with increasing political strength. – SD: started supporting the EU and climate agenda as SD grew stronger.

Hungary: controlled opposition within the EU: Orban (started on a Soros stipend)

6. European Union See the linked text.

7. US elections 2020 rigged

Biden fakes senility and inappropriate behavior towards women to promote Trump. Biden, AOC, BLM, climate, California dope culture are for CNN to export to make Europe rot from within. Mueller probe was never meant to succeed. Musk is only a dope smoking false idol for Europeans and other to follow.

Lies and inefficiency

Since the system wants to give an illusion of democracy but is controlled by networks/technocrats the entire image of the system given to people is gravely distorted. The system prevails purely on lies and repression.

Enhancing conflict instead of cooperation between men and women.

The system is extremely inefficient. Hiding lies and creating conflict takes most its efforts. The war in Iraq was probably fake to hide US control of the region, pretending Iran took over.

Exaggerating the Corona influenza and imposing months of lockdown only to hide that the euro currency is failing. Crushing efficient European cultures like the Nordic countries, to be able to take over and control them. Faking a long battle between government and parliament/deep state in the UK during Brexit, to hide the fact that UK has been granted permission to leave Europe.

complete unreliability

News media can lie about anything. Many independent observers of the Skripal case did not believe that Russia and Putin would use military grade nerve gas against civilians in a small British town or Assad using chemical weapons against his people.

The largest European ship accident since the Titanic: Estonia disaster 1994, 852 dead, captain reported dead but appears on video, in testimonies from hospital, list of survivors etc. An Estonian minister has doubts the captain is dead. National news media report him as survivor.

A minister will not just doubt. He will appoint an investigation. News media also reports a mysterious hole in the boat that has not been seen before during 25 years of on investigations. Media and politicians speculate about weapons smuggling and submarines.

No bodies were recovered by diving. The disaster may have been faked to continue a cold war after the fall of the Soviet Union. The mysterious fare it the captain may have been a way to attract attention to the case.

The illusion of choice

Practically all politicians are corrupt and support global values. Some of them, however, are given the roles to appear to be on the side of the people. Many such politicians regularly have small mishaps or display some generally strange trait. They all pursue their goals half-heartedly and when important decisions face them, they will fail. The politicians on the side of the people face hard criticism by media and trolls.

Borg: Husarö scandal, Batra: media frenzy

Brexit: Johnson/ hairdo, never claimed Benn act was unconstitutional, never used or withdrew the whip from renegade MP:s; Cummins/ looks, Sonia Khan “frog marched out of #10”, trip to Durham during lockdown; Media/ Hard Brexit gang; Juholt;

The political left and right work together

The political left will create chaos, relativism and envy between groups. Media can play these groups to squeeze the politicians between them.

The political left believing in a strong state, is just a decoy. Soros’ left causes disruption and hatred towards one’s own country and its institutions. News media can use this to add more attacks on society and politicians.

As the state weakens, multinational enterprise can take control and the political right will privatize. (In Sweden: Löfven (S) & Lööf (C))

Weakening governments

Media promotes weak politicians and support them. Media exaggerate crises, asking for costly and unnecessary measures, impossible for politicians to carry out.

Politicians making bad decisions for the people are promited by media since media fear popular politicians.

the countries’ politicians self destroy

The national level politicians act detrimentally to themselves in order to facilitate globalist take over. They have been made to do this by f.ex

1. corruption by receiving well paid works after political career

2. news media pressure

Examples of this are

1. Swedish politicians say the climate issue is important but do not act in it

2. Swedish politicians levy an extremely unpopular tax on plastic bags at the same time as EU levy a plastic tax

3. Formation of government in Sweden 2018: Swedish politicians act irresponsibly and half the country for six months during unnecessary negotiations before the government is appointed.

4. Joe Biden is elected US president 2020. He is or probably a ta grossly incompetent. He mixes up or forgets simple facts in his speeches. Many photos shows him behaving inappropriately towards women. Strangely major media do not attack this strongly. We are simply being taught that the world’s most powerful person is not needed any more. Others are running the system.

Links: destruction, self-destruction, unaware self-destruction:
unaware self-destruction
politicians self-destroy

from deception to oppression

NWO is moving from deception to oppression due to the Internet. Increased information spread means that deception doesn’t work any more and fascist methods must be applied. NWO now uses censorship, cancel culture and (mostly faked) wars to maintain power.


attacking regulators

Large corps try to rid themselves of democratic incluence by the state. Regulators are attacked. “Global super corp leader Elon Musk” is often in disagreement with regulators.


work, employers, unions

Large global companies like Musk’s Tesla/Starlink (SpaceX) are promoted. Labor unions are demoted.


Swedish construction union

Tesla disapproves of unions.

Musk Tweet

Musk ordered to remove anti union tweet

Global Musk has closest connections to Democrats and is anti union

Carter was Democrat and scrapped the Teamsters

When Larry Heine was a working man he drove a truck eight hours a day. He saw his family every night, owned his home, sent both his kids to college, and took his wife on vacation to Hawaii whenever he could land some overtime. As a member of the Teamsters, Heine was guaranteed good health care and a pension. He retired at 51, receiving a cake and a $250 gift card to a fishing store on his last day. To today’s drivers, his was a good life in a golden age — an age that many say ended on July 1, 1980, when President Jimmy Carter put his name to the Motor Carrier Act of 1980, the law that deregulated the trucking industry


European Union

The European Union is a major tool for globalist control of Europe.

Look what happened when Belgium ran Congo, now they run Europe from Brussels (EU HQ).

One candidate system

The EU gets more power over its member countries the more of their money the organization spends. This leads to constant over spending.

EU demands high fees (ex UK €20 bn) and the right to legislate (ex UK 60% of laws and regulations) European countries for free trade, but regards other countries as equal trading partners giving them normal deals.

A few countries have managed to reduce fees, due to more independent traditions. Like Switzerland, Iceland, Norway. Turkey was given a non-fee Free Trade Agreement by the EU but UK, in the center of Europe was refused the same type of deal.

Elections are often decided beforehand and only one candidate can win, like when Alice Bah Kuhnke never could win the parliament presidency since two other parties shsare the post and win every second time.

Margaret Thatcher compared the EU commission to a politbureau. The EU, its president and commission can be compared to a large corporation, CEO and board of directors. These are controlled by large enterprise. Possibly the same situation occurred in the Soviet Union where large enterprise controlled the politbureau. The leaders of the large enterprises were probably the same persons appearing as oligarchs after the fall ogf the Soviet Union. (Western oligarchs like Musk or Bezos are seldom labeled as oligarchs in western media.)

