0400 cold war, polarization, war mongering 0600 sanctions 10 destabilization 1100 chemical weapons 400 information war, psychological war anti-democratic, pseudo-democratic, democratorship anti-russian deep state double play, false flag, moles influencing elections, election meddling, investigations thereof korea native indians pseudo-criticism (cp effect on reader is different ...) putin quotes trump zAll pages 001.000.000 Destabilisering, ledare: 1 Leadership; Trump och Putin; US elections 2020; Capitol riots, Convoy to Ottawa 2022; Biden, Democrats, Harris, Buttigieg

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(can also use tab at screen bottom right) Destabilisering genom påverkan av ledare

See also control of leaders.


Today the Western world is controlled by secret international networks. It is clear how general elections can no longer change political decisions. The objectives of the networks can be seen in the newspapers, since the media are part of the networks.

The politicians are completely controlled by these networks, one factor being the need for good publicity to be reelected. The politicians closely follow the media agenda.

One of the few threats to the networks is strong leaders. They can sometimes oppose the press and form policy.

Whether Boris Johnson is a strong leader can be discussed. But in having to carry out Brexit, that the people had voted for, the allegiances were clear: The press supported the parliament and opposed Johnson as he tried to implement the result the referendum.

The press and weak leaders counteract strong leaders in an almost ridiculous way, calling them dictators or sometimes even insinuating they would “be like Hitler”. (F.ex Putin is democratically elected. Russians can also access Western anti-Putin websites, but Putin still gets elected.)

Two strong leaders are Trump and Putin.

1. Trump och Putin

Presidenterna Trump och Putin behandlas mycket negativt av svenska media. Amerikanska media har t.o.m. hotat Trump:

CNN President Jeff Zucker has warned that “the perception of Donald Trump in capitals around the world is shaped, in many ways, by CNN. Continuing to have an adversarial relationship with that network is a mistake.”

adelson church, christians greta thunberg icc, International Criminal Court influencing elections, election meddling, investigations thereof latin america msf, Médecins Sans Frontières nazi smearing netanyahu soros un, United Nations yeltsin zAll pages 002.001 Destabilisering, ledare: 2. Internationella organisationer; church, pope Francis, Catholicism, Latin America, christians, bahai; monarchy, royalties; United Nations; International Criminal Court, ICC; George Soros; Milan-Cortina Italy Olympics 2026; meddling in elections; Greenpeace;

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Internationella organisationer kan påverka globaliseringen på olika sätt. Svenska media undviker på alla sätt att se sambandet mellan internationella organisationer och globaliseringen. Generellt mörkläggs globaliseringen.



Catholicism supports family and stability. Globalistsnspend muchneffort to infiltrate Catholicism. Clinton/Soros/Podesta may have been involved in appointing pope Francis.

Protestant work with Judaism, pro global.

Attack: Da Vinci Code (focus on pedophile scandals)

Kyrkan har historiskt varit en stark organisation som globalistiska media sökt destabilisera. Email från Clintons rådgivare John Podesta publicerades på Wikileaks och tyder på att Geroge Soros och Hillary Clinton kan ha varit delaktiga i att störta påven 2013. Den dåvarande påven avgick då självmant, vilket ingen påve gjort på 800 år. Den nye påven har en tydligt globalistisk framtoning.


Re: opening for a Catholic Spring? just musing . . .
Date: 2012-02-11 11:45
Subject: Re: opening for a Catholic Spring? just musing . . .

We created Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good to organize for a
moment like this. But I think it lacks the leadership to do so now.
Likewise Catholics United. Like most Spring movements, I think this
one will have to be bottom up. I’ll discuss with Tara. Kathleen
Kennedy Townsend is the other person to consult.
On 2/10/12, Sandy Newman wrote:
> Hi, John,
> This whole controversy with the bishops opposing contraceptive coverage even
> though 98% of Catholic women (and their conjugal partners) have used
> contraception has me thinking . . . There needs to be a Catholic Spring, in
> which Catholics themselves demand the end of a middle ages dictatorship


Soros-Podesta connection: (probably many more exists)

And when Soros sought to build U.S. pressure on Ukraine policy in 2016, he turned to Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta, as a prelude to Nuland.

The Hill

Sanford “Sandy” Newman

(born April 25, 1952) is an American non-profit executive. Between 1982 and 2017, he founded and served as president of three non-profits, Project VOTE![1] Fight Crime: Invest in Kids,[2] and Voices for Progress.

Early life and education Edit
Newman was born and raised in Washington, D.C and graduated from Walt Whitman High School. He went on to earn a Bachelor of Arts in government from Wesleyan University in 1974 and a J.D. from the University of Virginia Law School.[3] He is the son of a labor, civil rights and women’s rights attorney Winn Newman[4] and women’s rights advocate Elaine Newman,[5] and became involved in civil rights advocacy as a teen.[6]


Bradpaisley94: 76806605
Kristenheten i västvärlden har förändrats mycket de senaste 60-70 åren. Den har minskat påtagligt både i storlek och makt, men också förändrats i grunden. De tidigare dominerande protestantiska kyrkorna, som i USA kallas ”mainline protestant”, har närstan försvunnit. Till dessa ingår anglikanska, lutheranska, metodistiska, presbyterian bland annat.
Deras ställning i samhället ser man tydligt på den utveckling de lutheranska statskyrkorna haft i Norden eller utvecklingen för de anglikanska kyrkorna i bland annat Storbritannien, Australien och Kanada. Eller allra tydligast, alla mainline kyrkornas utveckling i USA = tappar medlemmar väldigt fort.

