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Summary 04
reasons, decoys, targets, untouchables
national perspective
acquire wealth
ok, not ok
exaggerations cause hatred
effects of the EU
conflicts, sanctions, border conflicts, uprisings, refugees (under work)
Summary 05
Summary (in Swedish)
All posts
[ snowleopard.info, on the web since 2017 ]
1. Why didn’t the killers push out the kayak in the water, but police found it on land. (later explanation about “someone pulled it ashore” is not reliable) The answer is …
… If the kayak had been pushed out, it would have been found quickly and the killers would not have had several days head start (CCTV claimed to be erased etc.)
Question #2: Why have family and friends not reacted more strongly?
Possible answer: ..
… Family has not reacted more strongly since Arjen is not dead. Maybe he was a CIA op who was recalled and given a new ID. It is not certain, but comparing to recent Assange/Bini spy operation gives hints.
e-rabbit.org: The Arjen Kamphuis – Ola Bini – connection
… other explanations like drowning, cruising on cargo ships using Bitcoin, becoming psychotic and destroying his own kayak etc, I consider ruled out or close to.
Sending a message that could never have been spelled out clearly
Why would US give #ArjenKamphuis #findArjen a new identity? He can’t do undercover work, his face is known (& no undercover lectures exist), computer work can be done from anywhere. Only one scenario fits …
… The only reason to stage a fake murder of #ArjenKamphuis #findArjen is: The SCARE factor – Now we know: Go up against mass surveillance and you’ll disappear. Scaring possible future activists. Arjen even gave the clues and wrote about his fear going against intelligence services.
The Chinese would say 杀鸡吓猴
In this blog’s opinion, Snowden is also a CIA op. Consider how much effort was spent on placing him in Russia (Assange & Biden co-work). He can now voice (CIA controlled) criticism of mass surveillance from “”unreliable”” Russia. Mass surveillance is like if the postal service would open and read every letter we send. It is an intrusion into our privacy of hitherto unknown extent. Letting two psy-ops, Snowden & Kamphuis, work on reducing criticism against the process, is a negligible cost.
En cyberexpert som är aktiv mot NSAs massövervakning befinner sig 12 dagar på en plats där turister sällan stannar mer än 2. Platsen är rik på anläggningar kopplade till cyberförsvar, inkluderande NSA.
Efter det han checkat ut från hotellet 20/8 ses han eller hans packning aldrig mer.
Efter ett knappt år påstås hans telefoner ha återfunnits av östeuropeiska lastbilschaufförer som “inte har med försvinnandet att göra”. (Östeuropa är populärt att kritisera.)
Mobilspårning verkar visa att han tagit en rälsbuss kl 16.05. Exakt vad som sedan hänt är oklart, men det mesta tyder på att han klivit av i Fauske, där mobilspåret efter honom slutar kl 22 på kvällen.
Han hade inget hotell bokat. Möjligen planerade han att ta nattåg till Trondheim. Det fanns en direktförbindelse 21.05 från Bodö. Men han väljer istället en liten rälsbuss 16.05.
Han anmäls saknad 29/8.
30/8: Hans mobil och simkort aktiveras under 20 minuter 1500 km bort, i södra Norge. Det är inte säkert att han varit där men telefonen och sim har varit där.
11/9: Hans midjeväska med pass och pengar återfinns flytande i vattnet ganska nära stranden i Fauske.
Kort därefter finner polisen hans hopfällbara kanot i närheten, PÅ LAND. Den är helt FEL MONTERAD och icke sjövärdig. Den saknar vitala delar som t.ex “floorboard”. Dessa delar är orange och flyter och borde alltså ha återfunnits.
Senare påstår polisen att (för allmänheten anonyma personer) dragit upp kanoten ur fjorden några dagar tidigare. Dessa personer skall ha gjort detta utan att rapportera fyndet till polisen, trots det stora sökpådraget med kustbevakning etc.
Rykten sprids på Internet, t.o.m. förstärkta av polisen, att K skulle kunna befinna sig på en lastbåt och hålla sig gömd. Nu alltså i 6 veckor. Polisen säger sig inte ha funnit något vittne som sett holländaren under de 12 dagar han bodde i den lilla (50k innev) staden.
Sjöolycka förefaller osannolikt. Kajaken är ju felaktigt monterad. Varför skulle K paddla i regnet när han just checkat ut och troligen var på väg mot Trondheim för att ta flyg 2 dagar senare?
Det mesta tyder på att han mördats eller kidnappats där hans saker återfanns, menar jag.
Motiv kan vara
1. I sin aktivitet mot NSAs massövervakning hade han gått så långt att någon säkerhetstjänst (fr. t.ex USA) beslutat mörda honom.
(2. Några personer i lokalbefolkningen menar att han motarbetar ortens största (?) arbetsgivare, försvaret och beslutar mörda honom.)
Tillvägagångssätt skulle kunna vara att erbjuda honom möte på kvällen och löfte om information, men istället gillra en fälla och mörda honom.
Rethinking the Arjen Kamphuis case: He was a US operative. He may have gone rogue and was terminated. But Arjen may also just have been brought in and given a new identity.