A Free Trade Agreement and free movement of people/goods/services (“internal market”) should not cost anything. They are just mutual agreements between independent countries.

EU demands fishing rights in British waters, to regulate human rights in the UK, regulate data privacy and rule under European court, that US chicken is not imported in the UK … for a FTA.

EU moves control away from the people controlled. Politicians actions and money spending is much more difficult to monitor than on the national level.

EU obscures its actions. Fees paid can only be followed to recipient country. But how it is used there is not publicly known.

There are very few votes in the European Parliament that go against the bills passed. It is just a way of passing bills prepared by commission and other parties. No opposing views or discussions between different parties are presented. Sometimes “Hungary and Poland” are presented as “opposition” but the image is false. The politicians all agree.

In discussions trolls say European cooperation is good. That is true. But EU is supranational control, it charges fees for things that are free, it interferes in member countries’ legislation, it tricks countries to pay for a failing euro currency. Cooperation can be had without these drawbacks. What is the use of student exchange if differences between countries are effaced?

The EU is connected to immigration: The lack of border control makes mass immigration easier. Refugee crisis:

Statsminister Stefan Löfven betonade EU:s gemensamma ansvar för flyktingmottagandet:

– Mitt Europa bygger inte murar, vi hjälps åt


You can naturally help others without bringing them to your country. You can warn for the splitting up of society that mass immigration brings without being a racist or “ethno-nationalist”.

Mass immigration also breaks up national unity which would oppose border break down.

EU decides Swedish diesel tax

Compare Mindanao. Press tries to promote an image of Christian-Muslim conflict. Philippine authorities support this false image. Christians and Muslims get along well. The problem is recently introduced foreigners. This is the reason Swedish media tries to enhance conflict with immigrants. Media and networks fear integration.

Agricultural subventions needed because EU set up large scale specialized farming. CAP loathed by everyone.

European Monetary System, EMS caused crises in the 90’s and the euro is now (2020) a cause for big financial problems in the Mediterranean countries.

After 2 years, Greta still hasn’t found the parliament entrance. She campaigns behind parliament! The world famous activist has not yet spoken to any Swedish politicians! She seemingly protests against the parliament itself, not its members or their decisions. Greta disrespects the Swedish politicians since her handlers has taught her that Sweden is best run from Brussels. [ ]

Swedish government sends former left political Ylva Johansson as commissioner. Left produces chaos suitable for EU.

Democracy is weak, but it seems the general nature of people in a country can affect the coutry’s relation to the EU. Countires wehere people are more independent have better contracts with the EU: UK, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland. The Swiss have direct democracy resulting in people demanding very specific deals with the EU in many areas.


heterogenous, homogenous


Corona crisis is really euro crisis; Euro fall 2021-22

European countries pegged their currencies in 1979 (EMS, EMS wiki, ERM, (E)ERMwiki ECU ECU2 pdf). This led to some currencies becoming too weak and targets for shorting attacks in the 90’s by f.ex Soros.

During the attacks England and Sweden left EMS in an emergency and pound and Swedish krona were made to float. The euro crisis starting in 2009 and the alleged Corona crisis in 2020 are examples of the same problem, now within the euro area.


Black Wednesday occurred on 16 September 1992 when the British government was forced to withdraw the pound sterling from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM), after a failed attempt to keep the pound above the lower currency exchange limit mandated by the ERM.


But the euro crisis could also be a decoy to create EU slush funds (no public accounting) used for f.ex bribing east European politicians into joining the EU to send their peoples money to Brussels.

China, US, devaluation


China controls the renminbi because it can use the bottomless buying power of its central bank, which publishes an official price for the currency every day around which it allows a certain amount of trading.

The People’s Bank of China has the ability to print renminbi to weaken the currency if the exchange rate gets too high. On the flip side, Beijing has $3 trillion in reserves it can deploy to keep the currency from getting too weak.

Right now, the United States doesn’t operate that way.

It has some capacity to intervene in financial markets by using the Exchange Stabilization Fund, a vehicle under the control of the Treasury secretary, with about $100 billion of buying power.

“Unless Congress gives Treasury authority to beef up the Exchange Stabilization Fund, it just doesn’t have enough firepower,” said Joseph Gagnon, senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics.

So in the past, when American politicians wanted to change the value of the dollar, they had to coordinate efforts involving a number of countries. That’s what happened in 1985, when the United States engineered an agreement to weaken the dollar as part of an agreement known as the Plaza Accord.

Of course, those countries were all strategic allies of the United States. Persuading China to let its currency strengthen to help the United States is a different situation all together.


Mediterranean countries fall like bowling pins for the euro. “Corona crisis” is really euro crisis.

See also public debt.

July 2020: Euro currency prevented Italy and Spain from devaluating (previously same with Greece). EU countries must bail them out with record €750 bn plan under the pretext of post Corona kick start economy plan. Since previously they had huge national debt (Italy 130%).

The package breaks EU treaties in two ways:

1. bailouts is against Maastricht treaty

2. EU can only lend money it borrowed, not spend it

See also public debt.


Italy receives €170 bn, Spain €140 bn and Sweden €5 bn! The plan also puts EU in large debt for the first time, handing over control to international debt holders. Also makes countries’ future exit from union harder.

Swedish PM Löfven and other frugals completely crushed. Macron and Merkel got all €750 bn they asked for. (Also €540 bn passed in April with low publicity, finance minister video meeting.) Löfven believed he got fee rebate but he had to backtrack after summit. His own MEP:s did not vote to support the rebate they said they supported. All controlled by international networks to put EU in debt. Decision on €750 bn package was slipped through by EU commission using procedure disallowing EP influence.

News media and political (controlled) opposition silenced regarding any criticism of Löfvens actions or EU in general.

Politicians are bought to set EU in debt. MEP:s have board posts at the same time as EP service. Ex: Cecilia Wikström (priest education) on medical technology company board. Writes article on the need to create corresponding centers for treatment.

“Covid rescue” is really euro bailout

Lisbon treaty is broken by bailing out Italy (no-bailout clause). Italy is allowed 130% public debt (limit is 60%).

The euro crisis has been going on since 2008. Around 2015 Germany could use Greek’s high debt to over many Greek ports, harbors and other property. IMF-loans put Greek people under difficult circumstances. This time 2020 Germany’s tactics has changed and the whole of EU is put in debt and the money is poured into Italy’s and Spain’s high loans. Maybe Germany feared another blow to its reputation or that Chinese would buy Italian ports. Anyway the EU member states pay to keep Italy in the euro to keep the euro value low and help German export.

