1300 cyber weapons & defence 22300 espionage 700 conflict, personal, non-integation (2/3: between people) accusations of lack of respect or compassion breaking news only seep out silently cover up, filtering/selection, drowning creating a mystery using sparse in absurdum indirect account, second hand information, buffers, leaks investigation size, Dog in the Night-Time; unverified suspects IT- cyber-technology netherlands norway paywall timing zAll pages Arjen Kamphuis (6); police q

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One year after the disappearance of Arjen Kamphuis, the blog summarizes the case:


#ArjenKamphuis is now missing since 2 months. The case is of general interest. POLICE MUST SHARE what the train conductor said. How do police explain the kayak being erroneously assembled, severely damaged, missing vital parts. (1)

… “He was within 70-80 km of Bodö all the time.” But where?

… #ArjenKamphuis kayak was not in a state to be used at sea.
Why did it take 3 weeks before the train conductor was interviewed? Who found the kayak, where? Where was the seat found? (2)

… We have not seen one single interview with #ArjenKamphuis family! MEDIA MUST GIVE MATERIAL DIRECTLY FROM Arjen’s relatives. We still have no idea what they think. (3/3)

Several actors have tried to play down the gravity of #ArjenKamphuis disappearance. Some even “accused” #Wikileaks of “using” #findArjen for their own PR. I disagree. If Wikileaks and others bring up the disappearance & ask questions,the chances of solving the case increase

In #JamalKhashoggiMurder professional assassins used a body double to try to create false leads after the murder.

#ArjenKamphuis phone was used once, 10 days after his disappearance. This enlarged search area immensely. Could also be a sign of a pro assassination.

The concept “disrespect” has been abused by actors trying to hide information in this case:
1. Asking for an early murder investigation was called “disrespect” for family!? (1) …

2. Asking why the spokesperson (who claims her “best friend” was Arjen) quit the job as spokesperson after 2.5 weeks, was considered “disrespect” for the spokesperson (as she saw it)!? (2) …

3. Now it is considered “disrespect” to try to find out the opinion of family members!? Not one single family member has been interviewed in a missing person case of general interest! (3) …

Compare Yulia Skripal. Why is she silent?

Do not try to use the word “disrespect” for trying to find the facts in a case where much relevant information is still hidden from the public. (4/4)

Vad skall man göra mot massiv mörkläggning?

Polisen har mobilspår men avslöjar inte detaljer (mer än det lilla som nämnts i tråden).
Polisen ger inte sin syn på att kanoten inte var i tillstånd att användas för paddling.
Att inte ett enda vittne sett honom verkar ju extremt osannolikt.
Det tog 3 veckor innan polisen förhörde nyckelvittnet, en tågkonduktör. Utfallet av intervjun hålls, liksom det mesta annat, hemligt.
Inte ett enda ord från familjen i media. I media “representeras” familjen av en f.d. Playboymodell som har dubbla lojaliteter eftersom hon är mediapersonlighet och varit politiker. Hon ifrågasätter inte polisen utan följer polisens och medias agenda. Hur nära hon står familjen eller Arjen är oklart.

Arjen var aktivist mot NSA:s massövervakning. Han jobbade på ett företag som grundats av två NSA-agenter. Företaget är specialister på massövervakning. Arjens tillhörigheter återfanns 10 km från en NSA-anläggning i norra Norge.

Det finns fler anmärkningsvärda förhållanden.
Arjen kan mycket väl ha blivit mördad av proffs.
Men eftersom det kan finnas en militär anknytning så lägger polis och media locket på.

Mörkläggningen är ju skandal, naturligtvis. Men vad gör man åt det?

Det verkar som om Turkiet är mer öppet än Norge/Skandinavien. Det har ju kommit mycket information om mordet på Khashoggi. Man verkar inte tveka att ställa en statlig säkerhetstjänst (för Saudiarabien) som ansvarig för mordet på Khashoggi.

Men i fallet Kamphuis är locket på från polis och media. Jag kan bara tänka mig att orsaken är att fallet kan ha militära kopplingar, som jag skrev i inlägget ovan.

A bearded Dutch hacker with long red hair, carrying a canoe under his arm, staying in different 4* hotels in a small (50k) town in northern Norway, will probably pass unnoticed by everyone HAHAHA

#ArjenKamphuis – A bearded, verbal, 100 kg Dutch hacker w/long red hair & a canoe under his arm spent 11 days in 4* hotels in a small Norwegian town & then went missing. Police “spent much resources to find him” but THEY NEVER LOCALIZED 1 SINGLE WITNESS THAT SAW HIM.

… We should not forget that he weighed 100 kg and was a verbal guy giving 100 lectures/yr, enjoyed discussions with others and dinner in nice restaurants. He never went further away from town than 70-80 km, according to phone trace.

His family and his employer do not seem to have noticed anything special either. Absolute silence from them in media during the two months since he went missing.

En skäggig, +100 kg, holländsk hacker med långt rött hår och kanot under armen bor 11 dagar på fyrsrtjärniga hotell i en liten stad i Nordnorge. Han är verbal, gillar att diskutera och äta på bra restaurang. Han visar gärna sina tekniska gadgets för andra. I jobbet håller han ett hundra föreläsningar om året.

Han försvinner. Polisen säger att den “använt stora resurser på att hitta honom”. Fast polisen har inte lyckats lokalisera ett enda vittne som sett honom (förutom hotellreceptionisten). :skamsen:

Till sin hjälp har polisen även telefonspårning. Man har berättat att den saknade aldrig befunnit sig längre bort från Bodö än 70-80 km.

Hans familj och arbetsgivare verkar inte heller ha märkt något speciellt. Under de mer än två månader han varit försvunnen har ingen av dem gjort något som helst uttalande.

… Slår man upp “mörkläggning” i ordboken så kan man nog hitta en bild på Arjen.

If #ArjenKamphuis trip & hotel were paid w/company card, he may have been on a hidden business trip which could be assumed is common within the intelligence sector. (1) …

… One indication of this is that #ArjenKamphuis did not even reveal his true destination to his friends. He told them he was going to Svalbard. (2) …

… In the disheartening case #ArjenKamphuis will not reappear, I assume family will use lawyer against relevant insurance companies. (3/3)

Was kayak paid on card?


Norwegian coastal radio centers:
North in Bodö
South in Sola
Both locations have military air bases.

Arjen stayed at Scandic Bodö, only a few blocks from Coastal radio north.