A cynics belief:
1. Journalists are not trained in witness interrogation, they will ask leading questions. They will ruin the witness before the police will have a chance to interrogate.
2. Attention seeking witnesses will subconsciously modify info (or even consciously lie) to fit news story
3. The informant may be payed by the news medium
Ad 1, 2, 3: media & witness both wish to comply with the agenda
4. Is there any way to verify that media’s “anonymous sources” exist at all?
Polisen utför ej normala undersökningar:
1. Skickar ej kajak till teknisk undersökning
2. Kan ej svara på varför kayaken är felmonterad, vid fråga i TV
3. Hittar inga vittnen
4. Meddelar att man inte vill ge ledande informationen till allmänheten men skriver ändå om möjlighegen att Arjen befinner sig på lastskepp, i samma meddelande
5. Gives very little info
6. Gives no clear info how kayak was found
Kajaken förefaller ha utsatts för extremt våld. Mer än vad en kapsejsning innebär. Materialet beskrivs som “bulletproof”, man kan slå med hammare på det utan att skada det.
Ändå har två buckle straps slitits loss i aktern. Det finns “stickhål”, flera fästen för “gummibandet” har slitits av och lämnat hål.
Det oranga flytande floorboard borde ändå vara kvar, om inte så borde man funnit det tillsammans med andra flytande delar. Men inget annat har återfunnits utom paddel.
Naturligtvis hade den kloke hikern Arjen använt flytväst och kroppen hade återfunnits eller snarare ingen olycka skett.
& like @dagoien explained regarsing missing parts:seam channels,bulk heads, seat, back rest,floorboard. (all floating except seam channels):
These were never assembled since they could never have come off.
The two halves of the kayak should have been kept together by seam channels.This “kayak” is merely an empty shell
Even pros need time to assemble kayak. This decoy of a kayak was hastily assembled by s/one who did not intend to put themselves in it in the sea & probably never learnt assembly. What we see is what anyone could assemble in 5 min (unfold & strap)
Orukayak Coast assembly
demo video, instruction video
I believe the “stab wounds” have been produced when kayak was assembled as kayak. The parts that face outwards when in transportation box state are only side and bottom of cockpit section, and upper side of floorboard. Further damage was seen.
Orukayak Coast assembly demo video, instruction video
(@ 9min 30sek)
Only spare parts visible in Arjens canoe are thigh braces. These are not dismounted from the hull during transport so these have likely not been assembled on spot. They were just parts of a hastily assembled kayak.
The large orange floorboard and other parts are floating, only the seam channels sink. But nothing has been found. These parts can only be removed by disassembling the kayak, they could not have been removed in a sea accident.
Only the parts attached to the hull were present (bungee, thigh braces). The other parts were never mounted, as I interpret it. (That they would have been mounted and removed (1.) with supernatural force and (2.) never found is very unlikely.)
I still support the “criminal” scenario most. Did the attacker realize they were not able to mount kayak properly. They then faked “violent accident” and removed spare parts.
– Uuuhh, boss sorry, we ain’t Popeye, we r hitmen. (Following violent scenario is deepest respect 4 AK)
2018 10 05
01.17 am
I receive a DM from a very serious Tweeter. He tells that the police has “indirectly” asked him to stop tweeting about certain aspects of the case. He gave more detail that I do not put here. I have not seen any inappropriate speculation in his tweets.
The DM also predicts an article about the kayak in nrk.no.
Edit Dec 2019: Any article about the kayak has not appeared.
All of these hashtags are very silent today. I receive no replies from posters that usually reply.
It seems police and authorities may have tried to shut this hashtag down, so far with success.
Discussions about technical details of the kayak stop. A few “general and unrelated” tweets appear: Lets hope Arjen returns, Russian hacking of OPCW, BTC wallet funds movements.
Polisen läcker information via Ancilla van de Leest.
‘Research Kamphuis seems to be on a dead end’
The investigation into the disappearance of Arjen Kamphuis seems to be on a dead end. That reports his good friend Ancilla van de Leest. ‘But we remain hopeful’.
She spoke extensively with the police about the case last week. ,, They took all the time and answered all our questions. But it looks like they are on a dead end.
There is still DNA research done on the kayak that has been found. The seat of the boat has also been found. Anyway: he is somewhere, although it may be that he is no longer alive. …
Att man mer än en månad efter fyndet gör DNA-analys är ju märkligt, det håller jag med om. Däremot kommenterar man inte kanotens tillstånd. Den saknar delar, har utsatts för våld och är inte sjövärdig.
Om man hittat någon del till sätet borde man redovisa var man fann den. Paddel, bältesväska, kanot har man ju redovisat.
Intervjun med tågkonduktören fördröjdes i 3 veckor och resultatet är ännu inte känt. Kanoten var felmonterad, utsatt för våld och saknade nödvändiga delar. Man borde fråga polisen om någon kan ha mördat Arjen och försökt montera kanoten som ett villospår. Det är dock politiskt inkorrekt att följa ett mordspår eftersom en möjlig fiende Arjen hade var amerikansk säkerhetstjänst då han varit aktiv mot NSA:s massövervakning.
Dessa frågor borde man ju ha ställt till polisen och redovisat svaren på.