The debt created is held by private banks. (Like in the US.) Slowly globalist networks are taking over Europe.

Well, deficits are a way of measuring the kind of growth and the kind of success that a government is actually able to create

Justin Trudeau

The 2020 European Union Corona recovery packages (€540+570) will set EU on a track to debts that will let high finance control Europe. Europe will become a new Greece.

It will become a race against the clock. Who will cave in first? -Soros or the EU due to its debts to him. 😉

December 2020: EU budget plan for 7 years is decided. The Corona package has still not been paid out and the stock market has fully recovered. But still no one questions the package.

action effect
“Corona rescue” Euro (€) rescue

EU:s main aberration being that it charges high fees for things that should be free, like a Free Trade Agreement or free movement (“internal market”). Canada can get an FTA for free since it is located far away. Similarly Iceland get both, for free. The further you are from EU, the better.

Britterna lämnar och knyter sig förmodligen till USA. Sverige blir kvar i träsket som måste slås sönder med massinvandring, klimatfonder, Coronapaket, skuldsättning, feminism, självhat etc för att kunna kontrolleras av EU. Polis och brandkår slåss med varandra på Paris gator, i hjärtat av EU.

Vilka kriser har EU haft bara sedan skuldkrisen startade 2008? – Klimatkris, Coronakris. Katastroffonderna som vi betalt in om det blir översvämningar, jordbävningar eller liknande utlöste man när Brexit började förhandlas!

Greta Thunberg is an example of pro EU agenda.

[ crises ]

[ democracy broken ]

Later it shows that euro crisis may also be a decoy. Exaggerated show of v.d. Leyen giving 190 bn euro to Prodi. Money may be slush funds (italian mafia) transferred to eastern europe for EU take over, like in Ukraine, Serbia etc.
Italian Premier Mario Draghi receives a Next Gen EU plan brochure from European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, at the Cinecitta’ studios in Rome, Tuesday, June 22, 2021. –

2021-22 Ukraine crisis

sokcrates: 80532815

Har kortat euron mot dollarn under året, varit inne i nasdaq korta några enstaka gånger och dax. Mest i dollarn. Samtliga i mini futures.


wwr: 80532839

Det är ett spännande bet. Euron började väl falla jan 2021. Men sedan har den “”funnit stöd”” ungefär en 50-öring över dollarn. Jag gissar på massiva stödköp från ECB (som euroländerna och indirekt vi får betala) eller manipulationer där USA inte låter dollarn gå över euron. När dollarn knäcker euron kommer fler människor att inse att kriget i Ukraina handlar om att USA/Ryssland sänker Europa när EU blockerar oss själva. Man försöker hålla skenet uppe att Europa går bra medan vi sjunker allt djupare. (Och amerikansk export blir svårare.) Men jag har inte sökt på detaljer. Än så länge bara en teori. Dollarn har landat just under 10-kronan efter en kort tur över den …


sokcrates: 80532852

Så är det. Det var i november och december som ryssland sålde hela sin investering i europeiska obligationer på 2000 miljarder kr och dumpade allt på ECB. Ryssen fattade att euron är i kriskurs, de fick euron till 16% högre kurs jämfört med idag och klev av i tid. Euron är dödsdömd. De kan inte höja räntorna medan USA kan och bör höja räntorna och höjda räntor attraherar kapital och gör att börserna sett ur pundets, eurons och kronans perspektiv är starkare pga fallande valuta. Men det är helt sant att de försöker hålla skenet uppe. Europa är totalkört.

De kommer cancellera pensionssystemet genom att troligtvis kräva åtta helt orimliga doser mot aptramsviruset, allt för att hitta på en förevändning för att inte betala ut nåt.


a common currency fails

A currency common to different countries will fail. In the 90’s pegging European currencies made weaker currencies vulnerable to attacks like Soros’ who broke, among others, the national banks of England and Sweden. In the 2010’s, Greece, Italy and Spain can not keep up with Germany and the entire Europe must support them through so called “Corona packages”.

The problems started 1971 when president Nixon abolished the gold standard.


No wonder Soros claims to be a big EU supporter. In the 1990s, European monetary union (EMS, ERM) overvalued certain currencies so that he could crush them and earn a billion dollars in one day. Today, the euro means that Italy and Spain must receive huge social benefits / debt relief from Sweden and other countries, which means that everyone must borrow huge sums from Soros and his friends so that they can take control of Europe.

Same problem in both situation – other countries can not keep up with Germany. So in 2012 Soros told Germany to spend:

“Lead or leave: this is a legitimate decision for Germany to make,”



Cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin

Purpose: Further reduce the people’s influence by undercutting tax base and reduce influence of elected politicians. Create a “no rules” system where authorities can stop or let pass transactions as they please, probably often based on political affiliation.


channeling money to the EU

Spending is transferred to the EU. The Swedish assistance to developing countries has always been of high quality but is now being criticized. The intention is likely to transfer the money to the EU.


Covid-19, Corona, lockdown, vaccination

Bill Gates predicted the pandemic

Isolation, travel restrictions, bans on meetings, curfews.

Reduced travel (like climate)

No meetings outside work.

Immobilization, isolation. – “Globalization” is a false term.%


reduced mobility

Man får bjuda max 15 personer på bröllop i Storbritannien. Praktiskt taget inga andra möten för mer än 6 personer tillåtna. Dock tillåts passivisering med “organiserad” (statligt godkänd?) idrott inför stora åskådarmassor.

Avrådan från att tala med andra på Bangkoks SkyTrain. Japanerna känner sig nog hemma.

Den nya religionen Covidendomen stinker. Eller kanske är den nya socialismen en ideologi – Covismen.

The networks make maximal usage of Corona pandemic. For long time only politicians disliked by news mesiay fell ill according to reporting.

Mutations with “suspected faster spread” are said to start in UK. This is an excuse to give UK a negative image. It is made an excuse to block the Canal tunnel when the last step of Brexit is taken.

Mostly politicians disliked by news media are related as affected by the virus, like: Trump, Johnson, Bolsonaro, Irans vicepresident Ebtekar, Duda, Lukashenko, Berlusconi (Hernández/Honduras, Giammattei/Guatemala)

Exception: Trudeau’s wife. She came back from a trip to UK, though. Barnier (but related to Brexit).

After this connection between disease and political view had been pointed out in social fora, French president Macron was also briefly related as self isolating.

No clear advice for how to behave are given, in order to create chaos. The conditions of having symptoms, being contagious and having a positive test are mixed. A positive test does not necessarily mean beating contagious, but that is not clearly stated. The pandemic has probably abated by spring 2020, like most influenza like disease and what we see now is a pandemic of test results. Politicians try to spread panic by f.ex self isolating after meeting others that later have positive tests.