His phone pinged around Vikeså, aug 30, 1500 k away. Vikeså is 40 k from Coastal radio south.

Coastal radio surveys ship traffic.
According to Magazine Brunel, p 53 and around, the Brunel sail yatch had been used for testing of telemetry.

The author of this blog considers it likely that phone ping aug 30 was intentionally produced by perpetrators committing criminal act against Arjen. Were they trying to take pressure away from Bodö region military installations and move ocus towards coastal radio?
Removed tweets have insinuated that Arjen went to Ekofisk. False leads probably.

For long time the interview w the train conductor has been demanded on Twitter. The lack of phone ping in Rognan has been pointed out.

Now both appear in the news “via friends”.

26 oct

On August 20, Arjen Kamphuis left his hotel and took the train to the bottom of the fjord, Rognan, 85 km away. His phone was there, and the trainmaster remembers his baggage in the corridor.

If this is true it would be breaking news. So far must be considered unverified.

Info saying conductor saw #ArjenKamphuis & phone signal in Rognan are completely new and would be breaking news in this case. It comes from rtbf and friends. Has this info been in Le Monde? So far this info is unverified, imho.

Seeping out breaking news

I am surprised breaking news seep out this way. It would be interesting to see how Le Monde put it. It could be a misunderstanding by friends.
Conductor and phone signal ought to be verified directly from police to major news outlet to be certain.

Two new facts:
1. Train conductor saw Arjen
2. Phone ping in Rognan
are breaking news.
They seem to have come to Le Monde through Arjens friends and not straight from police. There could have been a misunderstanding. To take such important information into serious account it has to come straight from police to major news outlet.

So far police has said last sighting of Arjen was hotel check-out. The only mentioned phone trace was Fauske 21.56. For this info to be modified information straight from police to news source is needed, not via friends.

This piece of news only came up in two french speaking media and seems false.

There is no sure evidence Arjen came to Rognan:
1. No phone signal in Rognan
2. Rognan witness
2.1 Not mentioned by police
2.2 Very unlikely time sequence, seen in Rognan at 21 hrs, ping Fauske 21.56
3. Last train 19.20 back to Fauske

Le Monde article says
1. Phone ping in Rognan (but they probably mean Rognan area)
2. Train master saw Arjen
3. He took the train to Rognan (but did not necessarily go all the way there).
This is breaking news but only seeps out in 2 French papers, late (25/10)
It is based on friends, not police.

– Vi har grunn til å tro at Arjen tok toget til Rognan den ettermiddagen etter at han sjekket ut fra hotellet i Bodø. Vi vet ikke om han kom frem dit:

– Ja, han kan ha gått av på en mellomstasjon. Det siste signalet fra telefonen hans ble registrert den dagen på det samme stedet vi fant tingene hans denne uken, utdyper Walla.

twitter: Snowleopard

At a late date media seem eager to spin a scenario where #ArjenKamphuis went to Rognan?!
It seemingly includes #fakeNews ? This article (Nov 1) writes “The police today announced that they were ‘reasonably convinced’ that he was in Rognan that same night;”
… (1)

Has there been any police announcement yesterday or is this #fakeNews?

Ancilla is considered a family spokesperson but more seems to relate and promote information from media. On Twitter she promotes the article mentioned above that contains fake news.

At a very late stage, late October, media for the first time makes a very inconspicuous comment that Arjen may have gone to Bodö for work. (Interview with Ancilla)

The case is now so old and forgotten, media can pretend to have contemplated this possibility which has been actively suppressed all along.

Det avslutade forumet, FRI, innehöll mycket desinformation, t.ex falska konton för familjen, var min bedömning, från vad jag hört om forumet.

Just familjens tystnad är extremt märklig. Inga uttalanden media.

Möjligen finns ett Twitterkonto som är äkta. Den kvinnan har presenterat sig som kusin till Arjen. Men hon retweetar mest det som fotomodellen länkar eller skriver samt skriver att man hoppas Arjen skall dyka upp. Nu senast en artikel ur holländska AD som ger ett tveksamt intryck anser jag.

Så här blir ett stycke med Google translate.
The police today announced that they were ‘reasonably convinced’ that he was in Rognan that same night;
(Nov 1)

Men polisen har inte gjort några uttalanden på länge. Det diskuterades på Twitter där även holländskspråkiga debattörer deltar. Ingen protesterade när detta kallades fake news. Man hänvisar även till någon anonym poliskälla.

Fotomodellen uppträder mer som en representant för polis och media. Hon verkar inte representera familjen och pressar fram fakta, men familjen har inte protesterat mot detta, mig veterligen.

Jag menar att en hel del tyder på att Arjen var på arbetaresa. Om anhöriga anlitar en advokat så kan den förmodligen få fram det som polisen vägrar berätta. Telefonspårning med triangulering, intervju med tågkonduktör, kriminalteknisk undersökning av kanot etc

Jag tror en advokat skulle ha goda chanser att visa att detta var en arbetaresa. Om då Arjen aldrig dyker upp igen borde anhöriga vara berättigade till mångmiljonskadestånd, gissar jag.

Man frågar sig därför om arbetsgivaren redan ingått en förlikning med familjen inkluderande skadestånd om utbyte mot familjens tystnad. Men det är en ren gissning från mig. blog/arjen

“When I’m done explaining things Gran always grabs my hand and whispers “just you be careful!”. Because you never know what could happen when you are critisizing governments. She knows this, so take a bit of time to listen to your gran.”

Dedicated to my grandmother, Tet de Boer – Olij,
Kollum 1920 – Leidschendam 2010

Fuck the NSA

Tråden i websleuths är stängd. Forumet FRI är neslagt. (Båda påstod sig, förmodligen felaktigt, ha konton av familjemedlemmar.) Det Twitterkonto som skötte FRI är avslutat. Ett konto man kunde gissa var en fortsättning av dwt kontot är ickså avslutat.

Desinformstörerna har agerat undwr kaosfasen i nyveten och drar sig nu tillbaka när nyheten går in i mörkläggningsfasen.
[ timing ]

The simplest explanation of #ArjenKamphuis “#mystery” is that he got off the train in Fauske and got killed. Kayak is a decoy. Police have not “accepted” any witness after check out 8/20 14.06, I agree. He had expressed fright for intelligence services and the alike.