Polisen läcker information till media via Linde [numera Ancilla] van de Leest. Bilden på henne är dubbelt så stor som den på Arjen, men hon har varit framför kameran förr:
She quit school and at eighteen appeared under her birth name as a Playmate in the Dutch edition of men’s magazine Playboy in May 2004.[2] Afterwards she moved to Los Angeles for work and adopted the name Ancilla Tilia. In June 2009 Van de Leest appeared on the cover of Dutch Playboy,
Van de Leest appeared in erotic fetish photography, specializing in latex clothes, corsets, high heels and stockings. As a fetish model, she appeared on the cover of Bizarre, Marquis and The Picture.
On 26 June 2016 Van de Leest was elected as the top candidate of the Pirate Party of the Netherlands for the Dutch parliamentary elections in 2017.
opposing abolishing cash.[5] She foresees a development in which high costs are imposed on entrepreneurs who use cash in order to stimulate digital currency. This she sees as a privacy undermining development in which a person can be followed on the basis of their payment history
On 6 April 2017, Ancilla announced[6] that she would be leaving the Pirate Party as front-runner and would instead focus on her own projects
Linde van de Leest, Ancilla Tilia
Ancilla @ncilla
Striptease San Francisco
Eric McFadden and band
Paul Nathan Dark Kabaret
Här är en bild där hon och Arjen är i samma TV-program. Jag tror hon intervjuade honom.
Jag vet inte hur nära vänner de är. Den 1 sep Tweetade hon att hennes bäste vän var försvunnen. Det var en av de första rapporterna om försvinnandet på nätet. Men redan 18 sep Tweetade hon:
When the situation changes, and I really hope it will, I will reconsider. But for the time being, I also have a baby and a job that I love dearly and need my attention. Thank you all for spreading the message and keep your eyes open
Liksom de flesta i sociala forum verkar hon försöka lugna ned eventuella frågor om brister i utredningen. (Även andra i holländska Piratpartiet verkar ha agerat så på nätet.)
Hon agerar möjligen frontperson för Piratpartiet och nu Polisen. Hon ser ju bra ut och har medievana. Polisen går inte ut själv med information utan går via andra personer som sedan intervjuas i media. Det blir två instanser mellan polis och allmänhet.
[ buffers ]
At the beginning most posters said he is just on an extended holiday, no cause for alarm. Now they switch to that he may have disappeared for good, but we keep hopes up.
Asking for a murder investigation has been met by accusations of lack of respect for family.
[timing] [accusations of lack of respect or compassion]
“[police] answered all our questions”
More Q’s:
When/where was seat found?
What did train conductor say?
What is police theory why kayak is damaged, wrongly assembled & missing parts?
Could it have been assembled by murderers as a decoy?
The stand of covering up a murder scenario is difficult to hold for the trolls. One troll posts 15 consecutive Twitter posts that probably are upvoted by “robots”. According to this blog they. mostly contain far fetched speculation.
In addition the recent suspected killing of Saudi Arabian businessman and Riyadh critic Adnan Kashoggi in Turkey, by Saudi Intelligence makes an assassination by foreign intelligence more current, even in MSM.
This week family&friends are taking the time to discuss what options are left for our own investigation. Getting lots of calls from media but we don’t really have new facts to share, besides the fact that we are contemplating and would like some time to process #FindArjen
Ancilla @ncilla
Troll i olika forum fyller upp avsaknaden av svar från polisen med irrelevant information. Man tar t.ex i detalj upp andra försvinnanden i området.
Frågor till polisen
Questions for police
When/where was seat found?
What did train staff say?
What is police theory why kayak is damaged, wrongly assembled & missing parts?
Could it have been assembled by murderers as a decoy?
Have there been any interviews with #ArjenKamphuis family?
Hasn’t there been very little (or no) information from and about them in the media? If a family member goes missing, aren’t there usually interviews with family?
These articles come as reply
Oct 8
“really looking forward to going to Norway and being away from his laptop and phone”
Oct 13
article about photo model. 3 pics, the the two first of model and the 3:rd of Arjen.
On Twitter, Ancilla van de Leest leves the discussion when asked how she was appointed spokesperson. She also takes questions about the role as spokesperson personally and does not give a professional impression, imho.
It seems this good looking ex model is used as a bufffer and distraction when media spreads disinformarion about Kamphuis. Mixing pictures of the smiling, good looking model serves to defocus the fate of Kamphuis.
The following article treats Kamphuis but footage is dominated by van de Leest.
Oct 13
article about photo model. 3 pictures, the two first of model and the 3:rd of Arjen.
In this article the picture of van de Leest is larger than that of Kamphuis.
[ buffers distraction ]
21.56 Fauske Tuva was pinged.
Arjen even misled his friens. Having dinner with them before leaving he had already cancelled and received cancellation confirmation from Svalbard and also made new reservation for Bodö.
Något intressant är att Arjen själv förefaller ha lagt ut villospår innan han reste. Han hade bokning till Svalbard men den sade han upp och bokade resa till Bodö.
När han åt middag tillsammans med vänner sade han att han skulle till Svalbard, men då hade han redan fått bekräftelser på sin ombokning.