United Kingdom must play a part in this and also reports a new strain of mutation of the virus. It “may” spread faster. It is already spread world wide but Germany influences EU to close the border around Dec 20, 2020. Clearly a revenge for UK taking the final step in Brexit on Jan 1.

Swedish government tries to enforce laws to control by decrees, but Swedish consultants in law for the parliament (“ombudsman”) so far advices against this since no lack of time can be used as a motivation for governing by decrees.

Bill Gates, TED talk, 2015!

Computer expert Bill Gates goes into the completely different field of infectious disease. He invests heavily in pharmaceutical industry. He warns for a large epidemic. The epidemic comes true or at least the strong response of society to an ordinary influenza. These are not coincidences.

Det får inte existera en enda virusvariant där inte alla kända vacciner har övertygande bevisats ha 100% effektivitet. Alla smittade räknas som sjuka. Inte en enda skröplig person får dö en minut tidigare pga pålagrad Covid. Alla som har Covidsmitta när de dör räknas som döda i sjukdomen. Man testar långt mycket mer än vid tidigare influensor. Tidningarna sprider skräckpropaganda. Den sämsta statistiken väljs hela tiden ut för att spridas. WHO ändrade sin definition av pandemi 2009.

Det räcker för att behålla lockdown på obestämd tid.

Och skulle det inte göra det så har Gates och andra köpt in sig i läkemedelsindustrin. De förbjuder troligen företagen att berätta hur många av de vaccinerade som inte sprider smittan vidare. (De två bästa vaccinerna skyddar mot sjukdom i 95% av fallen.)

Så har inte tidigare influensor behandlats.

Every person in society must be protected but with proportional and reasonable means. If the same standard as is put to Covid would be out to other areas of soxiety, we would have to stop car traffic, air travel etc.

National Institutes of Health Director Dr. Francis Collins and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci meet with Bill Gates of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to discuss research opportunities in global health in June 2017 at NIH. Credit: National Institutes of Health | FlickrCC — … See

WHO exposed: How health body changed pandemic criteria to push agenda

Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, a German doctor and former member of parliament, had been watching the spread of swine flu in Mexico City – where the virus was first recorded – and was puzzled at the reaction of the WHO.

In 2010, he said: “What we experienced in Mexico City was a very mild flu which did not kill more than usual – which killed even fewer people than usual.

In the months leading up to the WHO’s declaration of the pandemic as a “level 6” contagion – the highest possible level – many countries including Italy, Germany, France and the UK made secret agreements with pharmaceutical companies.

These contracts obliged the countries to buy Swine Flu vaccinations only if the WHO raised the pandemic to a level 6.

During the 2018 documentary “TrustWHO”, filmmaker Lillian Franck unearthed footage that showed WHO delegates six weeks before the level 6 pandemic was issued as having described Swine Flu as a “moderate” situation.

This description was given six weeks before the WHO changed its criteria for a level 6 pandemic, deleting “severity of illness” from the requirement of a pandemic phase.

It was thus made easier to enter the world into a serious global pandemic.

Ms Franck spoke to German Velasquez, a former WHO Director in the Public Health Department, who served during the Swine Flu pandemic.

He said: “It was publicised around the world, that the criteria for declaring a pandemic were changed and at the same time the old guidelines vanished from the WHO website.”

Ms Franck asked: “Could they have declared the pandemic [Swine Flu, 2010] level 6 also with the old definition?”

Mr Velasquez: “No, because the severity, the number of deaths, would have been a factor.

This description was given six weeks before the WHO changed its criteria for a level 6 pandemic, deleting “severity of illness” from the requirement of a pandemic phase.

It was thus made easier to enter the world into a serious global pandemic.

The lack of transparency, the role of the experts who were being paid by the pharmaceutical industry.

“Then changes were demanded but the WHO didn’t respond to the Council of Europe – the WHO turned up for the first hearing and then didn’t come again.


Professional trolls spread disinformation regarding vaccination. They claim it is highly dangerous, includes chips and “nano robots” and leads to mass surveillance.

This seems to be a way the regime counteracts legitimate demands on vaccination certificates and return to normal life. The splitting up of people so they can no more communicate with each other is the greatest risk to democracy.

The politicians already know we are going into an “era of pandemics”! (Mar 1, 2021) Plans are madd for furthering this agenda of locking down people and infringing democratic rights, using exaggerated measures against ordinary influenza.

EU council president Michel prepares a treaty regarding future pandemics.

Lockdown killed small enterprise.

Regulations separate people.

Corona funds took the people’s money and were used to kick start Europe into an energy crisis.

Discussion about vaccination has completely lost proportions. Shills try to make all resistance to exaggerated lockdown look like coming from people who refuse to have a comparatively innocent innoculation.

self-depleting sanctions; energy crisis

EU creates energy crisis to try to control Europe. EU and the corporations that controls the organization, try to subdue the European countries by making them weak through an energy crisis.


creating an energy crisis

EU possible self-depleting strategies:

Russia (gas)

China (steel), Saudi (oil) …

An important way that the EU tries to control the European countries is to create energy crisis and keep the European countries weak. European national politicians also take part in weakening their countries.

* nuclear energy is considered bad for the environment even though it does not emit CO2! (TV series The Simpsons: nuclear power plant run by Burns(Rothschild), Smithers, Home; all less sympathetic.)

* oil and gas are considered bad for the environment

* EU uses the Ukraine war as an excuse to lower imports of gas and oil from Russia. But commodity prices rise and Russia does well. The rubel is strengthened. European countries are thrown into an energy crisis where common people pay high electricity bills but energy companies make bumper profits.

* Saudi is considered an enemy and helps build that image, like Kashoggi case, possibly fake, LIV golf

* Most countries able to help Europe out of energy crisis are considered “axis of evil”: Russia, Iran, Venezuela, all under sanctions. Libya war, Brazil (Bolsonaro persona non grata).

* promoting unpredictable wind mills

* solar energy low efficiency in our place

* Iran sanctions

* Emissions Trading System, elcertifikat


* 70% cross border capacity, Germany only one zone

* pay-as-clear auctions

* The same problems as California/Enron: inflated bidding, economic withholding, taking power plants out for service during peak hours. All like California. Other market manipulations

* in centralized communist dictatorships, peripheral regions are depeted of resources to build the central

Sweden and Nordic countries are used for supplying energy to Germany. France is building nuclear reactors and regulating energy. Sweden considers nuclear (and fossil) damging to the environment and sends its energy to Germany.

