anti-russian antidoping buying politicians deep state double play, false flag, moles fake news, news slant jewish networks lectures media never admits defeat misguiding anger and criticism, defusing; decoys, distractions, false leads, misdirection pseudo-criticism (cp effect on reader is different ...) serious news connected to unserious medium timing ukraine usa will occur zAll pages Anti-Russian activities and media coverage; Mueller investigation (000); Mueller investigation in Sweden?

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Links to some blog posts related to anti-Russian activities and the cold war can be found here:


Links to other blog posts about the cold war and anti-Russian activities can be found here.


Anti-Russian activities and media coverage

Several anti Russian activities have been carried out. Often based on no or very weak evidence. (“highly likely Russia”) Western powers are quick to blame Russia. The Rodchenkov affair (McLaren report) was  not based on any evidence. In the Skripal affair UK blamed Russia before any evidence could be presented. It still (2018 03 24) seems possible that many countries can manufacture the alleged poison Novichok A234. The OPCW report can not tie Russia to the manufacturing of the poison. Putin is constantly vilified in Western media.

anti-russian cap, common agricultural policy color revolutions double play, false flag, moles eastern europe influencing elections, election meddling, investigations thereof revolutions soros ukraine zAll pages Eastern Europe; Ukraine; Asia: Georgia; Yugoslavia, Serbia; Romania; Estonia;

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Flera öststater har en normal nationalistisk framtoning. Ett brev från Polens ambassadör till DN visar den indignation svenska medias grundlösa kritik skapar.

Ungerns premiärminister protesterar mot George Soros engagemang i att skapa flyktingströmmar genom Europa.

0300 war ukraine zAll pages Eastern Europe 002; Kissinger, Westphalia; Kagan, Nuland; War in Ukraine …

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Ukraine links

war in Ukraine, source criticism, resons

protest in TV

global (1) Ukraine war, global aspects (1)

global (2) Ukraine war, global aspects (2)

February 2022: Russia is said to launch a full military invasion of Ukraine. Thousands of dead, 1 million refugees. This can not be true.

* Russia would only lose on this maneuvre

* This is said to be on Putins order. One man could not start such a disasterous action on his own.

* No previous demands have been made from Russia. No negotiations have preseeded the war. No reason for the war is given in the media. Later it appears that Russia “does not want Ukraine to join the NATO and have NATO weapons close to its border” and Russia wants to “denazify Ukraine”. If the situation had been real, Russia would naturally have stated these demands very clearly, before an invasion.

Ad: Later it is revealed that treaties have been signed (and broken) by both Russia and Ukraine. (To stop killing and follow the treaties is naturally what other states should convince both Russia and Ukraine to do. But other countries send weapons!)

* no photos in the newspapers of troops and fighting, mostly only ruins, often with ladies in front of them

* no videos in newspapers or uploaded from ordinary people’s phones to the internet

* almost no countermeasures from the US. Biden says “Putin will pay for this”. internationally very few actions. Much is of the type “Sweden will not play Russia in the WC” or “Russia banned from the Eurovision Song Contest” Many cases to ICC are handed in, though, but usually lead to nothing.

* war starts almost on the same day as the pandemic is called off (why not invade during olympic games?) gu, nt

* many meaningless news like “Russian tanks taken over by Ukrainians do not have to be declared in the tax form”

* today day 10. Ukraine is withstanding the Russian army! UK deputy PM: Defeating Putin in Ukraine may take years

* refugee friendly Sweden refuses to accept refugees (later changes opinion)

* Zelensky (Jewish!) never cleared out “nazi” Banderistas and let his UN ambassador vote against UN resolution to fight nazism. Azov “nazis” are not prohibited, they are even financed by Zelenskys protector Kolomoisky. This all creates a “nazi” image to “give Putin a (weak) reason to invade” and also erroneously connect nationalists to nazism.

* Zelensky is a TV comedian and dancer

* The war is accepted by Europe and the US. They only make weak countermessures like condemning Russia and continue to buy Russian imports. EU/Germany just diminishes gas imports by not opening the Nordstream pipeline and other imports over Poland seem to have been diminished but not any blockade. Europe is suffering, not Russia.

* Russia is accused of serious war crimes, like in Bucha but investigations do not give substantial results. In media, so far (June 6), only one Russian low rank soldier is sentenced to prison. Some airspace is closed to Lavrov. – Minor countermeasures against Russia although accusations ring loud. And Europe suffers.

* EU continues to import 1/3 of its oil from Russia

* no blockage of trade from any countries, only talk about “sanctions” with no real effect

* ships bringing fossil fuels from Russia won’t be able to dock at American ports from 22 April.

= free imprt for 45 days

* No country insists on drastic measures in the UN Security Council. Most politicians and media just accepts the war and hope Ukraine will win! Few diplomatic measures are taken to stop the war.

* after long time and many civilian deaths Biden only asks for Putin resignation

* images show people prepared to receive refugees, not refugees. Refugee friendly Sweden does not accept Ukrainian refugees

* Allegedly shot down uia 752 belonged to Kolomoisky (partially) owned Ukrainian International Airways!

* Petrol and diesel price rise in Europe since the war is a pretext to attack Europe financially. EU still buying oil from Russia!

* Självklart är det mycket märkligt att inte FN och andra länder kräver att Ryssland och Ukraina följer Minsk-avtalet utan istället skickar vapen så att tiotusentals människor påstås ha dött i en konflikt om ett par struntprovinser. Många debatttörer motsätter sig att folket i områdena själva får rösta fram ledare vars åsikter tillmäts stor betydlese i föhandlingarna. FN-ledda omrästningar i områdena anses otänkbart! Dessa debattrer förespråkar krig och militär makt som enda lösningsmetod. Detta extrema synsätt där regeringarna har skyldighet att militärt försvara gränser som fastslagits vid en viss punkt i historien rimmar mycket illa med samma debattörers åsikter att länder skall öppna sig globlalt och landsgränser skall ges allt mindre betydelse.

ukraine zAll pages Eastern Europe 003; War in Ukraine (2)

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sustainability ukraine zAll pages

18.004 Ångpanneföreningens politiska agenda; sustainability; trusts, stiftelser; styrelseformer; agenda 21, agenda 2030

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Ångpanneföreningens politiska agenda

Det här är några uppgifter jag hört om företaget Ångpanneföreningen. Alla är inte bekräftade. Lägger man samman dem så förefaller dock företaget ha en stark politisk agenda.

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