De första söken efter honom var på Svalbard! Men polisen kunde inte finna något spår efter att han skulle åkt dit.
Man får definitivt intrycket att han inte var på en vanlig semesterresa.
Inte ett ord från familjen i media. Föräldrarna är över 70 och som syskon kanske han bara har en syster i UK. Hennes Instagram verkar inte tyda på att de står varandra nära.
Media har skötts av f.d. Playboymodellen som ibland är på större bilder än Arjen i artiklar där hans fall tas upp. Hon kallade honom sin bäste vän, men 2-3 veckor senare skrev hon att hon inte hade tid att sköta ärendet mer. När hon tillfrågas på Twitter om hon utsetts till talesperson av familjen så lämnar hon diskussionen.
Han hade nog en del verkliga vänner. Men dessa har liksom familjen inte ingått i medias redovisning. Någon var i Bodö redan 1 sep och frågade efter honom.
I gamla inslag med Arjen får man verkligen intrycket att han jobbade mot NSA och statlig övervakning. Företaget han jobbade på utvecklade krypteringsmetoder. Att vidareutveckla PGP är naturligtvis något som NSA och andra inte gillar. När han talar om företagets segelbåt som ju synts på bild så nämner han att den användes för att komma bort från antenner som kan spåra bl.a mobiler. Han höll visst runt 100 föreläsningar om året hur journalister och andra kan skydda sig från övervakning.
Nu lägger polisen och media locket på.
Polisen borde verkligen redovisa t.ex. vad de anser om kanoten. Den är ju felmonterad, saknar väsentliga delar (oduglig för paddling) och har utsatts för våld. Kan mördare ha försökt montera kanoten som ett villospår. Vem upptäckte först kanoten? Man har funnit ett säte till kanoten, var fann man det?
Vad kunde tågkonduktören meddela?
Man får en stark känsla av cover up.
By killing him the last day the killer also got access to his luggage, laptop (which was his most important tool) and both cellphones.
If he had been eliminated any other day, maybe he had only been carrying one cellphone.
Killing was professional, professional killing
1. On last day, he will not be missed immediately, he carries all luggage, computer etc
2. Body and luggage is gone
3. Phone turned on a little after he was reported missing, increasing search area
4. Money ID credit cards left behind
5. Canoe mounted as a decoy
PGK was founded by two NSA employees that consider themselves whistleblowers
Bill Binney and Kirk Wiebe are co-founders of Pretty Good Knowledge and are active contributors to our services.
In the late 1990’s, their small team in the National Security Agency (NSA) in the United States created a highly efficient solution to achieve real-time processing of all global communications and provided fast filtering to relevant intelligence analysts.
(Earlier this blog had received and posted information that PGK was a develipment of PGP encryption. This does not seem to be correct or at least definitely not the key point in PGK work. PGK seems to be the opposite – breaking PGP.)
This work with mass surveillance also explains why PGK has decided to stay out of the media lime light. Arjens disappearance couldnhave been used for “PR” but PGK is kept and probably wishes ro stay out of media, contrary to most normal businesses. Maybe you can suspect that PGK is the “NSA European branch”.
They have worked on various commercial projects in the US to deploy the method, and have launched Pretty Good Knowledge to bring this approach to European public and private sectors.
A GOOD AMERICAN is a documentary about their experience as whistle-blowers after the US misused the systems they created. It was released in 2015 to wide critical acclaim. Oliver Stone praised the film as, “Powerful film – a prequel to SNOWDEN.”
Båda grundarna av det företag Arjen jobbade på var tidigare NSA intelligence officers med massövervakning som specialitet. De hade flyttat till Holland och grundat ett företag som också specialiserade sig på massövervakning. De säger dig vara visselblåsare men har inte levererat så mycket vad jag vet. Det har gjorts en film om dem.
Arjen var aktivist mot NSA massövervakning.
Arjen försvann 10 km från en NSA-anläggning.
Den som gräver i detta kommer att gå upp mot NSA, polisen, media …
Jag tror jag avvaktar med det …
Twitter trolls often use emotional distraction.
When carefully criticizing the spokesperson of Arjens family for leaving the job she immediately goes personal, she considers this quesrion disrespectful.
Trolls and bots often act together and just cheer each other on. Or just fill the hashtag with images and captions like “nice weather in Bodö, we all hope Arjen will returen” (fictive example) and loads of bots and trolls click like.
If you ask for murder investigation you are called “disrespectful towards family”.
All this seems to work towards hiding an assassination.
2018 10 20
The forum FRI which the founder considered “research oriented” was scrapped due to internal conflicts.
Why would a well educated notable Kamphuis family hire a bimbo like you as a spokesperson?
Weren’t you hired by @JilkoAndringa, https://nl.linkedin.com/in/marcovisser3 @Brunel_NL, PGK for distracting this major issue?
Why did you block your LinkedIn?
#FindArjen Arjen Kamphuis @ArjenKamphuis
Veldig glad dette heller ikke var ArjenK. Forrige døde mann, som ble funnet i campingvogn, var fra Litauen.