Det som förenar dessa kyrkor är framför allt att de försökt att anpassa sin teologi till rådande samhällsutveckling, vilket baserat på tappet av medlemmar funkat väldigt dåligt.
Kvar blir då katolska kyrkan, som representerar struktur och tradition, och evangeliska kyrkorna (bl.a. pingst), som representerar en mycket personlig tro på Gud och en bokstavlig tolkning av bibeln. Bägge två har konservativ syn på moralfrågor.

I de flesta aspekter är dessa två grenar av kristendomen motsatser, där ena belyser sakrament, liturgi och tradition, och den andra är lågkyrklig och belyser personligt förhållande med Gud samt bokstavlig tolkning av skriften.
Ändå ser man, inte minst i Sverige, att unga kristna dras till dessa två inriktningar.
Vad innebär denna utveckling för kristendomen i framtiden för oss i väst?

Archbishop apologises for steamy video filmed in Spanish cathedral



%%%%% church
%%%%% kyrkan

Pope Francis

Påven Francis förefaller också ha avskaffat helvetet!

01 trolling, trolls alternativ for sverige anti-democratic, pseudo-democratic, democratorship center party hagwall influencing elections, election meddling, investigations thereof nazi smearing opinion polls; elections vagueness, ambiguity zAll pages Svensk politik: 2: Alternativ för Sverige (05) …

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Cont’d from

Tycker ni AfS uppvisar likheter med Sparta eller Mishimas Tatenokai?

Båda var ju, liksom AfS, militärt orienterade.
Gayvibbar har ju tidigare även diskuterats rörande AfS ledande politiker. Nyligen såg jag också att M Hagwall har haft scennamnet Märta under sin verksamhet inom battlerap.

En bild på Hahnes kompis The Golden One, motsäger inte detta. Den lagras under filnamnet Sparta1.

anti-russian cap, common agricultural policy color revolutions double play, false flag, moles eastern europe influencing elections, election meddling, investigations thereof revolutions soros ukraine zAll pages Eastern Europe; Ukraine; Asia: Georgia; Yugoslavia, Serbia; Romania; Estonia;

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Flera öststater har en normal nationalistisk framtoning. Ett brev från Polens ambassadör till DN visar den indignation svenska medias grundlösa kritik skapar.

Ungerns premiärminister protesterar mot George Soros engagemang i att skapa flyktingströmmar genom Europa.

anti-russian cover up, filtering/selection, drowning influencing elections, election meddling, investigations thereof trump yeltsin zAll pages (001) elections, influencing elections, election meddling, investigations thereof

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Influencing elections

OSSE skickar observatörer till det svenska valet för första gången! Man skall studera finansiering av valkampanjerna.

Skall man “göra en Mueller” mot SD?

disinformation influencing elections, election meddling, investigations thereof israel psy-ops usa zAll pages (002) election meddling, intelligence agencies, Mossad

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The New Yorker beskriver hur en misstänkt korrupt läkare/sjukhusägare i Kalifornien, Benzeevi, hyr ex-Mossadagenter för att motverka en “folkrörelse” mot sjukhusägaren, i kommunen. Det handlar om valet av en styrelsemedlem, den som tar den platsen kontrollerar styrelsen och sjukhuset.

01 trolling, trolls 02 feminism 4.0 control of people and governments --- 500 divide and conquer anti-democratic, pseudo-democratic, democratorship deep state eu false attack of useful aspect of problem headline influencing elections, election meddling, investigations thereof nato pseudo-conflicts rigged leaks uk will occur zAll pages (001) EU, Brexit-001

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EU gynnar naturligtvis globaliseringen genom överstatlig styrning vilken försvagar regeringarna i medlemsländerna.

The analogy between USSR, the communist international and EU/globalism is highly valid

Förenklat handlar EU om att skapa så stora enheter att folket inte kan få kontakt med de som betämmer. Schweiz, ett framgångsrikt land gör motsatsen, de förankrar beslut lokalt, ofta genom direktdemokrati.

2018 07 10
Globalist politicians seem to be female more often than would be expected from the general frequence of female politicians. That is only a general observation by the blog, no statistics yet supplied. (Clinton, Merkel)

Theresa May gets good support from media, including the Swedish. Last weekend she put forward a suggestion to replace the UK EU membership with another union, instead of just leaving the union. Swedish media reported she received “good support” from her own government! Well, this week several ministers resign.

"that is common" 01 trolling, trolls cover up, filtering/selection, drowning influencing elections, election meddling, investigations thereof jewish networks politicians soros sweden zAll pages Höj rösten – “school for politicians”; misc.

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