02 feminism 02 hate, hatred, haters 03 hbtq 500 divide and conquer 700 conflict, personal, non-integation (2/3: between people) atypical selection disney facebook google media, journalism misguiding anger and criticism, defusing; decoys, distractions, false leads, misdirection sweden timing zAll pages (01) Destabilisering genom feminism och HBTQ-fokusering, eradicating differences, LGBT, Pride, codes, social skills, nedmontering av kärnfamiljen, family, marriage; minorities/särintressen/advocacy groups; jämlikhet, equality, hierarchies, mobbing, cancel culture, hatred; equality; gambling, pornography; polarization; violence; holidays, celebrations; culture, flags, sjukvård medicare

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(can also use tab at screen bottom right) Destabilisering genom feminism och HBTQ-fokusering, nedmontering av kärnfamiljen

500 divide and conquer anti-democratic, pseudo-democratic, democratorship disappearance, predicament exaggeration fake news, news slant likely staged events misguiding anger and criticism, defusing; decoys, distractions, false leads, misdirection movies, illusions, hollywood, broadway, las vegas neoliberal slush; "similar things are different" thailand timing worry writing style, type of medium zAll pages 04.01 Tham Luang cave rescue (1)

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Tham Luang, Thailand, 2018 07 06

Boy soccer team trapped in flooded cave

Thailand: Tiden rinner ut för pojkarna
Tiden är begränsad för att få ut de instängda fotbollspojkarna uppger
räddningspersonal i Thailand.-Den kritiska punkten är när det börjar regna igen. Tiden rinner ut, säger Narongsak Osottanakorn, tidigare guvernör i provinsen Chiang Rai som nu leder räddningsarbetet. Han säger också att syrenivån inne i grottan är en anledning till “riktigt stor oro”.

-1- -2-

Läkare och sjuksköterska skall “finnas med” gruppen

Skönt att det gick bra, förutom tragedin med räddningsdykaren.

Bortom all hajp finns det säkert vettiga personer som kunnat dra erfarenheter om monsunregn, grottor, dykning, pumpning, borrning, räddningsaktioner, vem som skall leda arbetet, hur man får rättbpersonal till platsen snabbt, nätverk mellan länder etc

Svårt att veta vem som pallar. Jag tror asiater med sin hårda disciplin och press kan ha fördelar i alla fall den hårda kärnan av Kina, Japan, Korea, Vietnam. Thai har väl börjar mjukna lite 🙂

01 trolling, trolls 0300 war 22200 assassinations 500 divide and conquer 7.5 source criticism 900 fake conflict assange, wikileaks congo cover up, filtering/selection, drowning double play, false flag, moles fake news, news slant fake/rigged images, videos and recordings investigation size, Dog in the Night-Time; unverified suspects media protects military no consequences psychological factors similar meaning - different value the struggle for commodities timing un, United Nations zAll pages Militarisering: Catalán, Kongo, FN-styrkor; Diskussioner om utlandet; Kampen om råvarorna; Uganda; Assange-Catalán-Kamphuis connection-The scare factor

Only use this mirror site if is under maintenance. Militarisering: Kongo

The Guardian: “The wars [in #Congo] will never stop” – Well, at least not as long as the #cobaltmines don’t run dry. 18.000 UN troops protect the illegal regime fine, its mandate to rule Congo ran out in 2016! #Apple & #Tesla cheers.

The UN obstructs the murder investigation of Catalán and Sharp. Catalán had proof of Congo gov’t ordering murder but Congo gov’t is protected by UN.

01a mass immigration 02 feminism 02 hate, hatred, haters 0400 cold war, polarization, war mongering 0600 sanctions 500 divide and conquer anti-russian antidoping compassion, empathy cover up, filtering/selection, drowning google misguiding anger and criticism, defusing; decoys, distractions, false leads, misdirection timing zAll pages 002 (002) Idrott, politik och antidopingarbete; Meraf Bahta

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Continued from here.