* Swedish 2016 Energy agreement. Stop nuclear and fossil 2040.

* classifying oil/gas producing countries as “axis of evil”: Russia, Iran which also controls Iraq, Venezuela, Libya, China, Saudi Arabia

wwr: 80980146

Ja, Stenson måste vara en väldigt dålig människa.


Han accepterade att hoppa av sin gamla tour för en halv miljard kronor. Han är dessutom 46 år gammal och har passerat sin topp.

Märklig diskussion. Han tar givetvis det bästa erbjudandet. Han har inte brutit några kontrakt vad jag vet.

Men det handlar om att massmedia vill sprida hat mot Saudi.

Europa skall svältas på energi. Vi har redan lagt sanktioner mot storproducenterna av olja; Ryssland, Iran och Venezuela. Om några år lägger kanske EU sanktioner mot Saudi och våra bensin och elräkningar stiger ytterligare.


Saudi LIV tour

Libya, Iraq war.

Any country that has resources that could help Europe out of energy crisis (2022), EU and Western media will classify as “axis of evil”. It even seems these coutries will help by spectacular mishaps, most likely staged by the NWO:

Saudi Arabia – Kashoggi murder

Libya – Lockerbie hi jacking

Iran – Shooting down Ukrainian plane in conjunction with Trump moving troops there

Russia – invasion of Ukraine

Brazil – Bolsonaro

Next part: 400

Table of Contents (under work)


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A few earlier posts:    (scroll down list)

2022 11 12 Earlier: Privatization means impoverished space research

2022 11 10 Earlier: Sami activists cropped out of Greta picture

2022 11 08 Earlier: Artemis 1 – time for SpaceX to deliver

2022 11 07 Earlier: Sunak stares at Lavrov

2022 11 05 Earlier: NASA smears itself

2022 11 04 Earlier: Sweden elections 2022 (2): New gov’t, same policies

2022 11 03 Earlier: Google admits Crimea is Russian

2022 11 02 Earlier: “Crisis” is really price increase; centralization

2022 10 31 Earlier: Big Mac index

2022 10 30 Earlier: False flag rightist government; Sweden elections 2022 (1)

2022 10 28 Earlier: Turkey

2022 10 27 Earlier: Twitter buy. Musk-Trump oligarch empire forming?

2022 10 26 Earlier: World Economic Forum, WEF, is a decoy (2)

2022 10 25 Earlier: Sunak appointment means divide and conquer

2022 10 24 Earlier: Oil producers are “axis of evil

2022 10 23 Earlier: The decline of the West

2022 10 22 Earlier: India, networks

2022 10 21 Earlier: Politicians main objective: stop votes from having effect

2022 10 20 Earlier: Politicians (Johnson) manipulate the system.

2022 10 19 Earlier: Globalization intensifies

2022 10 18 Earlier: EU lack ofdemocracy

2022 10 17 Earlier: acting loser

2022 10 16 Earlier: Leader vs MP:s

2022 10 15 Earlier: Secretive courts protect the oil industry – Energy Charter Treaty

2022 10 14 Earlier: Destructive investments

2022 10 13 Earlier: Macronism

2022 10 12 Earlier: Women vs men

2022 10 11 Earlier: Terrorists in Sweden?

2022 10 10 Earlier: Energy privatization

2022 10 09 Earlier: Divide and conquer, common enemy

2022 10 07 Earlier: Election fine print

2022 10 06 Earlier: Sweden 2022 elections undemocratic

2022 10 05 Earlier: iran: Hijab unrest; Swedish courts obey The People’s Mujahedin

2022 10 03 Earlier: Entrepreneurs counteracted

2022 10 01 Earlier: “stan”-countries run over, sports for globalization

2022 09 29 Earlier: Asssange actor

2022 09 28 Earlier: Forming government, Sweden 2022

2022 09 26 Earlier: Tricking the people into believeing SD won

2022 09 25 Earlier: EU isolates the Nordic countries by slow trains

2022 09 24 Earlier: Sweden elections – same s… new wrap

2022 09 23 Earlier: Ransomware – privacy laws

2022 09 22 Earlier: EU loser mentality

2022 09 20 Earlier: Unwashed, stench, filth, dirt – trend

2022 09 19 Earlier: Forming government in Sweden 2014-2022, all delays, on EU orders.

2022 09 18 Earlier: So called “extreme right

2022 09 17 Earlier: Iranian PR – #1

2022 09 16 Earlier: Media “extreme right” is just normal

2022 09 15 Earlier: Germany supports EU irreversible federalization

2022 09 14 Earlier: EU meddling in elctions

2022 09 13 Earlier: EU’s self destructive sanctions against Russia, over Ukraine

2022 09 12 Earlier: Europe heading for a new Stone Age

2022 09 11 Earlier: US attack on Europe.

2022 09 10 Earlier: FED creates chaos.

2022 09 09 Earlier: Nationalist SD does not demand influence, SD opposes itself

2022 09 08 Earlier: Liberals switch sides.

2022 09 07 Earlier: Inflation is an excuse for increasing prices due to lack of competition.

2022 08 27 Earlier: Sweden elections: Parties split up to promote EU

2022 08 26 Earlier: The political system is broken.

2022 08 25 Earlier: EU oil starvation

2022 08 24 Earlier: Artsakh/Nagorno-Karabakh – a new Ukraine?

2022 08 23 Earlier: Money transfer to corporations

2022 08 04 Earlier: NASA can not fill propellent

2022 08 03 Earlier: Privatization is only good when you benefit (LIV golf)

2022 08 02 Earlier: Left and right united against the people

2022 08 01 Earlier: The community must regulate energy

2022 07 28 Earlier: NASA racism

2022 07 31 Earlier: Northvolt update

2022 07 26 Earlier: EU orchestrated energy chaos

2022 07 25 Earlier: Energy divide and conquer stragtegy

2022 07 24 Earlier: Save POW:s, not drug smugglers

2022 07 23 Earlier: Northvolt, EU battery frenzy

2022 07 22 Earlier: Delay tactics

2022 07 21 Earlier: Superpowers use cold war to dominate.

2022 07 20 Earlier: Is LIV golf an object to hate for future sanctions against Saudi.

2022 07 19 Earlier: EU energy crisis like California (2)

2022 07 18 Earlier: LGBT – one piece in the fall of Rome

2022 07 17 Earlier: Energy crisis, like California (1)

2022 07 12 Earlier: Media focus on personal details when in fact SpaceX and Tesla are in trouble.

