10 destabilization 500 divide and conquer Black Lives Matter (BLM) color revolutions google zAll pages — Globalisering genom destabilisering — weak governments; divide and conquer; Black Lives Matter

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The following header (red background, below) was added to this page in July 2019, since Google erroneously top ranked this page (category “revolutions”!) in order to distort the content of the blog. More about this below.

Google tries to distort the content of this blog by putting its analysis of revolutions as top rank, like this page.

Promoting violence is standard Google globalist issue. If you wish to enter this blog where it starts, please go to

July 2019 the blog seemed to be completely blocked by Google. It would not even generate hits when Google-searching for its title. That is how Google violates freedom of speech by suppressing criticism of Google itself and of globalization.

02 feminism 02 hate, hatred, haters 03 hbtq 500 divide and conquer 700 conflict, personal, non-integation (2/3: between people) atypical selection disney facebook google media, journalism misguiding anger and criticism, defusing; decoys, distractions, false leads, misdirection sweden timing zAll pages (01) Destabilisering genom feminism och HBTQ-fokusering, eradicating differences, LGBT, Pride, codes, social skills, nedmontering av kärnfamiljen, family, marriage; minorities/särintressen/advocacy groups; jämlikhet, equality, hierarchies, mobbing, cancel culture, hatred; equality; gambling, pornography; polarization; violence; holidays, celebrations; culture, flags, sjukvård medicare

Only use this mirror site if is under maintenance. Destabilisering genom feminism och HBTQ-fokusering, nedmontering av kärnfamiljen

600 conflict (1/3: between countries, organizations etc) --- 700 conflict, personal, non-integation (2/3: between people) antidoping cover up, filtering/selection, drowning zAll pages 002 (004) Idrott, politik och antidopingarbete

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Jag har skrivit ned lite om bloddoping. Kommentarer till inlägget mottas gärna.
Detaljer kan säkert förbättras.

Ett av de mest sensationella dopingavslöjandena någonsin har nyligen gjorts. Man har fångat en dopare på video medan han dopar sig. Han är dessutom VM-deltagare. Den österrikiska polisen har utfört ett storartat arbete. 5 deltagare har ertappats som troliga fuskare.

1300 cyber weapons & defence 22300 espionage 700 conflict, personal, non-integation (2/3: between people) accusations of lack of respect or compassion breaking news only seep out silently cover up, filtering/selection, drowning creating a mystery using sparse in absurdum indirect account, second hand information, buffers, leaks investigation size, Dog in the Night-Time; unverified suspects IT- cyber-technology netherlands norway paywall timing zAll pages Arjen Kamphuis (6); police q

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One year after the disappearance of Arjen Kamphuis, the blog summarizes the case:


#ArjenKamphuis is now missing since 2 months. The case is of general interest. POLICE MUST SHARE what the train conductor said. How do police explain the kayak being erroneously assembled, severely damaged, missing vital parts. (1)

… “He was within 70-80 km of Bodö all the time.” But where?

… #ArjenKamphuis kayak was not in a state to be used at sea.
Why did it take 3 weeks before the train conductor was interviewed? Who found the kayak, where? Where was the seat found? (2)

… We have not seen one single interview with #ArjenKamphuis family! MEDIA MUST GIVE MATERIAL DIRECTLY FROM Arjen’s relatives. We still have no idea what they think. (3/3)

02 feminism men-women thailand zAll pages Thailand; Cambodia;

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05 governing Black Lives Matter (BLM) direct democracy nmr Switzerland zAll pages Switzerland; direct democracy; Credit Suisse

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Swizerland is less controlled by global networks since many issues are decided by direct voting by the people.

02 feminism 02 hate, hatred, haters 03 hbtq 4.0 control of people and governments --- 500 divide and conquer 700 conflict, personal, non-integation (2/3: between people) center party cover up, filtering/selection, drowning google liberalerna neoliberal slush; "similar things are different" pseudo-conflicts zAll pages (001): Liberalerna (1)

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