As described above the 2018 Olympic games have shown signs of reconciliation between North and South Korea. Also Korean spectators have supported this, f.ex during an ice-hockey game where North and South Korea come with a joint team.

News media work against this reconciliation by emphasizing protests against it. Even on the header page of Swedish Text-TV.

anti-russian antidoping buying politicians deep state double play, false flag, moles fake news, news slant jewish networks lectures media never admits defeat misguiding anger and criticism, defusing; decoys, distractions, false leads, misdirection pseudo-criticism (cp effect on reader is different ...) serious news connected to unserious medium timing ukraine usa will occur zAll pages Anti-Russian activities and media coverage; Mueller investigation (000); Mueller investigation in Sweden?

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Links to some blog posts related to anti-Russian activities and the cold war can be found here:


Links to other blog posts about the cold war and anti-Russian activities can be found here.


Anti-Russian activities and media coverage

Several anti Russian activities have been carried out. Often based on no or very weak evidence. (“highly likely Russia”) Western powers are quick to blame Russia. The Rodchenkov affair (McLaren report) was  not based on any evidence. In the Skripal affair UK blamed Russia before any evidence could be presented. It still (2018 03 24) seems possible that many countries can manufacture the alleged poison Novichok A234. The OPCW report can not tie Russia to the manufacturing of the poison. Putin is constantly vilified in Western media.

1300 cyber weapons & defence 22300 espionage accusations of lack of respect or compassion censorship corruption in police and law enforcement distraction fear, intimidation indirect account, second hand information, buffers, leaks investigation size, Dog in the Night-Time; unverified suspects IT- cyber-technology netherlands norway police timing witnesses zAll pages Arjen Kamphuis (5) smf (beg); Bill Binney

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Some months after Arjen Kamphuis’ tragic disappearance, two questions still lingered:

1. Why didn’t the killers push out the kayak in the water, but police found it on land. (later explanation about “someone pulled it ashore” is not reliable) The answer is …

… If the kayak had been pushed out, it would have been found quickly and the killers would not have had several days head start (CCTV claimed to be erased etc.)

Question #2: Why have family and friends not reacted more strongly?
Possible answer: ..

… Family has not reacted more strongly since Arjen is not dead. Maybe he was a CIA op who was recalled and given a new ID. It is not certain, but comparing to recent Assange/Bini spy operation gives hints. The Arjen Kamphuis – Ola Bini – connection


… other explanations like drowning, cruising on cargo ships using Bitcoin, becoming psychotic and destroying his own kayak etc, I consider ruled out or close to.

Sending a message that could never have been spelled out clearly

Why would US give #ArjenKamphuis #findArjen a new identity? He can’t do undercover work, his face is known (& no undercover lectures exist), computer work can be done from anywhere. Only one scenario fits …

… The only reason to stage a fake murder of #ArjenKamphuis #findArjen is: The SCARE factor – Now we know: Go up against mass surveillance and you’ll disappear. Scaring possible future activists. Arjen even gave the clues and wrote about his fear going against intelligence services.

The Chinese would say 杀鸡吓猴

In this blog’s opinion, Snowden is also a CIA op. Consider how much effort was spent on placing him in Russia (Assange & Biden co-work). He can now voice (CIA controlled) criticism of mass surveillance from “”unreliable”” Russia. Mass surveillance is like if the postal service would open and read every letter we send. It is an intrusion into our privacy of hitherto unknown extent. Letting two psy-ops, Snowden & Kamphuis, work on reducing criticism against the process, is a negligible cost.

En cyberexpert som är aktiv mot NSAs massövervakning befinner sig 12 dagar på en plats där turister sällan stannar mer än 2. Platsen är rik på anläggningar kopplade till cyberförsvar, inkluderande NSA.

Efter det han checkat ut från hotellet 20/8 ses han eller hans packning aldrig mer.

