01 trolling, trolls 0300 war 22200 assassinations 500 divide and conquer 7.5 source criticism 900 fake conflict assange, wikileaks congo cover up, filtering/selection, drowning double play, false flag, moles fake news, news slant fake/rigged images, videos and recordings investigation size, Dog in the Night-Time; unverified suspects media protects military no consequences psychological factors similar meaning - different value the struggle for commodities timing un, United Nations zAll pages Militarisering: Catalán, Kongo, FN-styrkor; Diskussioner om utlandet; Kampen om råvarorna; Uganda; Assange-Catalán-Kamphuis connection-The scare factor

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(can also use tab at screen bottom right) Militarisering: Kongo

The Guardian: “The wars [in #Congo] will never stop” – Well, at least not as long as the #cobaltmines don’t run dry. 18.000 UN troops protect the illegal regime fine, its mandate to rule Congo ran out in 2016! #Apple & #Tesla cheers.

The UN obstructs the murder investigation of Catalán and Sharp. Catalán had proof of Congo gov’t ordering murder but Congo gov’t is protected by UN.

congo media protects military zAll pages Moland och French, Kongo

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Moland French Congo

yrkesmilitärer skyddas

När de norska yrkesmilitärerna och legosoldaterna Joshua French and Tjostolv Moland arresterades i Kongo 2009 var detta en mycket stor nyhet. Självklart var det förstasidesstoff i norska medier. I Sverige föregicks dock nyheten med tystnad. Massmedia tog motvilligt upp händelsen efter det att den uppmärksammats i forumet Flashback.

1300 cyber weapons & defence 7.5 source criticism argue from exceptions; neglect Occam's razor; if it looks like a duck ... censorship conflicting information confusing; contradictory; incomplete congo conspiracy trolls corruption in police and law enforcement cover up, filtering/selection, drowning creating a mystery using sparse disappearance, predicament focus on history go into excessive detail IT- cyber-technology misguiding anger and criticism, defusing; decoys, distractions, false leads, misdirection netherlands norway police unofficial sources vague witnesses zAll pages Arjen Kamphuis (4)

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One year after the disappearance of Arjen Kamphuis, the blog summarizes the case:


Det kanske är lite svårt att montera en sådan kajak (på natten) om man inte fått instruktioner. Det är ju möjligt att han mördats och mördarna försökt sätta ihop kajaken som villospår. Det råder tidspress, de måste ta hand om kroppen och ge sig av. De hinner/kan inte montera kanoten riktigt.

Kanotägare på Twitter säger ju att kajaken är felmonterad och inte sjövärdig. Polisen har inget svar på detta när de tillfrågats i TV.

Detta kanske kan förklara varför kajaken återfunnits på land. Den hade sjunkit eller annars betett sig konstigt om de (möjliga) mördarna skjutit ut kanoten/villospåret i vattnet.

Varför mobilen slås på i Sydnorge är ju svårt att veta. Önskade mördare lägga ut villospår om hans vistelseort, var det ett misstag?

Kroppen är borta, packningen är borta, midjeväskan (med pengar och pass, men ingen mobil) flöt i strandkanten nära Fauske. Kanoten i närheten men på land, fel monterad. Telefonen registrerades 1500 km bort, i södra Norge. (Stor spridning på fyndplatserna.)

7.5 source criticism congo double play, false flag, moles fake news, news slant investigation size, Dog in the Night-Time; unverified suspects skripal zAll pages

07. Detection of fake information: 07.01 consequences, investigation size; Dog in the Night-Time; unverified suspects

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(see also)

Dog in the night-time

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is a Sherlock Holmes novel where Holmes solves a case by  noting the absence of expected facts.

F.ex the murder of Catalan or the Skripal “nerve gas attack” ought to have elicited major nation wide man hunts  but did not. Catalans murder was perpetrated by the govt, supported by the UN and the nerve gas attack was fake.

07 drugs 7.5 source criticism 9.0 meta anti-russian antidoping congo effect on reader is different/opposite than/to initial impression, apparent/true_real content (cp pseudo-criticism) fake news, news slant iran iraq philippines pseudo-criticism (cp effect on reader is different ...) skripal un, United Nations usa zAll pages

20.06 01 Fake news, examples

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What is called fake news naturally depends in the definition. In 2003 “Weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq was fake news, but proven much too late to make much difference.

Reporters often say “we didn’t know” and add that they just never checked sources. That the drawings of chemical weapons, presented by Colin Powell in the UN were fake was pretty obvious to most people.

When news media oligarchs, politicians and paid social media administrators and trolls act together, they define the “truth” of the New World Order.

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