2022 07 11 Earlier: EU kamikaze crash (2)

2022 07 10 Earlier: EU Covid package

2022 07 04 Earlier: EU kamikaze crash (1)

2022 06 03 Earlier: Logging companies avoid being scrutinized.

2022 06 02 Earlier: Super powers vs people

2022 06 01 Earlier: Northvolt smearing Sweden.

2022 05 31 Earlier: Sweden going down

2022 05 30 Earlier: US renders president powerless

2022 05 29 Earlier: US doesn’t want to stop shootings

2022 05 28 Earlier: Cancel indians and other native/indigenous peoples

2022 05 27 Earlier: Russian deserters sue army

2022 05 26 Earlier: Nazi smearing

2022 05 25 Earlier: Why Greta is not in Swedish media.

2022 05 24 Earlier: Greta review

2022 05 23 Earlier: EU – Sovietcomparison

2022 05 22 Earlier: Ukraine, a new Korea (2)

2022 05 21 Earlier: War inflation attacks common people

2022 05 22 Earlier: False flag

2022 05 21 Earlier: Oil net import

2022 05 20 Earlier: Turkey in NATO supported IS. In NATO Sweden can end up in war with parctically any country.

2022 05 18 Earlier: US defends Taiwan, but not Ukraine. Joining NATO can mean war with China

2022 05 17 Earlier: 1. West employs cancel culture. 2. Jewish influence 3. Nordic systems were better.

2022 05 16 Earlier: A new Korea in Europe (1)

2022 05 15 Earlier: Why Europe is crashing (2)

2022 05 13 Earlier: Use blockade to blame foreign powers.

2022 05 11 Earlier: Burn quran is like burn kippah

2022 05 10 Earlier: Team USA-Russia vs Syria, Iraq, Kazakhstan …

2022 05 09 Earlier: Bombing independent countries

2022 05 08 Earlier: Why Europe is crashing (1)

2022 05 06 Earlier: Tesla – modern slavery

2022 05 02 Earlier: Join NATO in panic

2022 04 26 Earlier: Superpower take-over

2022 04 25 Earlier: Europe under attack

2022 04 23 Earlier: War destroys Europe

2022 04 21 Earlier: Musk SolarCity trial

2022 04 20 Earlier: Superppowers lose war.

2022 04 18 Earlier: Superpowers starve Europe of energy.

2022 04 15 Earlier: EU sanctions euro and blames Russia.

2022 04 14 Earlier: Ukraine war means energy depletion

2022 04 11 Earlier: It’s about war, not which side you’re on.

2022 04 09 Earlier: Ukraine war, global aspects

2022 04 10 Earlier: War will end when Europe is broken.

2022 04 08 Earlier: Ukraine war is not Putin’s war. It is EU:s war.

2022 04 06 Earlier: The war in Ukraine is orchestrated by globalists

2022 04 02 Earlier: No Russian bots (2)

2022 04 01 Earlier: Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies self destruct.

2022 03 28 Earlier: Greta starvation, agenda controlled

2022 03 27 Earlier: There were no Russian bots (1)

2022 03 26 Earlier: Tesla sells conflicts, like in Texas

2022 03 25 Earlier: Zelensky chooses war

2022 03 24 Earlier: war and stock are globally directed

2022 03 22 Earlier: Reasons for war in Ukraine

2022 03 20 Earlier: EU decides fuel tax

2022 03 22 Earlier: must stop killing (2)

2022 03 21 Earlier: BlackRock’s Fink letter says gas and oil are good “transition fuels”

2022 03 20 Earlier: must stop killing in Ukraine (1)

2022 03 19 Earlier: International community must protect all

2022 03 18 Earlier: national socialism is very different from international socialism or nazism

2022 03 17 Earlier: Ukraine war is the superpowers attacking the European peoples.

2022 02 25 Earlier: Oligarch Kolomoisky runs Ukraine, president Zelensky, Azov batallion and Ukrainian air, allegedly shot down in Iran conflict.

2022 02 24 Earlier: finance crises, scandals; Europe is run from Brussels/EU like Congo was run from Brussels.

2022 02 19 Earlier: finance crises, scandals; finance timeline

2022 02 18 Earlier: EU rules send Swedish electricity to Germany

2022 02 17 Earlier: Ukraine war 2022

2022 02 16 Earlier: Racism is back

2022 02 06 Earlier: Kamila Valieva doping case rigged

2022 02 05 Earlier: Norwegian public service attacking Russia [Nordic sports /2]

2022 02 04 Earlier: Greta Thunberg discriminates (2)

2022 02 01 Earlier: indigenous peoples are only used for conflict. They will also be conformed.

2022 01 31 Earlier: nazi & other smearing of [Nordic sports /1]

2022 01 30 Earlier: Greta, criticism

2022 01 27 Earlier: Nobel prize to stop sexual violence, not wars.

2022 01 26 Earlier: Catalán Sharp murder media coverage cover up multi-nationals’ control. Belgium made a mess of Congo and now of Europe.

2022 01 25 Earlier: Catalán, Sharp, coltan, Congo, conflict; Assange, Manning, Bini, Kamphuis, Snowden, Kashoggi

2022 01 24 Earlier: Greta Thunberg’s backers, dangerously trying to recreate the Chinese cultural revolution

2022 01 23 Earlier: Northvolt global mess

2022 01 22 Earlier: Next crisis

2022 01 21 Earlier: Greta demonstrations rigged, express apartheid

2022 01 20 Earlier: Media covers up WEF 2022

2022 01 18 Earlier: Turkey

2022 01 17 Earlier: EU energy stavation agenda, cable refused

2022 01 16 Earlier: Energy crisis in Europe

2022 01 15 Earlier: Northvolt, EU – green socialism

2022 01 14 Earlier: Tesla, EU – socialism

2022 01 13 Earlier: Assange revealed US war crimes.

2022 01 12 Earlier: Going virtual

2022 01 11 Earlier: EU lets eastern European nuclear crisis grow

2022 01 07 Earlier: Ukraine Jewish president doesn’t fight nazis [-2-]

2022 01 05 Earlier: EU single candidate system

2022 01 04 Earlier: EU self destructive gas boycott

2022 01 03 Earlier: Hong Kong democracy clamp down

2022 01 02 Earlier: Silk Road, China is becoming part of the global agenda.

2021 12 31 Earlier: Global takeover

2021 12 27 Earlier: Biden acts senile not to have to fulfill his promises.

2021 12 26 Earlier: US and EU construct energy crisis in Europe. (press spoiler button at link target)

2021 12 23 Earlier: Christmas feeling

2021 12 22 Earlier: Privatization down sides, illustrated by Elon Musk

2021 12 21 Earlier: Kamala Harris – the fall guy?