Att radera CCTV efter 7 dagar är en allmän bestämmelse i Norge. Den som kan motivera att den behöver spara längre får göra det. Exakt hur länge man sparar CCTV på flygplatsen i Trondheim har inte gått att få fram. Det vore inte otroligt att man sparar längre, menar jag. Polis och immigration skulle ju kunna motivera att man behöver spara registreringarna från flygplatser längre för att kunna använda i allvarliga brottsfall, t.ex.

Kameraovervåking kan virke både proaktivt (forhindre en hendelse) og reaktivt (oppklare en hendelse). Der kameraovervåking virker proaktivt, skal opptakene slettes fortløpende med et rimelig intervall – med mindre man har oppdaget en hendelse. I praksis kan syv dager være en tommelfingerregel, siden de fleste vil ha oppdaget relevante hendelser innen en uke. Loven åpner for at opptak kan lagres lenger enn dette, men i så fall må virksomheten kunne dokumentere hvorfor dette er nødvendig regelverk

Han bokade resa till Svalbard men avbokade denna samt gjorde bokningar till Bodö. Vad jag förstått var både avbokningar till Svalbard samt bokningar till Bodö bekräftade när han åt middag med vänner. Ändå så uppgav han till vännerna att han skulle resa till Svalbard. Därför började man söka efter honom på Svalbard!

Just att inte avslöja för sina vänner vart han skulle åka, utsnlägga ut villospår, talar ju starkt mot att det var en vanlig semesterresa.

Han avinstallerade också appen Signal som han och hans vänner använde för att kommunicera krypterat. När de skickade meddelande till honom (innan han försvann) så gick inte meddelandena fram, vilket förvånade vännerna mycket. De kunde inte förstå varför han inte tog emot meddelanden via Signal.

Då skojade vännerna och sade “En isbjörn kanske ätit upp honom.” eftersom de trodde han var på Svalbard.

VG paywall
Approx Nov 9 2018

Den 8. august sjekker Kamphuis inn på Radisson Blu i Trondheim. Han overnatter der i to netter, før han reiser videre og sjekker inn på Radisson Blu i Bodø den 10. august.

Etter den 17. august er Raddison-hotellet i Bodø fullbooket, og Kamphuis må bytte hotell. Han bytter til Scandic Bodø og overnatter der i tre netter. Da han sjekker ut av Scandic Bodø den 20. august, er det siste sikre observasjon av Kamphuis.

Politiet er sikre på at Kamphuis var i Fauske. Mobilen gjorde siste innslag på Fauske rundt klokken ti på kvelden den 20. august.

Kamphuis bestilte elleve hotellrom i syv forskjellige byer før ferien. Til sammen overnattet han på tre av disse hotellene.

Hotellene Kamphuis avbestilte ligger i Bodø, Trondheim, Fauske, Vikhammer, Sjørvågen, Longyearbyen og Røst.

En nær venn av Kamphuis forteller til VG at han i ukene før norgesferien skal ha mottatt noe han selv ikke oppfattet som en stor trussel, selv om han fortalte sine venner om det. Da han kom hjem, var alle skruene skrudd ut av inngangsdøren til hjemmet hans. Låsen var også skrudd ut.

Politiet i Bodø skriver i en mail at de tidligere har opplyst at det er to ulike telefoner som har slått inn på Fauske og på Vikeså. Det er ikke sammenfall mellom sim-kortet i bruk 20. august 2018 i Indre Salten og sim-kortene som gjorde innslag i Rogaland.

Polisens uppgifter bidrar till förvirringen. Det vore bättre om de berättade var han verkligen befunnit sig enlig telefonspårning. Vad sade tågkonduktören. Hur förklarar de kanotens tillstånd. Detta vore bättre att få veta.

Sjörvågen hittar jag inte.

Norge kustradio övervakar sjötrafik, den har numera två centraler: Bodö och Sola (båda har även militära flygbaser). Sola ligger bara ca 40 km från Vikeså där Arjens telefon slog in 30/8.

Arjens företag har stor segelbåt. Ett av dess användningsområden är att skicka signaler till satelliter för att utveckla övervakning av sjöfart.

Jag tror Arjen kan ha mördats av proffs och telefonsignalen 30/8 kan ha varit ett villospår. Varken Arjen eller proffsmördare (om den teorin är riktig) slår på en telefon av misstag. Villospåret kanske lagts ut för att förknippa försvinnandet med utveckling av kustradioteknik. Men det är naturligtvis en gissning.

Jag är inte säker på att det går att dra några slutsatser ur de många avbokningarna av hotell. Men de som vet mer om dessa platser i Norge och Svalbard kanske har idéer? (Fauske är ju där Arjens tillhörigheter återfanns. Det finns ett satellitmottagningscenter där.)

ingervju med Kamphuis
Interview with Arjen

Börjar likna mer och mer Khashoggi-case. Av det har vi nu fått bekräftat att länder har “säkerhetsapparat” som inte väjer för mord. När det gäller Khashoggi så fanns det en spelare, Erdogan, som kunde dra nytta av avslöjandet. När det gäller Kamphuis finns tydligen ingen sådan spelare.

2018 11 13
Norwegian VG published a paywall that seems to contain mostly old material f.ex about the burglaries into his apartments, some new but less relevant material about other hotel rooms he reserved but cancelled etc

It seems they try to divert attention from the kayak, Fauske, Arjen’s work, Arjen’s expressed fear for “the intelligence services of super powers”, the almost complete silence from the police regarding his whereabouts using phone trace, train staff interview etc

Usually well informed Internet posters claim not to know about some of the old facts. They start asking each other about details on the matter. One can assume they are trolls, employed by MSM, under orders to help news media focus discussions on less relevant details and the seemingly obvious lack of efforts by the police to solve the matter.

In other forums trolls use their standard tactic. They ask if Kamphuis had self demeaning traits that wiuld make it likely that would make it likely that he made a suicide or escape look like a murder. His friends have already stated that they found it very unlikely that he would commit suicide.

At the beginning of the case rumors (by among others Silkie Carlo?) claimed that Kamphuis sometimes used to go “off grid”. To the knowledge of the blog author, such runors were never sustantiated.

Politicians and VIPs visiting certain countries tend to order rooms at several hotels simulateously, and then when arriving at hotel ask to get a different random room, to throw off potential pre-rigged sureveillance in room, if only for one night. #findArjen

Yes. The multitude of hotel reservations could show that he was trying to confuse his arch enemy, the NSA. Hardly no other parties than state actors would be able to access multiple hotel reservations (and thereby be confused by them).

