0400 cold war, polarization, war mongering 0600 sanctions 10 destabilization 1100 chemical weapons 400 information war, psychological war anti-democratic, pseudo-democratic, democratorship anti-russian deep state double play, false flag, moles influencing elections, election meddling, investigations thereof korea native indians pseudo-criticism (cp effect on reader is different ...) putin quotes trump zAll pages 001.000.000 Destabilisering, ledare: 1 Leadership; Trump och Putin; US elections 2020; Capitol riots, Convoy to Ottawa 2022; Biden, Democrats, Harris, Buttigieg

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(can also use tab at screen bottom right) Destabilisering genom påverkan av ledare

See also control of leaders.


Today the Western world is controlled by secret international networks. It is clear how general elections can no longer change political decisions. The objectives of the networks can be seen in the newspapers, since the media are part of the networks.

The politicians are completely controlled by these networks, one factor being the need for good publicity to be reelected. The politicians closely follow the media agenda.

One of the few threats to the networks is strong leaders. They can sometimes oppose the press and form policy.

Whether Boris Johnson is a strong leader can be discussed. But in having to carry out Brexit, that the people had voted for, the allegiances were clear: The press supported the parliament and opposed Johnson as he tried to implement the result the referendum.

The press and weak leaders counteract strong leaders in an almost ridiculous way, calling them dictators or sometimes even insinuating they would “be like Hitler”. (F.ex Putin is democratically elected. Russians can also access Western anti-Putin websites, but Putin still gets elected.)

Two strong leaders are Trump and Putin.

1. Trump och Putin

Presidenterna Trump och Putin behandlas mycket negativt av svenska media. Amerikanska media har t.o.m. hotat Trump:

CNN President Jeff Zucker has warned that “the perception of Donald Trump in capitals around the world is shaped, in many ways, by CNN. Continuing to have an adversarial relationship with that network is a mistake.”

600 conflict (1/3: between countries, organizations etc) --- adelson double play, false flag, moles fake news, news slant google israel netanyahu palestine trump usa zAll pages 001.001 US Embassy in Israel moves to Jerusalem; Google fake dating

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The US acknowledgement of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the relocation of the US embassy to the city.

(This section started as observations on the pressure put on Trump and the accompanying destabilization of the president. It is therefore located under destabilization. But it also connects to militarization and timing aspects on news.)


Trots Trumps mindre konfliktbenägna politik försöker media ofta pressa in honom i en “krigarroll”. Varje halvår signerar USA:s president ett godkännande att fördröja en flytt av ambassaden i Israel till Jerusalem. (Paradoxal fördröjningstaktik sedan mer än 20 år, kanske för att blidka ultraortodoxa judar, genom att ett   beslut i alla fall fattats (men fördröjs). En flytt skulle uppfattas som en amerikansk-israelisk aggression.)

01 trolling, trolls 02 hate, hatred, haters 900 fake conflict anti-democratic, pseudo-democratic, democratorship batra borg center party choice of medium double play, false flag, moles kristersson moderaterna sweden democrats writing style, type of medium zAll pages Svensk politik: 1.01: Val 2018 (1)

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Mer om Sverigedemokraterna (SD) finns här.

2018 02 04

The purpose of the stupid show, ridiculed worldwide, to form government is to make the people hate Swedish politicians and make the people want the European Union to take over. (Which would mean losing all control.)

Sweden elections in the autumn may make no difference on the path of mass migration and other aspecrs of the globalist agenda that is detrimental to the country. The concentrated, negative media hype against M leader Batra forced her to resign. It was elicited by her slight comments about reducing immigration. The  new leader is low profile and supporter of the globalist agenda including mass immigration.

Media isolates the party SD. Media tries to move voters from SD to M by transmitting signals from M about “more demands on immigrants”. Demands that have no practical effects.

01 trolling, trolls anti-democratic, pseudo-democratic, democratorship controlled opposition double play, false flag, moles kristersson moderaterna sweden democrats zAll pages Svensk politik: 1.02: Val 2018 (2) Ordförandeposter

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Nationalist party SD is refused any posts as chairman of parliament committees even though they ought to have, according to election results.

L och C erbjuder SD ordförandeposter i utskott. Det verkar helt befängt innan valresultat föreligger. Det handlar förstås om att försöka få det att se ut som om de vill samarbeta med SD för att försöka lura väljare från SD till M. man talar om Alliansen som ju är död. Den helt klart odemokratiska Decemberöverenskommelsen gäller fortfarande.


Enligt SvT gör man detta i utbyte mot stöd för att få igenom sitt val av talman, då allians-partierna tänker lansera en egen talmanskandidat.

Trollen detaljanalyserar politiker och deras politik. Det handlar ju om att maskera att alla politiker har samma åsikt, dikterad av media. Både Kristersson och Björklund har adoptivbarn vilket dock kanske har att göra med deras globalistiska ideer. (Bildt gick från nationalist till globalist; C är kapade av Stureplanscentern, konstateras)

alternativ for sverige controlled opposition double play, false flag, moles hagwall media, journalism mixed messages nazi smearing sweden democrats zAll pages Svensk politik: 2: Alternativ för Sverige (01)

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Alternativ för Sverige (1)

The new party Alternativ  för Sverige (AfS) sprung from SD youth section may enter elections.