2021 12 20 Earlier: nuclear delay

2021 12 19 Earlier: Northvolt – just a green delusion?

2021 12 17 Earlier: Reasons for the energy crisis

2021 12 14 Earlier: The crises are constructed

2021 12 08 Earlier: USA/EU democracy failure

2021 12 04 Earlier: EU uses psychological warfare against the European peoples.

2021 12 01 Earlier: Greta covers up four things

2021 11 30 Earlier: Greta is too white

2021 11 28 Earlier: Market economy, energy crisis

2021 11 27 Earlier: Musk and Tesla go for feodalism

2021 11 26 Earlier: EU exploits Ukraine

2021 11 10 Earlier: Climate refugees

2021 11 08 Earlier: Musk vs authorities

2021 11 04 Earlier: Refugees from EU

2021 11 03 Earlier: EU energy scam helps the EU

2021 10 28 Earlier: Putin helps the EU

2021 10 27 Earlier: EU constructs energy crisis

2021 10 28Earlier: shirking responsibility

2021 10 27 Earlier: Biden no climate action

2021 10 26 Earlier: origins of climate theory

2021 10 25 Earlier: Greta Thunberg builds generation gap

2021 10 24 Earlier: climate predictions

2021 10 23 Earlier: child shaming

2021 10 22 Earlier: Greta Thunberg discriminates (1 )

2021 10 21 Earlier: big oil not at COP26. Greta anonymous in Sweden.

2021 10 20 Earlier: European energy crisis

2021 10 17 Earlier: Weapons of mass migration

2021 10 16 Earlier: Streisand effect, muslims

2021 10 15 Earlier: information shifts

2021 10 08 Earlier: The cold war is back

2021 10 05 Earlier: The climate weapon

2021 09 25 Earlier: Banks, big corporations

2021 09 19 Earlier: Aukus

2021 09 09 Earlier: The Fall of Rome

2021 09 07 Earlier: Greta – the witch doctor.

2021 09 03 Earlier: Construct problems to split the population.

2021 08 30 Earlier: Energy consumption stops crypto.

2021 08 15 Earlier: Big corps

2021 08 10 Earlier: Argumentation against the person

2021 08 08 Earlier: Climate models exaggerated.

2021 08 06 Earlier: Olympic gold sprinter Jacobs’ nutritionist under police investigation for distribution of anabolic steroids. Attacking the messenger/person.

2021 07 23 Earlier: Controlled opposition

2021 07 20 Earlier: Globalization is dysfunctional.

2021 06 30 Earlier: EU demands elicit government crisis in Sweden.

2021 06 29 Earlier: EU climate tariffs

2021 06 25 Earlier: EU m.o. is crisis. Crisis timeline

2021 06 24 Earlier: Is Greta Thunberg bluffing about her education? [ -1-, -2- ]

2021 06 23 Earlier: Greta Thunberg uses parliament for dancing not debate.

2021 06 22 Earlier: The privatization of space activities is at the expense of research and development.

2021 06 21 Earlier: Greta accuses Nordic countries vaguely, without presenting evidence.

2021 06 20 Earlier: Fake government crisis

2021 06 19 Earlier: EU ramps up CO2. Media twists refugees from US warfare to be “climate refugees”.

2021 06 18 Earlier: US keeps up the oil price.

2021 06 16 Earlier: EU supports regime that encourages death squads.

2021 06 14 Earlier: EU creates cold war

2021 06 12 Earlier: US out of lockdown but not Europe

2021 05 27 Earlier: EU puppet regime, Belarus

2021 05 26 Earlier: EU fakes hi-jack to buy Belarus.”

2021 05 24 Earlier: climate “science

2021 05 22 Earlier: nwo m.o.

2021 04 24 Earlier: Cryptocurrencies hype yet another way to deprive country through reduced tax base. Bitcoin “mining” is really transfer fee. Ethereum hacker became lawful owner of loot.

2021 04 22 Earlier: Tesla crash used to hide lack of sales

2021 04 19 Earlier: climate attack on Nordic countries

2021 04 14 Earlier: US – taliban win-win

2021 04 13 Earlier: Resistance to EU/global control is connected to nazis, terrorists etc.

2021 04 10 Earlier: Media and politicians attack white men.

2021 04 03 Earlier: National states vaccinate more efficiently

2021 04 02 Earlier: Covid is used to form airline monopoly

2021 04 01 Earlier: Airlines don’t want you to travel!

2021 03 31 Earlier: Biden attacks Europe using the climate agenda.

2021 03 20 Earlier: EU-Covid

2021 03 18 Earlier: Georgia

2021 03 12 Earlier: Holodomór terror famine

2021 03 09 Earlier: Biden chosen by Dems meant manipulating democracy to promote Harris.

2021 02 21 Earlier: Archeology on Mars is psychological warfare.

2021 02 06 Earlier: Will agriculture and food supply be the next crises?

2021 02 02 Earlier: Tesla stock is inflated to support green take over by f.ex EU.

2021 01 31 Earlier: Bill Gates knew society would respond to Covid with disproportionate strength.

2021 01 30 Earlier: The World Economic Forum (WEF) is a decoy (1)

2021 01 29 Earlier: The true nature of The (not so) Great Reset

2021 01 12 Earlier: starvation

2021 01 08 Earlier: Trump-Assange agenda

2021 01 06 Earlier: Global lockdown

2020 12 26 Earlier: Maggie Thatcher on EU.

2020 12 26 Earlier: Brexit – a complete success for UK.

2020 12 12 Earlier: Covid mostly affects politicians media dislike.

2020 12 01 Earlier: European Union 7 year budget negotiations 2020.

2020 11 30 Earlier: Belarus 2020 – “revolution” is only newspaper feminist agenda and likely EU influencing

2020 11 26 Earlier: Greta – the modern Don Quixote

2020 11 25 Earlier: EU-satellite deals are better than EU membership.

2020 11 23 Earlier: Future of globalization

2020 11 22 Earlier: Climate doom

2020 11 22 Earlier: Dictatorship: Sweden ban meetings.

2020 11 10 Earlier: Internet communication has led to globalists going for broke.

2020 11 06 Earlier: Diet and body shape are abused to divide the population

2020 11 01 Earlier: Globalism will bring chaos until units of control are shrunk.

2020 10 16 Earlier: Authorities still havn’t published recommendations for those w/symtoms, positive test or anyone really.

2020 10 15 Earlier: Corona restrictions will demand rewriting the constitution.

