0400 cold war, polarization, war mongering 0600 sanctions 10 destabilization 1100 chemical weapons 400 information war, psychological war anti-democratic, pseudo-democratic, democratorship anti-russian deep state double play, false flag, moles influencing elections, election meddling, investigations thereof korea native indians pseudo-criticism (cp effect on reader is different ...) putin quotes trump zAll pages 001.000.000 Destabilisering, ledare: 1 Leadership; Trump och Putin; US elections 2020; Capitol riots, Convoy to Ottawa 2022; Biden, Democrats, Harris, Buttigieg

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(can also use tab at screen bottom right) Destabilisering genom påverkan av ledare

See also control of leaders.


Today the Western world is controlled by secret international networks. It is clear how general elections can no longer change political decisions. The objectives of the networks can be seen in the newspapers, since the media are part of the networks.

The politicians are completely controlled by these networks, one factor being the need for good publicity to be reelected. The politicians closely follow the media agenda.

One of the few threats to the networks is strong leaders. They can sometimes oppose the press and form policy.

Whether Boris Johnson is a strong leader can be discussed. But in having to carry out Brexit, that the people had voted for, the allegiances were clear: The press supported the parliament and opposed Johnson as he tried to implement the result the referendum.

The press and weak leaders counteract strong leaders in an almost ridiculous way, calling them dictators or sometimes even insinuating they would “be like Hitler”. (F.ex Putin is democratically elected. Russians can also access Western anti-Putin websites, but Putin still gets elected.)

Two strong leaders are Trump and Putin.

1. Trump och Putin

Presidenterna Trump och Putin behandlas mycket negativt av svenska media. Amerikanska media har t.o.m. hotat Trump:

CNN President Jeff Zucker has warned that “the perception of Donald Trump in capitals around the world is shaped, in many ways, by CNN. Continuing to have an adversarial relationship with that network is a mistake.”

0400 cold war, polarization, war mongering 0600 sanctions anti-russian antidoping movies, illusions, hollywood, broadway, las vegas zAll pages 002 (001) Militarisering: Antidopingarbete

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Continued from here


2018 01 27

169 ryska deltagare klara, förmodligen även en hel del av de 39 som behandlas av CAS nu. [ Ref ]

En ryska tog hem EM i rodel idag. Hon blev av med silvret från Sochi och är livstidsavstängd från OS. Fallet prövas av CAS nu. [ Ref ]

Flagg- och symbolreglerna omöjliggör någon rysk pavillion. [ Ref ]

Flaggreglerna är så utformade att rysk publik får vifta med ryska flaggor (så länge det inte kan tolkas “politiskt”). Man får inte sjunga ryska nationalsången som hyllning till segrare, ej heller vid andra tillfällen än prisutdelning. Ryska idrottare får inte ta emot flaggor eller symboler från publik eller på annat sätt. De får dock ha flaggor på sovrummet så länge de inte syns utåt. De får inte retweeta ryska symboler.

01a mass immigration 02 feminism 02 hate, hatred, haters 0400 cold war, polarization, war mongering 0600 sanctions 500 divide and conquer anti-russian antidoping compassion, empathy cover up, filtering/selection, drowning google misguiding anger and criticism, defusing; decoys, distractions, false leads, misdirection timing zAll pages 002 (002) Idrott, politik och antidopingarbete; Meraf Bahta

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Continued from here.

As described above the 2018 Olympic games have shown signs of reconciliation between North and South Korea. Also Korean spectators have supported this, f.ex during an ice-hockey game where North and South Korea come with a joint team.

News media work against this reconciliation by emphasizing protests against it. Even on the header page of Swedish Text-TV.

0400 cold war, polarization, war mongering 0600 sanctions 1100 chemical weapons 22300 espionage anti-russian investigation size, Dog in the Night-Time; unverified suspects mixed messages russia skripal uk writing style, type of medium zAll pages (06) Sergei Skripal – påstått förgiftad brittisk spion; pressen som makthavare, mediemonopolet

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Skip pages with details on Skripal, go straight to summary on Skripal (6) Sergei Skripal – insjuknad brittisk spion

2018 04 29

There has been no reporting in the  newspapers on the case for several weeks. Former UK ambassador Craig Murray suspects the government has issued a D-notice to the press. It would mean that they are adviced not to report on the issue.

Craig Murray is a mole

However, Murray is not a fully reliable source.