The party Medborgerlig Samling (MED) is supposed to be nationalist. Some believe it is a false flag party that can be activated by MSM if AfS becomes successful.

[ Addition, April 2019: As described in this blog, AfS also proved to be false flag. Leader is MBA, military Kasselstrand that used to globalize Russian farmland and did market surveys on Finland, most likely useful for multinational corps. All AfS is globalist. They want to kick out immigrants that have been accepted here. A policy easily refuted. Reduce parliament. Increase defense. Act disparagingly against immigrants. Critcize journalists but nt media owners. Etc etc ]

The leader of MED (Ilan Sadé) is born in Israel with a Jewish father. Jewish interests are often globalist and anti nationalist. MED being a mole could be a likely hypothesis. Jewish interests are masters at playing both sides. Like f.ex Adelson giving $100 million to Trump’s campaign.

02 hate, hatred, haters alternativ for sverige double play, false flag, moles hagwall nazi smearing sweden democrats zAll pages Svensk politik: 2: Alternativ för Sverige (2)

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Alternativ för Sverige (2)

Tråden går ned på tramsnivå. Trollen verkar ha fått order att sänka tråden med trams och ovidkommande blaj. En postare går in med flera inlägg utan att någon skriver något mellan. Han säger att AfS inte kommer att har framgång hos väljarna eftersom man har djurskydd i programmet. Djurskydd kommer att förknippa AfS med Hitler säger trollet. Naturligtvis helt galet.

01 trolling, trolls 02 hate, hatred, haters 500 divide and conquer all publicity is good publicity alternativ for sverige concern trolls double play, false flag, moles eu fake/rigged images, videos and recordings guilt by association hagwall misguiding responsibility nazi smearing opinion polls; elections stupidities and scandals writing style, type of medium zAll pages Svensk politik: 2: Alternativ för Sverige (04)

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Cont’d from

AfS hade ej tillstånd att filma ett par sekunder i riksdagens lokaler. RD vill att de tar ned sin lanseringsfilm. [ Aftonbladet ]

Väl förvaltat skulle den “censuren” kunna ge god uppmärksamhet. Aftonbladet verkar villiga att ge draghjälp.

“Vilket Sverige väljer du?” står det på banderollen. – En riktig kuggfråga. Jag tvekar fortfarande mellan burkorna och AfS-yuppisarna.

De påstår sig ju vara så rakryggade. När slår de åt “andra hållet” och klär ut sig i kippa och bränner tidningar? Naturligtvis vore även det en fullständigt felriktad och idiotisk manifestation, men sådana detaljer har ju inte stoppat dem tidigare.

controlled opposition double play, false flag, moles nazi smearing nazism nmr sionism, antisemitism, jewish culture, history zAll pages Svensk politik: 3: Nordiska MotståndsRörelsen, NMR; falsely connecting nationalism to nazism

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Right wing leaders are cloned to give a negative impression

Nordiska MotståndsRörelsen (NMR)

NMR är ett parti som ställer upp riksdagsvalet. Partiets image verkar vara konstruerad för att verka skrämmande. Vältränade män marscherar i uniformsliknande kläder och flaggor med symboler som liknar Hitlers så mycket att JK varit tvungen att utreda om symbolerna är tillåtna.

02 feminism 03 hbtq double play, false flag, moles effect on reader is different/opposite than/to initial impression, apparent/true_real content (cp pseudo-criticism) neoliberal slush; "similar things are different" political parties zAll pages Svensk politik: 5 (1): Vändpunkt (1);

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Vändpunkt – ett falsk parti som startats av globalistiska intressen för att störa Miljöpartiet.

“Carl Schlyter lämnade nyligen Miljöpartiet – efter 25 år.

Nu ska han starta ett nytt parti.

01 trolling, trolls 0300 war 22200 assassinations 500 divide and conquer 7.5 source criticism 900 fake conflict assange, wikileaks congo cover up, filtering/selection, drowning double play, false flag, moles fake news, news slant fake/rigged images, videos and recordings investigation size, Dog in the Night-Time; unverified suspects media protects military no consequences psychological factors similar meaning - different value the struggle for commodities timing un, United Nations zAll pages Militarisering: Catalán, Kongo, FN-styrkor; Diskussioner om utlandet; Kampen om råvarorna; Uganda; Assange-Catalán-Kamphuis connection-The scare factor

Only use this mirror site if is under maintenance. Militarisering: Kongo

The Guardian: “The wars [in #Congo] will never stop” – Well, at least not as long as the #cobaltmines don’t run dry. 18.000 UN troops protect the illegal regime fine, its mandate to rule Congo ran out in 2016! #Apple & #Tesla cheers.

The UN obstructs the murder investigation of Catalán and Sharp. Catalán had proof of Congo gov’t ordering murder but Congo gov’t is protected by UN.

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