2020 10 13 Earlier: Greta is not environmental, she is EU and Hong Kong activist.

2020 10 12 Earlier: Greta turns to Macron, not Swedish politicians.

2020 10 08 Earlier: The climate issue is political.

2020 10 02 Earlier: Is the Estonia ferry disaster fake?

2020 09 20 Earlier: Assange trial

2020 09 08 Earlier: Globalists incite subversion and rebellion against the national government

2020 09 05 Earlier: Soros, Nixon, FED

2020 08 31 Earlier: Activism creates tthe problems it claims to counteract.

2020 08 28 Earlier: European Union

2020 08 18 Earlier: EV-charging

2020 08 15 Earlier: Sweden pays Italian Olympics.

2020 08 14 Earlier: Media spread mental problems.

2020 08 11 Earlier: Soros is a decoy.

2020 08 09 Earlier: When Soros crashed Sweden.

2020 08 07 Earlier: Brexit will increase EU power.

2020 08 05 Earlier: Controlling Europe through debt

2020 08 03 Earlier: polarization

2020 08 02 Earlier: “Covid rescue” illegal in two ways

2020 07 26 Earlier: “Covid rescue” is really euro bailout

2020 07 25 Earlier: False idols look appealing

2020 07 23 Earlier: PM Löfven tricked out of EU rebate.

2020 07 20 Earlier: Macron & Merkel dictate the EU agenda

2020 07 12 Earlier: Immigrants ridiculed in headline for not recieving information

2020 07 10 Earlier: white males – slandered in media

2020 07 05 Earlier: US elections – a show for foreign countries

2020 07 03 Earlier: Cross-country skiing champion Marit Bjorgen – a product of the globalist agenda

2020 06 20 Earlier: Swedish PM splits Nordic unity for no reason. – He must be under globalist control.

2020 06 18 Earlier: Black Lives Matter/All Lives Matter [BLM]

2020 06 16 Earlier: The Brexit dilemma (1)

2020 06 12 Earlier: Why the media hate Latin America

2020 06 11 Earlier: Why the UK can not get a deal with the EU.

2020 06 10 Earlier: Why SpaceX recovers boosters.

2020 05 27 Earlier: Send Greta to the European Union to stop Corona recovery. We in Northern Europe are paying for it.

2020 05 22 Earlier: Blackmail the European Union

2020 05 02 Earlier: Norwegian police never tries to find the missing person

2020 05 06 Earlier: Fairy tales newspapers compose

2020 05 02 Earlier: Elon Musk plays the fool

2020 04 30 Earlier: Brexit, current status

2020 04 12 Earlier: fake rebels

2020 04 06 Earlier: The government/press/elite are less likely to use espionage against other states, but would rather use it against their own people.

2020 03 25 Earlier: Corona & climate – full panic but no real action taken.

2020 03 12 Earlier: US elections 2020 are rigged.

2020 03 08 Earlier: US liberal chaos is only for export.

2020 02 29 Earlier: Assange extradition trial

2020 01 27 Earlier: Is Mars rover “Curiosity” fake??

2020 01 25 Earlier: Climate gender conflicts

2020 01 22 Earlier: The scare factor

2020 01 20 Earlier: The European Union threatens w/ bank blockade to make United Kingdom to follow EU rules.

2019 12 19 Earlier: Neil Farage: Parties like SverigeDemokraterna (SD) become corrupt in the European Union.

2019 12 14 Earlier: Elon Musk is intentionally a poor role model, to destroy youth values.

2020 01 26 Earlier: Are Starlink spy satellites?

2019 12 08 Earlier: Obama tries to break US self confidence by cutting the space program.

2019 12 01 Earlier: Are the Iranian ayatollahs CIA-agents?

2019 11 26 Earlier: Arjen Kamphuis‘ disappearance

2019 10 10 Earlier: Greta Thunberg‘s true, dark motives

2019 08 10 Earlier: Edward Snowden – US operative

2019 04 14 Earlier: Wikileaks, Julian Assange and Ola Bini are likely American agents.

2019 04 12 Earlier: Ola Bini, Arjen Kamphuis connection

2019 02 01 Earlier: Elections 2018: Globalist parties pretended to have different opinions. Collaborate to favor large corporations at the expense of workers.

2019 02 01 Earlier: Bilderberg calling the shots: Center party is hi-jacked and Liberal party is ordered to self-exterminate.

2018 09 10 Earlier: News media gives birth to a political party – Ny Demokrati

2018 09 09 Earlier: All parties unite to refuse party SD posts as chairman according to election results.

2018 09 08 Earlier: The media monopoly sells outdated technology to the Swedish gov’t @ SEK 10 bn.

2018 09 07 Earlier: Feeding frenzy, the media monopoly disposes of politicians that do not follow the agenda

2018 09 06 Earlier: Quotes

2018 09 05 Earlier: Control of the Internet, Google, troll farms

2018 08 30 Earlier: Soros’ funds used to influence Swedish politics

2018 05 30 Earlier: Fake news

2018 05 22 Earlier: False flag awards

2018 05 10 Earlier: Who owns the news media

2018 05 01 Earlier: Journalist wounded by IS ?

2018 04 27 Earlier: The Cold War and other anti-Russian activities. The image of conflict; The useful enemy

2018 04 25 Earlier: Why only few air crash investigations are accurate. – Passengers lives are at an unnecessary risk.

2018 04 22 Earlier: The Iraq war 2003 was built on fake evidence. / So far, no accusations of chemical warfare have been proven true. / Also the war on IS was built on fake evidence.

2018 04 10 Earlier: Bjärred-case. Politically correct psychiatry exterminates a whole family?

2018 04 02 Earlier: UN obstructs murder investigation – UN supports an illegal regime. The true reason why Catalán and Sharp were killed.

2018 03 10 Earlier: The terrorists’ objectives

2018 03 01 Earlier: Tesla, Ubuntu/Linux – self destructive moles & Google, Facebook – political control mechanisms

2017 12 25 Earlier: Geopolitisk krigföring – Media/USA attackerar Europa med flyktingar. The enemy within. Weapons of Mass Migration

2017 12 18 Earlier: Destabilisering genom feminism och HBTQ

2017 12 15 Earlier: Destabilisering genom invandring

2017 12 12 Earlier: IOK saknar bevis – Internationella Olympiska Kommittén stänger av Ryssland utan bevis

2017 12 09 Earlier: Trump om Jerusalem – den verkliga orsaken till Trumps uttalande funnen

Table of Contents (in English)

Summary 04


Massmedia och demokratin
News media and the democracy]


Summary 04 (040)


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