Mye tyder på at ArjenK har unngått oppmerksomhet, med vilje, etter at han ankom Bodø. Det har vært opplyst at ArjenK ikke har førerkort for bil. Han kan ikke ha leid bil og kjørt rundt omkring selv.
Men, er det noen som vet om han har førerkort for motorsykkel? Kan han ha kjøpt eller lånt motorsykkel, og kjørt omkring med stor hjelm og visir, det vil jo kunne gi en delvis forklaring på hvorfor ingen har sett ham.
Om han använt motorcykel borde det väl ha noterats av hotellpersonalen. Motorcykelkläder, hjälm, parkering. Hyra av motorcykel, tankning skulle synas på hans kreditkort. Om han handlar, går på restaurang tar han av sig hjälmen. En motorcykel och troligen skinnställ drar på sig uppmärksamhet. Jag har inte hört att han använt motorcykel tidigare.
Polisen vet ju en del om hans rörelser. De säger att han hela tiden befunnit sig inom 70-80 km från Bodö. Men de avslöjar mycket lite om detaljerna.
Bill Binney
[ William Binney ]
The Herland Report TV: Our totalitarian democracy means end of freedom for the people
“We are violating the Constitution by spying on every US citizen. It is a totalitarian process, for example the media is totally infiltrated by the CIA” says former NSA director, William Binney, on his role as the leading American whistleblower before Edward Snowden.
Binney, who uncovered and warned of the mass surveillance done out of the NSA post 9/11, speaks to The Herland Report in an exclusive interview.
[ Bill Binney ]
Binney on sessionizer
Summary 04
reasons, decoys, targets, untouchables
national perspective
acquire wealth
ok, not ok
exaggerations cause hatred
effects of the EU
conflicts, sanctions, border conflicts, uprisings, refugees (under work)
Summary 05
Summary (in Swedish)
All posts
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A few earlier posts: (scroll down list)
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2022 05 22 Earlier: False flag
2022 05 21 Earlier: Oil net import
2022 05 20 Earlier: Turkey in NATO supported IS. In NATO Sweden can end up in war with parctically any country.
2022 05 18 Earlier: US defends Taiwan, but not Ukraine. Joining NATO can mean war with China
2022 05 17 Earlier: 1. West employs cancel culture. 2. Jewish influence 3. Nordic systems were better.
2022 05 16 Earlier: A new Korea in Europe (1)
2022 05 15 Earlier: Why Europe is crashing (2)
2022 05 13 Earlier: Use blockade to blame foreign powers.
2022 05 11 Earlier: Burn quran is like burn kippah
2022 05 10 Earlier: Team USA-Russia vs Syria, Iraq, Kazakhstan …
2022 05 09 Earlier: Bombing independent countries
2022 05 08 Earlier: Why Europe is crashing (1)
2022 05 06 Earlier: Tesla – modern slavery
2022 05 02 Earlier: Join NATO in panic
2022 04 26 Earlier: Superpower take-over
2022 04 25 Earlier: Europe under attack
2022 04 23 Earlier: War destroys Europe
2022 04 21 Earlier: Musk SolarCity trial
2022 04 20 Earlier: Superppowers lose war.
2022 04 18 Earlier: Superpowers starve Europe of energy.
2022 04 15 Earlier: EU sanctions euro and blames Russia.
2022 04 14 Earlier: Ukraine war means energy depletion
2022 04 11 Earlier: It’s about war, not which side you’re on.
2022 04 09 Earlier: Ukraine war, global aspects
2022 04 10 Earlier: War will end when Europe is broken.
2022 04 08 Earlier: Ukraine war is not Putin’s war. It is EU:s war.
2022 04 06 Earlier: The war in Ukraine is orchestrated by globalists
2022 04 02 Earlier: No Russian bots (2)
2022 04 01 Earlier: Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies self destruct.
2022 03 28 Earlier: Greta starvation, agenda controlled
2022 03 27 Earlier: There were no Russian bots (1)
2022 03 26 Earlier: Tesla sells conflicts, like in Texas
2022 03 25 Earlier: Zelensky chooses war
2022 03 24 Earlier: war and stock are globally directed
2022 03 22 Earlier: Reasons for war in Ukraine
2022 03 20 Earlier: EU decides fuel tax
2022 03 22 Earlier: must stop killing (2)
2022 03 21 Earlier: BlackRock’s Fink letter says gas and oil are good “transition fuels”
2022 03 20 Earlier: must stop killing in Ukraine (1)
2022 03 19 Earlier: International community must protect all
2022 03 18 Earlier: national socialism is very different from international socialism or nazism
2022 03 17 Earlier: Ukraine war is the superpowers attacking the European peoples.
2022 02 25 Earlier: Oligarch Kolomoisky runs Ukraine, president Zelensky, Azov batallion and Ukrainian air, allegedly shot down in Iran conflict.
2022 02 24 Earlier: finance crises, scandals; Europe is run from Brussels/EU like Congo was run from Brussels.
2022 02 19 Earlier: finance crises, scandals; finance timeline
2022 02 18 Earlier: EU rules send Swedish electricity to Germany
2022 02 17 Earlier: Ukraine war 2022
2022 02 16 Earlier: Racism is back
2022 02 06 Earlier: Kamila Valieva doping case rigged
2022 02 05 Earlier: Norwegian public service attacking Russia [Nordic sports /2]
2022 02 04 Earlier: Greta Thunberg discriminates (2)
2022 02 01 Earlier: indigenous peoples are only used for conflict. They will also be conformed.