Efter ett knappt år påstås hans telefoner ha återfunnits av östeuropeiska lastbilschaufförer som “inte har med försvinnandet att göra”. (Östeuropa är populärt att kritisera.)

Mobilspårning verkar visa att han tagit en rälsbuss kl 16.05. Exakt vad som sedan hänt är oklart, men det mesta tyder på att han klivit av i Fauske, där mobilspåret efter honom slutar kl 22 på kvällen.

Han hade inget hotell bokat. Möjligen planerade han att ta nattåg till Trondheim. Det fanns en direktförbindelse 21.05 från Bodö. Men han väljer istället en liten rälsbuss 16.05.

Han anmäls saknad 29/8.

1300 cyber weapons & defence 22300 espionage 700 conflict, personal, non-integation (2/3: between people) accusations of lack of respect or compassion breaking news only seep out silently cover up, filtering/selection, drowning creating a mystery using sparse in absurdum indirect account, second hand information, buffers, leaks investigation size, Dog in the Night-Time; unverified suspects IT- cyber-technology netherlands norway paywall timing zAll pages Arjen Kamphuis (6); police q

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One year after the disappearance of Arjen Kamphuis, the blog summarizes the case:


#ArjenKamphuis is now missing since 2 months. The case is of general interest. POLICE MUST SHARE what the train conductor said. How do police explain the kayak being erroneously assembled, severely damaged, missing vital parts. (1)

… “He was within 70-80 km of Bodö all the time.” But where?

… #ArjenKamphuis kayak was not in a state to be used at sea.
Why did it take 3 weeks before the train conductor was interviewed? Who found the kayak, where? Where was the seat found? (2)

… We have not seen one single interview with #ArjenKamphuis family! MEDIA MUST GIVE MATERIAL DIRECTLY FROM Arjen’s relatives. We still have no idea what they think. (3/3)

01 trolling, trolls 300 terrorism accident investigations anonymous sources, according to reports fake/rigged images, videos and recordings investigation size, Dog in the Night-Time; unverified suspects media protects military misguiding anger and criticism, defusing; decoys, distractions, false leads, misdirection timing zAll pages (001) Flyghaveriutredningar; air crash disasters

Only use this mirror site if is under maintenance. Flyghaveriutredningar

Air crash disasters

Flyghaveriutredningar stöder flygindustrin och försöker i stor omfattning tona ned eller mörklägga tekniska orsaker till haverier. Utredningarna strävar efter att finna fel i (ofta omkomna) piloters agerande. Detta stöder naturligtvis flygindustrin och därmed globaliseringen. Massmedia gör inget för att kritisera detta. I sociala medier förefaller aktiva och tidigare yrkespiloter ofta argumentera enligt samma riktlinjer. Piloter är naturligtvis tvungna att ta hänsyn till sina arbetsgivare när de diskuterar flygsäkerhetsfrågor och deras solidaritet med omkomna kollegor och deras familjer måste därmed sättas i bakgrunden.

Utredningarna arbetar med huvudmålet att hålla allmänhetens förtroende för flygindustrin uppe. Tyvärr går inte alltid detta via att förbättra flygsäkerheten. Tekniska fel och systemfel sätts i bakgrunden och istället framhålls pilotfel och “tillfälligheter”.

timing uk zAll pages (006) Brexit 006 (links) banking …

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Brexit 006

300 terrorism double play, false flag, moles fake news, news slant google iraq paywall philippines skripal timing will occur zAll pages

05. Methods: 5.006 Tidsaspekter på nyhetsförmedling, initiala tvivel, erased material, news slant, fake news, “will occur”

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5 Metoder: 5.6 Tidsaspekter på nyhetsförmedling

Tidsaspekter på nyhetsförmedling

Grundläggande är att information ofta blåses upp och förvrängs i det skede den fokuseras i media. När senare informationen korrigeras har den fallit ur medias fokus. Media hoppas att någotav den initiala, förvrängda informationen fastnar i allmänhetens medvetande.

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