Militarisering: Terroristernas målsättningar
terrorism, motives:
1. keep people locked down (fear crowded places and air travel)
2. spread hatred towards and fear of muslims
3. keep focus on the Middle East
4. connect violent activity to national movements (like IRA, ETA, Corsicans, Sikh, Tamil)
5. motivate measures that create friction, like the fluid restriction in hand luggage
6. create a feeling of panic to make the receiver of the message more easily influenced
7. motivate further intrusion into privacy through mass surveillance
8. Take focus from other political processes connected to globalization.
One of the most basic mechanisms for the spread of globalization is the hatred of muslims. Jews and muslims cooperate. Jews took control of financial institutions and bought news media during a process that lasted hundred of years.
The US is now used to make (often fake) war against muslim nations that can send their population as “refugees” to the west. This causes ethnic conflicts in the recipient countries and democratic demands can be suppressed due to lack of unity. The real attack is by “weapons of mass migrations”.
Swedish politicians intentionally scare people of (non existing) “returning IS members”: Staffanstorp
Swedish media excel in reporting shootings and sometimes report “record numbers” in a positive tone (“toppnotering”).
Many terrorist attacks are probably faked to increase hatred of muslims.
* Otherwise Israeli national TV would not joke with the attack in the Hypercacher kosher supermarket siege in Porte de Vincennes, Paris.
*Afghan war complete fake. No evidence on Bin Laden, he was found in Pakistan, hi-jackers were Saudi. War continued 10 years after his execution. Only result of war: a flood of refugees.
*Blog author saw Israeli soldier get cataplectic attack when surprised by explosion due to mine disarmament. Fake show?
Media försöker få läsarna att tro att terrorister drivs av religiöst hat. Media stöder de krig västmakterna för i Mellanöstern och vill helt bortse från att farliga och sjuka människor kan hämta inspiration till terrorattacker i hämndlystnad för krigen.