2022 01 31 Earlier: nazi & other smearing of [Nordic sports /1]
2022 01 30 Earlier: Greta, criticism
2022 01 27 Earlier: Nobel prize to stop sexual violence, not wars.
2022 01 26 Earlier: Catalán Sharp murder media coverage cover up multi-nationals’ control. Belgium made a mess of Congo and now of Europe.
2022 01 25 Earlier: Catalán, Sharp, coltan, Congo, conflict; Assange, Manning, Bini, Kamphuis, Snowden, Kashoggi
2022 01 24 Earlier: Greta Thunberg’s backers, dangerously trying to recreate the Chinese cultural revolution
2022 01 23 Earlier: Northvolt global mess
2022 01 22 Earlier: Next crisis
2022 01 21 Earlier: Greta demonstrations rigged, express apartheid
2022 01 20 Earlier: Media covers up WEF 2022
2022 01 18 Earlier: Turkey
2022 01 17 Earlier: EU energy stavation agenda, cable refused
2022 01 16 Earlier: Energy crisis in Europe
2022 01 15 Earlier: Northvolt, EU – green socialism
2022 01 14 Earlier: Tesla, EU – socialism
2022 01 13 Earlier: Assange revealed US war crimes.
2022 01 12 Earlier: Going virtual
2022 01 11 Earlier: EU lets eastern European nuclear crisis grow
2022 01 07 Earlier: Ukraine Jewish president doesn’t fight nazis [-2-]
2022 01 05 Earlier: EU single candidate system
2022 01 04 Earlier: EU self destructive gas boycott
2022 01 03 Earlier: Hong Kong democracy clamp down
2022 01 02 Earlier: Silk Road, China is becoming part of the global agenda.
2021 12 31 Earlier: Global takeover
2021 12 27 Earlier: Biden acts senile not to have to fulfill his promises.
2021 12 26 Earlier: US and EU construct energy crisis in Europe. (press spoiler button at link target)
2021 12 23 Earlier: Christmas feeling
2021 12 22 Earlier: Privatization down sides, illustrated by Elon Musk
2021 12 21 Earlier: Kamala Harris – the fall guy?
2021 12 20 Earlier: nuclear delay
2021 12 19 Earlier: Northvolt – just a green delusion?
2021 12 17 Earlier: Reasons for the energy crisis
2021 12 14 Earlier: The crises are constructed
2021 12 08 Earlier: USA/EU democracy failure
2021 12 04 Earlier: EU uses psychological warfare against the European peoples.
2021 12 01 Earlier: Greta covers up four things
2021 11 30 Earlier: Greta is too white
2021 11 28 Earlier: Market economy, energy crisis
2021 11 27 Earlier: Musk and Tesla go for feodalism
2021 11 26 Earlier: EU exploits Ukraine
2021 11 10 Earlier: Climate refugees
2021 11 08 Earlier: Musk vs authorities
2021 11 04 Earlier: Refugees from EU
2021 11 03 Earlier: EU energy scam helps the EU
2021 10 28 Earlier: Putin helps the EU
2021 10 27 Earlier: EU constructs energy crisis
2021 10 28Earlier: shirking responsibility
2021 10 27 Earlier: Biden no climate action
2021 10 26 Earlier: origins of climate theory
2021 10 25 Earlier: Greta Thunberg builds generation gap
2021 10 24 Earlier: climate predictions
2021 10 23 Earlier: child shaming
2021 10 22 Earlier: Greta Thunberg discriminates (1 )
2021 10 21 Earlier: big oil not at COP26. Greta anonymous in Sweden.
2021 10 20 Earlier: European energy crisis
2021 10 17 Earlier: Weapons of mass migration
2021 10 16 Earlier: Streisand effect, muslims
2021 10 15 Earlier: information shifts
2021 10 08 Earlier: The cold war is back
2021 10 05 Earlier: The climate weapon
2021 09 25 Earlier: Banks, big corporations
2021 09 19 Earlier: Aukus
2021 09 09 Earlier: The Fall of Rome
2021 09 07 Earlier: Greta – the witch doctor.
2021 09 03 Earlier: Construct problems to split the population.
2021 08 30 Earlier: Energy consumption stops crypto.
2021 08 15 Earlier: Big corps
2021 08 10 Earlier: Argumentation against the person
2021 08 08 Earlier: Climate models exaggerated.
2021 08 06 Earlier: Olympic gold sprinter Jacobs’ nutritionist under police investigation for distribution of anabolic steroids. Attacking the messenger/person.
2021 07 23 Earlier: Controlled opposition
2021 07 20 Earlier: Globalization is dysfunctional.
2021 06 30 Earlier: EU demands elicit government crisis in Sweden.
2021 06 29 Earlier: EU climate tariffs
2021 06 25 Earlier: EU m.o. is crisis. Crisis timeline
2021 06 24 Earlier: Is Greta Thunberg bluffing about her education? [ -1-, -2- ]
2021 06 23 Earlier: Greta Thunberg uses parliament for dancing not debate.
