01 trolling, trolls double play, false flag, moles nazi smearing philippines writing style, type of medium zAll pages

05. Methods: 5.008.001 double crossing, double agents, double game, double play, false flag attacks; vague language; mixing information; layout; Chomsky; quote on criticism

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double crossing, double agents, double game, double play, false flag, moles, mullvadar, entrism

News media and other parties involved often con the general public by playing a double game.

Jag skulle gissa att mer än 90% av påstådda “högerdebattörer” i vissa forum är vänstertroll. Typ de som låtsas vara högerbombare, eller de som motsätter sig globalisternas krigshets men framställer sig som världsfrånvända, pårökta hippies.

The Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter is Jewish owned but propagates an agenda that superficially supports the Palestinians.

The Jewish, extremely wealthy Sheldon Adelson has contributed substantially to Trumps campaign. It is otherwise a general image that Trump is opposing fake news in Jewish owned media.

7.5 source criticism congo double play, false flag, moles fake news, news slant investigation size, Dog in the Night-Time; unverified suspects skripal zAll pages

07. Detection of fake information: 07.01 consequences, investigation size; Dog in the Night-Time; unverified suspects

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(see also)

Dog in the night-time

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is a Sherlock Holmes novel where Holmes solves a case by  noting the absence of expected facts.

F.ex the murder of Catalan or the Skripal “nerve gas attack” ought to have elicited major nation wide man hunts  but did not. Catalans murder was perpetrated by the govt, supported by the UN and the nerve gas attack was fake.

1100 chemical weapons alternativ for sverige double play, false flag, moles nmr skripal syria zAll pages

20.06 02 (01) False flag operations, awards

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Dagens Nyheter (DN)
Nothing beats the Swedish globalist flagship newspaper. You can read it for 20 years and still believe it is pro Palestinian.


Skripal attack (Salisbury, UK)
Russians attacking civilians in England with the world’s most poisonous nerve gas and 3/4 survived. One attack during Russian presidential elections, one during the World Cup in Russia.

Wikileaks, Julian Assange not genuine

Ola Bini

IS execution videos
Jihad John scolds Obama in London accent and pulls the knife 5-6 times over the throat of the “executed” w/ out one drop if blood emerging. The sister of one “victim” is interviewed on US television. – She is an actress that has played the roles of other persons related to news events. (F.ex a classmate of the perpetrator of the Sandy Hook massacre.)

The videos are produced with advanced green screen production that IS never could have access to. In one video the IS soldiers all are 2.10 m tall, to look intimidating. With advanced technology they seem to walk beside their much shorter prisoners. Even technicians at Fox news verified this.

double play, false flag, moles zAll pages

20.06 02 (02) False flag and genuine actors

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Rafael Correa, Ricardo Patiño, Ecuador

Evo Morales


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20.06 02 (04) fake rebels

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