04 youth revolt 06 psychiatry 07 drugs 500 divide and conquer cover up, filtering/selection, drowning effect on reader is different/opposite than/to initial impression, apparent/true_real content (cp pseudo-criticism) eu misguiding anger and criticism, defusing; decoys, distractions, false leads, misdirection police pseudo alarms pseudo-criticism (cp effect on reader is different ...) unions zAll pages 001/001 Destabilisering genom kravlöshet, droger, drugs, Sackler family, narkotika, narcotics, alkohol; psykiatri, Freud, neuropsychiatry, adhd, Asperger, neurology; regional differences; Education; psychiatry in the Soviet Union; youth rebellion, youth revolt, nature reserves, Simone Biles, diagnoses; labor unions; crime; violence;

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(can also use tab at screen bottom right) Destabilisering genom kravlöshet

Diagnoser som somatiserar tillstånd vilka egentligen kan påverkas av individen, framhävs i media. Barn och familjer motiveras inte att ta ansvar för sin situation när diagnoser som ADHD, MBD överanvänds. Samma gäller diagnosen anorexi.

02 feminism 03 hbtq double play, false flag, moles effect on reader is different/opposite than/to initial impression, apparent/true_real content (cp pseudo-criticism) neoliberal slush; "similar things are different" political parties zAll pages Svensk politik: 5 (1): Vändpunkt (1);

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Vändpunkt – ett falsk parti som startats av globalistiska intressen för att störa Miljöpartiet.

“Carl Schlyter lämnade nyligen Miljöpartiet – efter 25 år.

Nu ska han starta ett nytt parti.

0400 cold war, polarization, war mongering 0600 sanctions anti globalist slant color revolutions effect on reader is different/opposite than/to initial impression, apparent/true_real content (cp pseudo-criticism) iran oil market pseudo-criticism (cp effect on reader is different ...) usa venezuela will occur zAll pages Venezuela 01; US tries to create a new cold war

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Jan 24, 2019

Venezuelas oppositionsledare Juan
Guaido har utropat sig själv till
tillfällig president, uppger flera
Internationella nyhetsbyråer.

Han har fått stöd av USA:s president
Donald Trump som erkänner Venezuelas
oppositionsledare som landets
tillfällige president,

branding double play, false flag, moles effect on reader is different/opposite than/to initial impression, apparent/true_real content (cp pseudo-criticism) nazi smearing nmr terminology zAll pages Begreppet “nazism” används i för vid betydelse

Only use this mirror site if is under maintenance. Begreppet “nazism” används i för vid betydelse

Media använder termen “nazism” om mer än att hylla det tyska nazipartiet. Media gör detta för att försöka sätta en “Hitlerstämpel” på nationalister. Media har t.o.m. fått statsminister Löfven att antyda att president Trump skulle vara nazist!

01 trolling, trolls 22200 assassinations 30 feeding frenzy cover up, filtering/selection, drowning effect on reader is different/opposite than/to initial impression, apparent/true_real content (cp pseudo-criticism) facebook fear, intimidation israel media, journalism misguiding anger and criticism, defusing; decoys, distractions, false leads, misdirection misguiding responsibility palestine sionism, antisemitism, jewish culture, history sweden democrats zAll pages

05. Methods: 5.001 Skenmål, snedfokusering och villospår, decoys, troll topics (media/sociala media); mörkläggning; fear; bildvinkel

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5. Några ytterligare metoder som används inom media

5.1 Skenmål, snedfokusering och villospår:

Massmedia och deras representanter i sociala media försöker dölja de verkliga orsakerna till många företeelser i samhället genom att påstå att företeelsena har andra orsaker än de verkliga. Ofta kan det vara företeelser som media själva stöder men där media önskar att dölja sin roll. Många medlemmar i sociala media är troligen troll, anställda av media.

1. politisk korrekthet – “PK”

En positiv inställning till t.ex. invandring och feminism kan kallas politisk korrekthet (PK).

0400 cold war, polarization, war mongering 0500 provocations 500 divide and conquer 900 fake conflict anti-russian china effect on reader is different/opposite than/to initial impression, apparent/true_real content (cp pseudo-criticism) exaggerated criticism israel nazi smearing palestine police pseudo-criticism (cp effect on reader is different ...) trump unspecific zAll pages

05. Methods: 5.007.001 Strävan mot konflikter, Palestinafrågan; The image of conflict, The useful enemy, The Cold War, Provocations; Media focus on the Middle East and foreign countries; foreign countries in social media; Eurovision Song Contest, hets mot konflikt och krig; destructiveness; härskartekniker – master suppression techniques; attack non sensitive area

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5 Metoder:

5.7  Strävan mot konflikt / Behovet av motstånd
The Guardian: Masters of war: architects of modern conflicts say cheese for the camera /Narendra Modi, Tony Blair, Condoleezza Rice, Robert Gates, John Howard, Henry Kissinger;

Globalists use conflict on many levels and areas, f.ex:

Between people. If people are put in power for false reasons (like being promoted to a post by a superior wishing conflict) they do not have the skill or motive to respond accurately and will create conflict.

In forums: Using rudeness and arguments against the person in order to cover up the real topic and bring down the discussion to troll level.

Between groups of people in order to divide and conquer, women and immigrants are f.ex. supported by MSM.

Between countries like in the Skripal drama. Both UK and Russia lose. As usual only war mongers win. In creating conflict both the participating parties often lose and only the superior part wishing a cold war wins.  In this case the “Deep State” and US war machine are the winners in that cold war gives false motives for rearmament.

07 drugs 7.5 source criticism 9.0 meta anti-russian antidoping congo effect on reader is different/opposite than/to initial impression, apparent/true_real content (cp pseudo-criticism) fake news, news slant iran iraq philippines pseudo-criticism (cp effect on reader is different ...) skripal un, United Nations usa zAll pages

20.06 01 Fake news, examples

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What is called fake news naturally depends in the definition. In 2003 “Weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq was fake news, but proven much too late to make much difference.

Reporters often say “we didn’t know” and add that they just never checked sources. That the drawings of chemical weapons, presented by Colin Powell in the UN were fake was pretty obvious to most people.

When news media oligarchs, politicians and paid social media administrators and trolls act together, they define the “truth” of the New World Order.

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