0400 cold war, polarization, war mongering 0600 sanctions 1100 chemical weapons 1200 nuclear weapons 22300 espionage 600 conflict (1/3: between countries, organizations etc) --- anonymous sources, according to reports deep state headline iran israel korea netanyahu oil market zAll pages (01) Iran

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    — Note! —

Many conclusions on this page must be reconsidered. After evaluating the Iran-US conflict as a whole, this blog concludes it is fake. Iran is under US control and is made to play enemy in a game similar to the cold war.

After USA toppled the Saddam regime in Iraq and replaced it with Shia rule, Iran has become stronger in the Middle East. Another enemy of Israel, Assad’s Syria is also ruled by Shia.

USA is trying to counteract this with sanctions against Iran to make it stop its nuclear program.

0400 cold war, polarization, war mongering 0600 sanctions 1200 nuclear weapons korea zAll pages (01) Militarization: North and South Korea

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Nordkoreanska kärnvapenmissiler

Media hetsar fram krigsstämning genom att blåsa upp hotet från Nordkorea. September 2017 anses hotet akut, enligt media. NK har dock skjutit upp robotar och utfört provsprängningar tidigare. Men nu väljer media att blåsa upp hotet.

0400 cold war, polarization, war mongering 0600 sanctions 1200 nuclear weapons korea quotes trump zAll pages (02) North and South Korea (2)

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Cont’d from


Militärövningar USA/S.K. N.K protesterar men milt.

Nyhetsrubriker gör gällande att NK initierat problemen inför toppmötet medan orsaken är USAs militärövningar tillsammans med S.K.

0600 sanctions conspiracy trolls deep state google jewish networks misguiding anger and criticism, defusing; decoys, distractions, false leads, misdirection NWO obama putin russia terminology trump usa zAll pages Deep State, New World Order, NWO; Bilderberg; nätverk, networks, congress/president power balance; Nixon; Conspiracy theories

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Deep State

The US works like Sweden. Presidents and politicians change but policy stays the same.

Trump becoming president made Deep State more visible to ordinary people since Obama and Deep State acted like one.

Assad: Why talk to Trump if he doesn’t control the US? (Russia Today, RT)

we don’t think the president of that regime [US] is in control. We all believe that the deep state, the real state, is in control, or is in control of every president, and that is nothing new. It has always been so in the United States, at least during the last 40 years, at least since Nixon, maybe before, but it’s becoming starker and starker, and the starkest case is Trump.

Bashar Hafez al-Assad, President of Syria -1- -2-

Putin (Oliver Stone)

Putin (Le Figaro)

Skripal case: Neither UK nor Russia will gain from this incident. Russia loses reputation by the accusations of using nerve gas agsins civilians, UK loses reputation by making ghe unreasonable accusations. Someone else must have orchestrated the attack. Someone else is NWO/Deep State. (Earlier the term ZOG was used. It has a bad ring and focuses on Zionism. Globalism is wider than Zionism. The term was maybe constructed by false flag trolls. Jokingly the world globalist network is sometimes called Skynet, referring to an AI network controlling the world trying to exterminate mankind, in the movie sequel Terminator. Another term used is “shadow government”.

0400 cold war, polarization, war mongering 0600 sanctions anti globalist slant color revolutions effect on reader is different/opposite than/to initial impression, apparent/true_real content (cp pseudo-criticism) iran oil market pseudo-criticism (cp effect on reader is different ...) usa venezuela will occur zAll pages Venezuela 01; US tries to create a new cold war

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Jan 24, 2019

Venezuelas oppositionsledare Juan
Guaido har utropat sig själv till
tillfällig president, uppger flera
Internationella nyhetsbyråer.

Han har fått stöd av USA:s president
Donald Trump som erkänner Venezuelas
oppositionsledare som landets
tillfällige president,

01a mass immigration 0600 sanctions 1100 chemical weapons 7.5 source criticism anonymous sources, according to reports fake news, news slant headline korea mexico syria usa vagueness, ambiguity z_Private zAll pages

05. Methods: 5.011 news slant, fake news: 1. Syria (WSJ) 2. Iran (Reuters; anonymous sources) 3. US/Mexico 4. Iran (Reuters) 5. N. Korea (Reuters)

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nyhetsvinkling, news slant, fake news

Is this extreme news slant or fake news?


“The U.N. report, which hasn’t been publicly released, detailed evidence and intelligence from several member states. Syria’s Scientific Studies and Research Center, or SSRC, the Assad-backed group responsible for developing chemical and other weapons of mass destruction, paid Pyongyang’s primary arms dealer, Korea Mining Development Trading Corporation, for the materials through a series of front companies, according to the confidential report, which was reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.”

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