2021 06 22 Earlier: The privatization of space activities is at the expense of research and development.
2021 06 21 Earlier: Greta accuses Nordic countries vaguely, without presenting evidence.
2021 06 20 Earlier: Fake government crisis
2021 06 19 Earlier: EU ramps up CO2. Media twists refugees from US warfare to be “climate refugees”.
2021 06 18 Earlier: US keeps up the oil price.
2021 06 16 Earlier: EU supports regime that encourages death squads.
2021 06 14 Earlier: EU creates cold war
2021 06 12 Earlier: US out of lockdown but not Europe
2021 05 27 Earlier: EU puppet regime, Belarus
2021 05 26 Earlier: EU fakes hi-jack to buy Belarus.”
2021 05 24 Earlier: climate “science”
2021 05 22 Earlier: nwo m.o.
2021 04 24 Earlier: Cryptocurrencies hype yet another way to deprive country through reduced tax base. Bitcoin “mining” is really transfer fee. Ethereum hacker became lawful owner of loot.
2021 04 22 Earlier: Tesla crash used to hide lack of sales
2021 04 19 Earlier: climate attack on Nordic countries
2021 04 14 Earlier: US – taliban win-win
2021 04 13 Earlier: Resistance to EU/global control is connected to nazis, terrorists etc.
2021 04 10 Earlier: Media and politicians attack white men.
2021 04 03 Earlier: National states vaccinate more efficiently
2021 04 02 Earlier: Covid is used to form airline monopoly
2021 04 01 Earlier: Airlines don’t want you to travel!
2021 03 31 Earlier: Biden attacks Europe using the climate agenda.
2021 03 20 Earlier: EU-Covid
2021 03 18 Earlier: Georgia
2021 03 12 Earlier: Holodomór terror famine
2021 03 09 Earlier: Biden chosen by Dems meant manipulating democracy to promote Harris.
2021 02 21 Earlier: Archeology on Mars is psychological warfare.
2021 02 06 Earlier: Will agriculture and food supply be the next crises?
2021 02 02 Earlier: Tesla stock is inflated to support green take over by f.ex EU.
2021 01 31 Earlier: Bill Gates knew society would respond to Covid with disproportionate strength.
2021 01 30 Earlier: The World Economic Forum (WEF) is a decoy (1)
2021 01 29 Earlier: The true nature of The (not so) Great Reset
2021 01 12 Earlier: starvation
2021 01 08 Earlier: Trump-Assange agenda
2021 01 06 Earlier: Global lockdown
2020 12 26 Earlier: Maggie Thatcher on EU.
2020 12 26 Earlier: Brexit – a complete success for UK.
2020 12 12 Earlier: Covid mostly affects politicians media dislike.
2020 12 01 Earlier: European Union 7 year budget negotiations 2020.
2020 11 30 Earlier: Belarus 2020 – “revolution” is only newspaper feminist agenda and likely EU influencing
2020 11 26 Earlier: Greta – the modern Don Quixote
2020 11 25 Earlier: EU-satellite deals are better than EU membership.
2020 11 23 Earlier: Future of globalization
2020 11 22 Earlier: Climate doom
2020 11 22 Earlier: Dictatorship: Sweden ban meetings.
2020 11 10 Earlier: Internet communication has led to globalists going for broke.
2020 11 06 Earlier: Diet and body shape are abused to divide the population
2020 11 01 Earlier: Globalism will bring chaos until units of control are shrunk.
2020 10 16 Earlier: Authorities still havn’t published recommendations for those w/symtoms, positive test or anyone really.
2020 10 15 Earlier: Corona restrictions will demand rewriting the constitution.
2020 10 13 Earlier: Greta is not environmental, she is EU and Hong Kong activist.
2020 10 12 Earlier: Greta turns to Macron, not Swedish politicians.
2020 10 08 Earlier: The climate issue is political.
2020 10 02 Earlier: Is the Estonia ferry disaster fake?
2020 09 20 Earlier: Assange trial
2020 09 08 Earlier: Globalists incite subversion and rebellion against the national government
2020 09 05 Earlier: Soros, Nixon, FED
2020 08 31 Earlier: Activism creates tthe problems it claims to counteract.
2020 08 28 Earlier: European Union
2020 08 18 Earlier: EV-charging
2020 08 15 Earlier: Sweden pays Italian Olympics.
2020 08 14 Earlier: Media spread mental problems.
2020 08 11 Earlier: Soros is a decoy.
2020 08 09 Earlier: When Soros crashed Sweden.
2020 08 07 Earlier: Brexit will increase EU power.
2020 08 05 Earlier: Controlling Europe through debt
2020 08 03 Earlier: polarization
2020 08 02 Earlier: “Covid rescue” illegal in two ways
2020 07 26 Earlier: “Covid rescue” is really euro bailout
2020 07 25 Earlier: False idols look appealing
2020 07 23 Earlier: PM Löfven tricked out of EU rebate.