He could not receive messages in Signal app, that is known. It seems VG tells this was because he deleted his Signal account Aug 9 (in Trondheim).

One important piece of information has been withheld from the public, as far as I know: What phone calls, text mess, emails did he exchange?
Very little is in favor of a paddle holiday, so is deleting Signal. He would have told his friends if he wished a screen holiday.

Deleting Signal worried his friends. This move is against both vacation & (unlikely) voluntary disappearance. It could have elicited (or actually did elicit?) a barrage of SMS, calls, emails to him to check on his well being.

Flying Trondheim (not the natural Bodö) reserving/cancelling Vikhammer. Was he trying to make state run surveillance believe he was in Trondheim? (Train ticket to Bodö would not require ID.)
Still possible this plan was made together w/state actor.

[Remove app Signal to … -Ed] Wipe your phone clean from all (new to receive) data in order to trust someone else with your phone far away from where you are.

VG paywall seems careless; mixes up Ualand and Fauske, probably also misspells Sörvågen.

It also claims BOTH SIM & PHONE USED WERE DIFFERENT in Fauske and Rogaland (2 SIM). Right or not??

True. [At check out he wore] khaki clothes, 2 dark bags.
Noreegian police
That reveals a third grave error in the #verdensGang paywall article that claims he wore dark clothes. Police states khaki.
twitter Snowleopard
(I also believe he had stopped his general habit of wearing dark clothes.)

VG (paywall) states that both SIM & phone were different in Fauske & Rogaland.
twitter Snowleopard
This could be of interest. (1) …

… He could have wiped one phone in Trondheim (uninstalled Signal) and left it (+SIM) there with someone, it later “went” to Rogaland. Then only one phone would be registered the entire period in Bodö.
Police knows, but they are under orders of maximum cover up… (2)

… Also information about different phone and SIM is not verified. It comes from an article in VG that has at least 3 significant errors. (3/3)
twitter Snowleopard

… Leaving a phone in Trondheim could be one further step in trying to make state run surveillance believe he was in Trondheim. (In addition to flying to Trondheim and reserving Vikhammer.)
(Only a theory.)
twitter Snowleopard

“Not a single witness was located that saw him.”! can have several explanations:
1. local ppl saw the anti-NSA activist as an intruder, threatening Norwegian interests and the town’s largest (?) employer, the army. They therefore refuse to help the police.
(1) …

2. The police are not really trying to locate witnesses.
3. He was actually trying to hide.

“Det kan virke skremmende å utfordre supermaktenes etterretningstjenester, men man skal aldri sky en skremmende oppgave.”

“It seems frightening to challenge the intelligence services of super powers, but you should never back off from a frightening task.”

This expresses a personal fear of challenging the intelligence services.

This link to the newspaper IS NO LONGER ACCESSIBLE!!!

[ timing ]

twitter Snowleopard

twitter Snowleopard

twitter Snowleopard

It’s possible that TRD airport still had recordings, maybe even hotel. “7 days is a rule of thumb … longer storage is allowed if the need is documented” kameraövervaking
Each recording location must be investigated individually to know period of storage.


Was Arjen trying to hide from state run surveillance?

He misled his friends about his destination.

He bought a kayak but had knowingly never paddled before. (Bodö would mean sea paddling close to the world’s strongest malstroem. No one saw him paddle.)

He booked but cancelled kayaking destinations like Röst, Sörvågen, Vikhammer.

He flew to Trondheim, near Vikhammer. But he continued by train (that does not require ID) to Bodö.

No one saw him in Bodö!

In Trondheim he uninstalled app Signal. – Maybe he wiped one phone and left it there with someone as a decoy. (Different SIM & phone in Fauske and Rogalanda acc. to VG).

His job was to teach people how to avoid being detected by state run surveillance.

Did no one notice his kayak pack?
And the image does not include the paddle

How many parts did Arjens paddle divide into? Is this how his complete set up would look like?

Questions for the police.
Frågor för polisen
Information som polisen inte avslöjar:
Information the police is withholding:

Where did Arjen spend 10 days in Bodö and 2 in Trondheim? (- phone trace with as detailed localization as possible “triangulation”)

How were his credit cards used?

What phone calls, text mess, emails did he exchange?

Did Arjen leave one phone in Trondheim and only used one phone in Bodö? If so, is the phone in Trondheim the one that went to Rogaland?

What is the police’ opinion about the state of the kayak?

Is the kayak most likely a decoy, erroneously assembled by persons that could have assassinated Arjen?

What did the train staff say at interview?

Is it clearly established that someone found the kayak in the water and pulled it ashore? Has that person been identified and interviewed by the police. Who is it? Why has that person not been interviewed in media, like Soleng who found Arjen’s other belongings?

Where was the seat to the kayak found?

What did Arjen say to kayak salesperson regarding use of Kayak? What impression of Arjen did the salesperson get?

What CCTV footage of Arjen has been retreived?

VG paywall
Politiet uttaler under Åsted Norge-sendingen at deres utgangspunkt er at Kamphuis selv brukte mobilen sin i Vikeså.
Why do police start from the assumption that Arjen used the phone himself in Vikeså?

1 av disse to scenarier: Myndigheterna försöker dölja AK, till exempel NSA, eller AK gömmar sig frivilligt, båda fallen är politiskt motiverat

Fler forum på Twitter, websleuths har stängts, jag har deltatt i nån, og utestengd pga kritiske spørsmål gj. polis, myndightene o.l. som AK gjorde..
Det var en bra intervju du länkade.

Det finns ju fler bevis på hans kamp mot NSA.
Fuck the NSA

Den här länken om Arjens fruktan för underrättelsetjönster går numera till “De fleste bryter fartsgrensa” 🙂
Det går att söka fram den ursprungliga artikeln: Levde for kampen mot masseovervakning
Men lite konstigt är det väl att tidningen inte använder permalänkar?

Om det är så att Arjen försökt vilseleda “NSA” om sin vistelseort så skulle jag tro att det kunde handla om 14 dagar, för att utföra någon form av uppdrag i Bodö.

Att han skulle ha planerat att och fortfarande håller sig undan finner jag mycket osannolikt.

Jag tror Arjen likviderades (eller möjligen utsattes för “extraordinary rendition”) av någon säkerhetstjänst. Tyvärr tror jag inte han är i livet.

