01 trolling, trolls 02 hate, hatred, haters 900 fake conflict anti-democratic, pseudo-democratic, democratorship batra borg center party choice of medium double play, false flag, moles kristersson moderaterna sweden democrats writing style, type of medium zAll pages Svensk politik: 1.01: Val 2018 (1)

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Mer om Sverigedemokraterna (SD) finns här.

2018 02 04

The purpose of the stupid show, ridiculed worldwide, to form government is to make the people hate Swedish politicians and make the people want the European Union to take over. (Which would mean losing all control.)

Sweden elections in the autumn may make no difference on the path of mass migration and other aspecrs of the globalist agenda that is detrimental to the country. The concentrated, negative media hype against M leader Batra forced her to resign. It was elicited by her slight comments about reducing immigration. The  new leader is low profile and supporter of the globalist agenda including mass immigration.

Media isolates the party SD. Media tries to move voters from SD to M by transmitting signals from M about “more demands on immigrants”. Demands that have no practical effects.

01 trolling, trolls 22200 assassinations 30 feeding frenzy cover up, filtering/selection, drowning effect on reader is different/opposite than/to initial impression, apparent/true_real content (cp pseudo-criticism) facebook fear, intimidation israel media, journalism misguiding anger and criticism, defusing; decoys, distractions, false leads, misdirection misguiding responsibility palestine sionism, antisemitism, jewish culture, history sweden democrats zAll pages

05. Methods: 5.001 Skenmål, snedfokusering och villospår, decoys, troll topics (media/sociala media); mörkläggning; fear; bildvinkel

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5. Några ytterligare metoder som används inom media

5.1 Skenmål, snedfokusering och villospår:

Massmedia och deras representanter i sociala media försöker dölja de verkliga orsakerna till många företeelser i samhället genom att påstå att företeelsena har andra orsaker än de verkliga. Ofta kan det vara företeelser som media själva stöder men där media önskar att dölja sin roll. Många medlemmar i sociala media är troligen troll, anställda av media.

1. politisk korrekthet – “PK”

En positiv inställning till t.ex. invandring och feminism kan kallas politisk korrekthet (PK).

07 drugs 500 divide and conquer 6.4 finance canada eu misguiding anger and criticism, defusing; decoys, distractions, false leads, misdirection mixed messages soros the struggle for commodities zAll pages

18.000 Economical and financial aspects on globalization; (Greece) the petrodollar, IMF; credit cards; billionaires; neoliberal policies; currencies ERM, ECU, euro, EMU, EMS, euro; [economy,finance]; interest rates, monetary policy, fiscal policy; billionaires, high finance, Vanguard, BlackRock, Schwab; Madoff; entrepreneurs;

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Some aspects on finance and globalization

See also:
Bill Browder

The financial aspects of globalization are beyond the scope of this blog. They are also more difficult to evaluate than the role of news media since they are mostly kept in secret whereas the result of media’s work, by its nature, must be delivered to the public in order to have its effect.

Therefore one must often go to literature to assess globalist aspects of finance/economics instead of, as in the case of media, study the work itself.

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