2020 07 20 Earlier: Macron & Merkel dictate the EU agenda
2020 07 12 Earlier: Immigrants ridiculed in headline for not recieving information
2020 07 10 Earlier: white males – slandered in media
2020 07 05 Earlier: US elections – a show for foreign countries
2020 07 03 Earlier: Cross-country skiing champion Marit Bjorgen – a product of the globalist agenda
2020 06 20 Earlier: Swedish PM splits Nordic unity for no reason. – He must be under globalist control.
2020 06 18 Earlier: Black Lives Matter/All Lives Matter [BLM]
2020 06 16 Earlier: The Brexit dilemma (1)
2020 06 12 Earlier: Why the media hate Latin America
2020 06 11 Earlier: Why the UK can not get a deal with the EU.
2020 06 10 Earlier: Why SpaceX recovers boosters.
2020 05 27 Earlier: Send Greta to the European Union to stop Corona recovery. We in Northern Europe are paying for it.
2020 05 22 Earlier: Blackmail the European Union
2020 05 02 Earlier: Norwegian police never tries to find the missing person
2020 05 06 Earlier: Fairy tales newspapers compose
2020 05 02 Earlier: Elon Musk plays the fool
2020 04 30 Earlier: Brexit, current status
2020 04 12 Earlier: fake rebels
2020 04 06 Earlier: The government/press/elite are less likely to use espionage against other states, but would rather use it against their own people.
2020 03 25 Earlier: Corona & climate – full panic but no real action taken.
2020 03 12 Earlier: US elections 2020 are rigged.
2020 03 08 Earlier: US liberal chaos is only for export.
2020 02 29 Earlier: Assange extradition trial
2020 01 27 Earlier: Is Mars rover “Curiosity” fake??
2020 01 25 Earlier: Climate gender conflicts
2020 01 22 Earlier: The scare factor
2020 01 20 Earlier: The European Union threatens w/ bank blockade to make United Kingdom to follow EU rules.
2019 12 19 Earlier: Neil Farage: Parties like SverigeDemokraterna (SD) become corrupt in the European Union.
2019 12 14 Earlier: Elon Musk is intentionally a poor role model, to destroy youth values.
2020 01 26 Earlier: Are Starlink spy satellites?
2019 12 08 Earlier: Obama tries to break US self confidence by cutting the space program.
2019 12 01 Earlier: Are the Iranian ayatollahs CIA-agents?
2019 11 26 Earlier: Arjen Kamphuis‘ disappearance
2019 10 10 Earlier: Greta Thunberg‘s true, dark motives
2019 08 10 Earlier: Edward Snowden – US operative
2019 04 14 Earlier: Wikileaks, Julian Assange and Ola Bini are likely American agents.
2019 04 12 Earlier: Ola Bini, Arjen Kamphuis connection
2019 02 01 Earlier: Elections 2018: Globalist parties pretended to have different opinions. Collaborate to favor large corporations at the expense of workers.
2019 02 01 Earlier: Bilderberg calling the shots: Center party is hi-jacked and Liberal party is ordered to self-exterminate.
2018 09 10 Earlier: News media gives birth to a political party – Ny Demokrati
2018 09 09 Earlier: All parties unite to refuse party SD posts as chairman according to election results.
2018 09 08 Earlier: The media monopoly sells outdated technology to the Swedish gov’t @ SEK 10 bn.
2018 09 07 Earlier: Feeding frenzy, the media monopoly disposes of politicians that do not follow the agenda
2018 09 06 Earlier: Quotes
2018 09 05 Earlier: Control of the Internet, Google, troll farms
2018 08 30 Earlier: Soros’ funds used to influence Swedish politics
2018 05 30 Earlier: Fake news
2018 05 22 Earlier: False flag awards
2018 05 10 Earlier: Who owns the news media
2018 05 01 Earlier: Journalist wounded by IS ?
2018 04 27 Earlier: The Cold War and other anti-Russian activities. The image of conflict; The useful enemy
2018 04 25 Earlier: Why only few air crash investigations are accurate. – Passengers lives are at an unnecessary risk.
2018 04 22 Earlier: The Iraq war 2003 was built on fake evidence. / So far, no accusations of chemical warfare have been proven true. / Also the war on IS was built on fake evidence.
2018 04 10 Earlier: Bjärred-case. Politically correct psychiatry exterminates a whole family?
2018 04 02 Earlier: UN obstructs murder investigation – UN supports an illegal regime. The true reason why Catalán and Sharp were killed.
2018 03 10 Earlier: The terrorists’ objectives
2018 03 01 Earlier: Tesla, Ubuntu/Linux – self destructive moles & Google, Facebook – political control mechanisms
2017 12 25 Earlier: Geopolitisk krigföring – Media/USA attackerar Europa med flyktingar. The enemy within. Weapons of Mass Migration
2017 12 18 Earlier: Destabilisering genom feminism och HBTQ
2017 12 15 Earlier: Destabilisering genom invandring
2017 12 12 Earlier: IOK saknar bevis – Internationella Olympiska Kommittén stänger av Ryssland utan bevis
2017 12 09 Earlier: Trump om Jerusalem – den verkliga orsaken till Trumps uttalande funnen
Table of Contents (in English)
Summary 04
Massmedia och demokratin
News media and the democracy]