Jag tror han gick av tåget i Fauske och blev mördad. Mördarna försökte montera kanoten som.ett villospår. Men kanoten är så dåligt monterad att den inte har kunnat användas för att paddla med. Arjen har inte saboterat och sätt ihop kanoten fel.

Att dessutom lägga ett villospår från Rogaland (40 km från norsk kustradio) med telefonen kan vara tecken på proffsmord, tror jag. Det skedde snart efter det att han anmälts saknad och förvirrade situationen. (Arjen skulle ju heller inte slå på sin telefon av misstag. Hade han förberett ett försvinnande hade han haft andra telefoner. )


(can also use tab at screen bottom right)


A few earlier posts:    (scroll down list)

2022 11 12 Earlier: Privatization means impoverished space research

2022 11 10 Earlier: Sami activists cropped out of Greta picture

2022 11 08 Earlier: Artemis 1 – time for SpaceX to deliver

2022 11 07 Earlier: Sunak stares at Lavrov

2022 11 05 Earlier: NASA smears itself

2022 11 04 Earlier: Sweden elections 2022 (2): New gov’t, same policies

2022 11 03 Earlier: Google admits Crimea is Russian

2022 11 02 Earlier: “Crisis” is really price increase; centralization

2022 10 31 Earlier: Big Mac index

2022 10 30 Earlier: False flag rightist government; Sweden elections 2022 (1)

2022 10 28 Earlier: Turkey

2022 10 27 Earlier: Twitter buy. Musk-Trump oligarch empire forming?

2022 10 26 Earlier: World Economic Forum, WEF, is a decoy (2)

2022 10 25 Earlier: Sunak appointment means divide and conquer

2022 10 24 Earlier: Oil producers are “axis of evil

2022 10 23 Earlier: The decline of the West

2022 10 22 Earlier: India, networks

2022 10 21 Earlier: Politicians main objective: stop votes from having effect

2022 10 20 Earlier: Politicians (Johnson) manipulate the system.

2022 10 19 Earlier: Globalization intensifies

2022 10 18 Earlier: EU lack ofdemocracy

2022 10 17 Earlier: acting loser

2022 10 16 Earlier: Leader vs MP:s

2022 10 15 Earlier: Secretive courts protect the oil industry – Energy Charter Treaty

2022 10 14 Earlier: Destructive investments

2022 10 13 Earlier: Macronism

2022 10 12 Earlier: Women vs men

2022 10 11 Earlier: Terrorists in Sweden?

2022 10 10 Earlier: Energy privatization

2022 10 09 Earlier: Divide and conquer, common enemy

2022 10 07 Earlier: Election fine print

2022 10 06 Earlier: Sweden 2022 elections undemocratic

2022 10 05 Earlier: iran: Hijab unrest; Swedish courts obey The People’s Mujahedin

2022 10 03 Earlier: Entrepreneurs counteracted

2022 10 01 Earlier: “stan”-countries run over, sports for globalization

2022 09 29 Earlier: Asssange actor

2022 09 28 Earlier: Forming government, Sweden 2022

2022 09 26 Earlier: Tricking the people into believeing SD won

2022 09 25 Earlier: EU isolates the Nordic countries by slow trains

2022 09 24 Earlier: Sweden elections – same s… new wrap

2022 09 23 Earlier: Ransomware – privacy laws

2022 09 22 Earlier: EU loser mentality

2022 09 20 Earlier: Unwashed, stench, filth, dirt – trend

2022 09 19 Earlier: Forming government in Sweden 2014-2022, all delays, on EU orders.

2022 09 18 Earlier: So called “extreme right

2022 09 17 Earlier: Iranian PR – #1

2022 09 16 Earlier: Media “extreme right” is just normal

2022 09 15 Earlier: Germany supports EU irreversible federalization

2022 09 14 Earlier: EU meddling in elctions

2022 09 13 Earlier: EU’s self destructive sanctions against Russia, over Ukraine

2022 09 12 Earlier: Europe heading for a new Stone Age

2022 09 11 Earlier: US attack on Europe.

2022 09 10 Earlier: FED creates chaos.

2022 09 09 Earlier: Nationalist SD does not demand influence, SD opposes itself

2022 09 08 Earlier: Liberals switch sides.

2022 09 07 Earlier: Inflation is an excuse for increasing prices due to lack of competition.

2022 08 27 Earlier: Sweden elections: Parties split up to promote EU

2022 08 26 Earlier: The political system is broken.

2022 08 25 Earlier: EU oil starvation

2022 08 24 Earlier: Artsakh/Nagorno-Karabakh – a new Ukraine?

2022 08 23 Earlier: Money transfer to corporations

2022 08 04 Earlier: NASA can not fill propellent

2022 08 03 Earlier: Privatization is only good when you benefit (LIV golf)

2022 08 02 Earlier: Left and right united against the people

2022 08 01 Earlier: The community must regulate energy

2022 07 28 Earlier: NASA racism

2022 07 31 Earlier: Northvolt update

2022 07 26 Earlier: EU orchestrated energy chaos

2022 07 25 Earlier: Energy divide and conquer stragtegy

2022 07 24 Earlier: Save POW:s, not drug smugglers

2022 07 23 Earlier: Northvolt, EU battery frenzy

2022 07 22 Earlier: Delay tactics

2022 07 21 Earlier: Superpowers use cold war to dominate.

2022 07 20 Earlier: Is LIV golf an object to hate for future sanctions against Saudi.

2022 07 19 Earlier: EU energy crisis like California (2)

2022 07 18 Earlier: LGBT – one piece in the fall of Rome

2022 07 17 Earlier: Energy crisis, like California (1)

2022 07 12 Earlier: Media focus on personal details when in fact SpaceX and Tesla are in trouble.

2022 07 11 Earlier: EU kamikaze crash (2)

2022 07 10 Earlier: EU Covid package

2022 07 04 Earlier: EU kamikaze crash (1)

2022 06 03 Earlier: Logging companies avoid being scrutinized.

2022 06 02 Earlier: Super powers vs people

2022 06 01 Earlier: Northvolt smearing Sweden.

2022 05 31 Earlier: Sweden going down

2022 05 30 Earlier: US renders president powerless

2022 05 29 Earlier: US doesn’t want to stop shootings

2022 05 28 Earlier: Cancel indians and other native/indigenous peoples

2022 05 27 Earlier: Russian deserters sue army

2022 05 26 Earlier: Nazi smearing

2022 05 25 Earlier: Why Greta is not in Swedish media.

2022 05 24 Earlier: Greta review

2022 05 23 Earlier: EU – Sovietcomparison

2022 05 22 Earlier: Ukraine, a new Korea (2)

2022 05 21 Earlier: War inflation attacks common people

2022 05 22 Earlier: False flag

2022 05 21 Earlier: Oil net import

2022 05 20 Earlier: Turkey in NATO supported IS. In NATO Sweden can end up in war with parctically any country.

2022 05 18 Earlier: US defends Taiwan, but not Ukraine. Joining NATO can mean war with China

2022 05 17 Earlier: 1. West employs cancel culture. 2. Jewish influence 3. Nordic systems were better.

2022 05 16 Earlier: A new Korea in Europe (1)

2022 05 15 Earlier: Why Europe is crashing (2)

2022 05 13 Earlier: Use blockade to blame foreign powers.

2022 05 11 Earlier: Burn quran is like burn kippah

2022 05 10 Earlier: Team USA-Russia vs Syria, Iraq, Kazakhstan …

2022 05 09 Earlier: Bombing independent countries

2022 05 08 Earlier: Why Europe is crashing (1)

2022 05 06 Earlier: Tesla – modern slavery

2022 05 02 Earlier: Join NATO in panic

2022 04 26 Earlier: Superpower take-over

2022 04 25 Earlier: Europe under attack

2022 04 23 Earlier: War destroys Europe

2022 04 21 Earlier: Musk SolarCity trial

2022 04 20 Earlier: Superppowers lose war.

2022 04 18 Earlier: Superpowers starve Europe of energy.

2022 04 15 Earlier: EU sanctions euro and blames Russia.

2022 04 14 Earlier: Ukraine war means energy depletion

2022 04 11 Earlier: It’s about war, not which side you’re on.

2022 04 09 Earlier: Ukraine war, global aspects

2022 04 10 Earlier: War will end when Europe is broken.

2022 04 08 Earlier: Ukraine war is not Putin’s war. It is EU:s war.

2022 04 06 Earlier: The war in Ukraine is orchestrated by globalists

2022 04 02 Earlier: No Russian bots (2)

2022 04 01 Earlier: Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies self destruct.

2022 03 28 Earlier: Greta starvation, agenda controlled

2022 03 27 Earlier: There were no Russian bots (1)

2022 03 26 Earlier: Tesla sells conflicts, like in Texas

2022 03 25 Earlier: Zelensky chooses war

2022 03 24 Earlier: war and stock are globally directed

2022 03 22 Earlier: Reasons for war in Ukraine

2022 03 20 Earlier: EU decides fuel tax

2022 03 22 Earlier: must stop killing (2)

2022 03 21 Earlier: BlackRock’s Fink letter says gas and oil are good “transition fuels”

2022 03 20 Earlier: must stop killing in Ukraine (1)

2022 03 19 Earlier: International community must protect all

2022 03 18 Earlier: national socialism is very different from international socialism or nazism

2022 03 17 Earlier: Ukraine war is the superpowers attacking the European peoples.

2022 02 25 Earlier: Oligarch Kolomoisky runs Ukraine, president Zelensky, Azov batallion and Ukrainian air, allegedly shot down in Iran conflict.

2022 02 24 Earlier: finance crises, scandals; Europe is run from Brussels/EU like Congo was run from Brussels.

2022 02 19 Earlier: finance crises, scandals; finance timeline

2022 02 18 Earlier: EU rules send Swedish electricity to Germany

2022 02 17 Earlier: Ukraine war 2022

2022 02 16 Earlier: Racism is back

2022 02 06 Earlier: Kamila Valieva doping case rigged

2022 02 05 Earlier: Norwegian public service attacking Russia [Nordic sports /2]

2022 02 04 Earlier: Greta Thunberg discriminates (2)

2022 02 01 Earlier: indigenous peoples are only used for conflict. They will also be conformed.

2022 01 31 Earlier: nazi & other smearing of [Nordic sports /1]

2022 01 30 Earlier: Greta, criticism

2022 01 27 Earlier: Nobel prize to stop sexual violence, not wars.

2022 01 26 Earlier: Catalán Sharp murder media coverage cover up multi-nationals’ control. Belgium made a mess of Congo and now of Europe.

2022 01 25 Earlier: Catalán, Sharp, coltan, Congo, conflict; Assange, Manning, Bini, Kamphuis, Snowden, Kashoggi

2022 01 24 Earlier: Greta Thunberg’s backers, dangerously trying to recreate the Chinese cultural revolution

2022 01 23 Earlier: Northvolt global mess

2022 01 22 Earlier: Next crisis

2022 01 21 Earlier: Greta demonstrations rigged, express apartheid

2022 01 20 Earlier: Media covers up WEF 2022

2022 01 18 Earlier: Turkey

2022 01 17 Earlier: EU energy stavation agenda, cable refused

2022 01 16 Earlier: Energy crisis in Europe

2022 01 15 Earlier: Northvolt, EU – green socialism

2022 01 14 Earlier: Tesla, EU – socialism

2022 01 13 Earlier: Assange revealed US war crimes.

2022 01 12 Earlier: Going virtual

2022 01 11 Earlier: EU lets eastern European nuclear crisis grow

2022 01 07 Earlier: Ukraine Jewish president doesn’t fight nazis [-2-]

2022 01 05 Earlier: EU single candidate system

2022 01 04 Earlier: EU self destructive gas boycott

2022 01 03 Earlier: Hong Kong democracy clamp down

2022 01 02 Earlier: Silk Road, China is becoming part of the global agenda.

2021 12 31 Earlier: Global takeover

2021 12 27 Earlier: Biden acts senile not to have to fulfill his promises.

2021 12 26 Earlier: US and EU construct energy crisis in Europe. (press spoiler button at link target)

2021 12 23 Earlier: Christmas feeling

2021 12 22 Earlier: Privatization down sides, illustrated by Elon Musk

2021 12 21 Earlier: Kamala Harris – the fall guy?

2021 12 20 Earlier: nuclear delay

2021 12 19 Earlier: Northvolt – just a green delusion?

2021 12 17 Earlier: Reasons for the energy crisis

2021 12 14 Earlier: The crises are constructed

2021 12 08 Earlier: USA/EU democracy failure

2021 12 04 Earlier: EU uses psychological warfare against the European peoples.

2021 12 01 Earlier: Greta covers up four things

2021 11 30 Earlier: Greta is too white

2021 11 28 Earlier: Market economy, energy crisis

2021 11 27 Earlier: Musk and Tesla go for feodalism

2021 11 26 Earlier: EU exploits Ukraine

2021 11 10 Earlier: Climate refugees

2021 11 08 Earlier: Musk vs authorities

2021 11 04 Earlier: Refugees from EU

2021 11 03 Earlier: EU energy scam helps the EU

2021 10 28 Earlier: Putin helps the EU

2021 10 27 Earlier: EU constructs energy crisis

2021 10 28Earlier: shirking responsibility

2021 10 27 Earlier: Biden no climate action

2021 10 26 Earlier: origins of climate theory

2021 10 25 Earlier: Greta Thunberg builds generation gap

2021 10 24 Earlier: climate predictions

2021 10 23 Earlier: child shaming

2021 10 22 Earlier: Greta Thunberg discriminates (1 )

2021 10 21 Earlier: big oil not at COP26. Greta anonymous in Sweden.

2021 10 20 Earlier: European energy crisis

2021 10 17 Earlier: Weapons of mass migration

2021 10 16 Earlier: Streisand effect, muslims

2021 10 15 Earlier: information shifts

2021 10 08 Earlier: The cold war is back

2021 10 05 Earlier: The climate weapon

2021 09 25 Earlier: Banks, big corporations

2021 09 19 Earlier: Aukus

2021 09 09 Earlier: The Fall of Rome

2021 09 07 Earlier: Greta – the witch doctor.

2021 09 03 Earlier: Construct problems to split the population.

2021 08 30 Earlier: Energy consumption stops crypto.

2021 08 15 Earlier: Big corps

2021 08 10 Earlier: Argumentation against the person

2021 08 08 Earlier: Climate models exaggerated.

2021 08 06 Earlier: Olympic gold sprinter Jacobs’ nutritionist under police investigation for distribution of anabolic steroids. Attacking the messenger/person.

2021 07 23 Earlier: Controlled opposition

2021 07 20 Earlier: Globalization is dysfunctional.

2021 06 30 Earlier: EU demands elicit government crisis in Sweden.

2021 06 29 Earlier: EU climate tariffs

2021 06 25 Earlier: EU m.o. is crisis. Crisis timeline

2021 06 24 Earlier: Is Greta Thunberg bluffing about her education? [ -1-, -2- ]

2021 06 23 Earlier: Greta Thunberg uses parliament for dancing not debate.

2021 06 22 Earlier: The privatization of space activities is at the expense of research and development.

2021 06 21 Earlier: Greta accuses Nordic countries vaguely, without presenting evidence.

2021 06 20 Earlier: Fake government crisis

2021 06 19 Earlier: EU ramps up CO2. Media twists refugees from US warfare to be “climate refugees”.

2021 06 18 Earlier: US keeps up the oil price.

2021 06 16 Earlier: EU supports regime that encourages death squads.

2021 06 14 Earlier: EU creates cold war

2021 06 12 Earlier: US out of lockdown but not Europe

2021 05 27 Earlier: EU puppet regime, Belarus

2021 05 26 Earlier: EU fakes hi-jack to buy Belarus.”

2021 05 24 Earlier: climate “science

2021 05 22 Earlier: nwo m.o.

2021 04 24 Earlier: Cryptocurrencies hype yet another way to deprive country through reduced tax base. Bitcoin “mining” is really transfer fee. Ethereum hacker became lawful owner of loot.

2021 04 22 Earlier: Tesla crash used to hide lack of sales

2021 04 19 Earlier: climate attack on Nordic countries

2021 04 14 Earlier: US – taliban win-win

2021 04 13 Earlier: Resistance to EU/global control is connected to nazis, terrorists etc.

2021 04 10 Earlier: Media and politicians attack white men.

2021 04 03 Earlier: National states vaccinate more efficiently

2021 04 02 Earlier: Covid is used to form airline monopoly

2021 04 01 Earlier: Airlines don’t want you to travel!

2021 03 31 Earlier: Biden attacks Europe using the climate agenda.

2021 03 20 Earlier: EU-Covid

2021 03 18 Earlier: Georgia

2021 03 12 Earlier: Holodomór terror famine

2021 03 09 Earlier: Biden chosen by Dems meant manipulating democracy to promote Harris.

2021 02 21 Earlier: Archeology on Mars is psychological warfare.

2021 02 06 Earlier: Will agriculture and food supply be the next crises?

2021 02 02 Earlier: Tesla stock is inflated to support green take over by f.ex EU.

2021 01 31 Earlier: Bill Gates knew society would respond to Covid with disproportionate strength.

2021 01 30 Earlier: The World Economic Forum (WEF) is a decoy (1)

2021 01 29 Earlier: The true nature of The (not so) Great Reset

2021 01 12 Earlier: starvation

2021 01 08 Earlier: Trump-Assange agenda

2021 01 06 Earlier: Global lockdown

2020 12 26 Earlier: Maggie Thatcher on EU.

2020 12 26 Earlier: Brexit – a complete success for UK.

2020 12 12 Earlier: Covid mostly affects politicians media dislike.

2020 12 01 Earlier: European Union 7 year budget negotiations 2020.

2020 11 30 Earlier: Belarus 2020 – “revolution” is only newspaper feminist agenda and likely EU influencing

2020 11 26 Earlier: Greta – the modern Don Quixote

2020 11 25 Earlier: EU-satellite deals are better than EU membership.

2020 11 23 Earlier: Future of globalization

2020 11 22 Earlier: Climate doom

2020 11 22 Earlier: Dictatorship: Sweden ban meetings.

2020 11 10 Earlier: Internet communication has led to globalists going for broke.

2020 11 06 Earlier: Diet and body shape are abused to divide the population

2020 11 01 Earlier: Globalism will bring chaos until units of control are shrunk.

2020 10 16 Earlier: Authorities still havn’t published recommendations for those w/symtoms, positive test or anyone really.

2020 10 15 Earlier: Corona restrictions will demand rewriting the constitution.

2020 10 13 Earlier: Greta is not environmental, she is EU and Hong Kong activist.

2020 10 12 Earlier: Greta turns to Macron, not Swedish politicians.

2020 10 08 Earlier: The climate issue is political.

2020 10 02 Earlier: Is the Estonia ferry disaster fake?

2020 09 20 Earlier: Assange trial

2020 09 08 Earlier: Globalists incite subversion and rebellion against the national government

2020 09 05 Earlier: Soros, Nixon, FED

2020 08 31 Earlier: Activism creates tthe problems it claims to counteract.

2020 08 28 Earlier: European Union

2020 08 18 Earlier: EV-charging

2020 08 15 Earlier: Sweden pays Italian Olympics.

2020 08 14 Earlier: Media spread mental problems.

2020 08 11 Earlier: Soros is a decoy.

2020 08 09 Earlier: When Soros crashed Sweden.

2020 08 07 Earlier: Brexit will increase EU power.

2020 08 05 Earlier: Controlling Europe through debt

2020 08 03 Earlier: polarization

2020 08 02 Earlier: “Covid rescue” illegal in two ways

2020 07 26 Earlier: “Covid rescue” is really euro bailout

2020 07 25 Earlier: False idols look appealing

2020 07 23 Earlier: PM Löfven tricked out of EU rebate.

2020 07 20 Earlier: Macron & Merkel dictate the EU agenda

2020 07 12 Earlier: Immigrants ridiculed in headline for not recieving information

2020 07 10 Earlier: white males – slandered in media

2020 07 05 Earlier: US elections – a show for foreign countries

2020 07 03 Earlier: Cross-country skiing champion Marit Bjorgen – a product of the globalist agenda

2020 06 20 Earlier: Swedish PM splits Nordic unity for no reason. – He must be under globalist control.

2020 06 18 Earlier: Black Lives Matter/All Lives Matter [BLM]

2020 06 16 Earlier: The Brexit dilemma (1)

2020 06 12 Earlier: Why the media hate Latin America

2020 06 11 Earlier: Why the UK can not get a deal with the EU.

2020 06 10 Earlier: Why SpaceX recovers boosters.

2020 05 27 Earlier: Send Greta to the European Union to stop Corona recovery. We in Northern Europe are paying for it.

2020 05 22 Earlier: Blackmail the European Union

2020 05 02 Earlier: Norwegian police never tries to find the missing person

2020 05 06 Earlier: Fairy tales newspapers compose

2020 05 02 Earlier: Elon Musk plays the fool

2020 04 30 Earlier: Brexit, current status

2020 04 12 Earlier: fake rebels

2020 04 06 Earlier: The government/press/elite are less likely to use espionage against other states, but would rather use it against their own people.

2020 03 25 Earlier: Corona & climate – full panic but no real action taken.

2020 03 12 Earlier: US elections 2020 are rigged.

2020 03 08 Earlier: US liberal chaos is only for export.

2020 02 29 Earlier: Assange extradition trial

2020 01 27 Earlier: Is Mars rover “Curiosity” fake??

2020 01 25 Earlier: Climate gender conflicts

2020 01 22 Earlier: The scare factor

2020 01 20 Earlier: The European Union threatens w/ bank blockade to make United Kingdom to follow EU rules.

2019 12 19 Earlier: Neil Farage: Parties like SverigeDemokraterna (SD) become corrupt in the European Union.

2019 12 14 Earlier: Elon Musk is intentionally a poor role model, to destroy youth values.

2020 01 26 Earlier: Are Starlink spy satellites?

2019 12 08 Earlier: Obama tries to break US self confidence by cutting the space program.

2019 12 01 Earlier: Are the Iranian ayatollahs CIA-agents?

2019 11 26 Earlier: Arjen Kamphuis‘ disappearance

2019 10 10 Earlier: Greta Thunberg‘s true, dark motives

2019 08 10 Earlier: Edward Snowden – US operative

2019 04 14 Earlier: Wikileaks, Julian Assange and Ola Bini are likely American agents.

2019 04 12 Earlier: Ola Bini, Arjen Kamphuis connection

2019 02 01 Earlier: Elections 2018: Globalist parties pretended to have different opinions. Collaborate to favor large corporations at the expense of workers.

2019 02 01 Earlier: Bilderberg calling the shots: Center party is hi-jacked and Liberal party is ordered to self-exterminate.

2018 09 10 Earlier: News media gives birth to a political party – Ny Demokrati

2018 09 09 Earlier: All parties unite to refuse party SD posts as chairman according to election results.

2018 09 08 Earlier: The media monopoly sells outdated technology to the Swedish gov’t @ SEK 10 bn.

2018 09 07 Earlier: Feeding frenzy, the media monopoly disposes of politicians that do not follow the agenda

2018 09 06 Earlier: Quotes

2018 09 05 Earlier: Control of the Internet, Google, troll farms

2018 08 30 Earlier: Soros’ funds used to influence Swedish politics

2018 05 30 Earlier: Fake news

2018 05 22 Earlier: False flag awards

2018 05 10 Earlier: Who owns the news media

2018 05 01 Earlier: Journalist wounded by IS ?

2018 04 27 Earlier: The Cold War and other anti-Russian activities. The image of conflict; The useful enemy

2018 04 25 Earlier: Why only few air crash investigations are accurate. – Passengers lives are at an unnecessary risk.

2018 04 22 Earlier: The Iraq war 2003 was built on fake evidence. / So far, no accusations of chemical warfare have been proven true. / Also the war on IS was built on fake evidence.

2018 04 10 Earlier: Bjärred-case. Politically correct psychiatry exterminates a whole family?

2018 04 02 Earlier: UN obstructs murder investigation – UN supports an illegal regime. The true reason why Catalán and Sharp were killed.

2018 03 10 Earlier: The terrorists’ objectives

2018 03 01 Earlier: Tesla, Ubuntu/Linux – self destructive moles & Google, Facebook – political control mechanisms

2017 12 25 Earlier: Geopolitisk krigföring – Media/USA attackerar Europa med flyktingar. The enemy within. Weapons of Mass Migration

2017 12 18 Earlier: Destabilisering genom feminism och HBTQ

2017 12 15 Earlier: Destabilisering genom invandring

2017 12 12 Earlier: IOK saknar bevis – Internationella Olympiska Kommittén stänger av Ryssland utan bevis

2017 12 09 Earlier: Trump om Jerusalem – den verkliga orsaken till Trumps uttalande funnen

Table of Contents (in English)

Summary 04


Massmedia och demokratin
News media and the democracy]

Nästa: Arjen Kamphuis (7); …


20.04 (00000 links) Innehållsförteckning, ToC

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