0600 sanctions conspiracy trolls deep state google jewish networks misguiding anger and criticism, defusing; decoys, distractions, false leads, misdirection NWO obama putin russia terminology trump usa zAll pages Deep State, New World Order, NWO; Bilderberg; nätverk, networks, congress/president power balance; Nixon; Conspiracy theories

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Deep State

The US works like Sweden. Presidents and politicians change but policy stays the same.

Trump becoming president made Deep State more visible to ordinary people since Obama and Deep State acted like one.

Assad: Why talk to Trump if he doesn’t control the US? (Russia Today, RT)

we don’t think the president of that regime [US] is in control. We all believe that the deep state, the real state, is in control, or is in control of every president, and that is nothing new. It has always been so in the United States, at least during the last 40 years, at least since Nixon, maybe before, but it’s becoming starker and starker, and the starkest case is Trump.

Bashar Hafez al-Assad, President of Syria -1- -2-

Putin (Oliver Stone)

Putin (Le Figaro)

Skripal case: Neither UK nor Russia will gain from this incident. Russia loses reputation by the accusations of using nerve gas agsins civilians, UK loses reputation by making ghe unreasonable accusations. Someone else must have orchestrated the attack. Someone else is NWO/Deep State. (Earlier the term ZOG was used. It has a bad ring and focuses on Zionism. Globalism is wider than Zionism. The term was maybe constructed by false flag trolls. Jokingly the world globalist network is sometimes called Skynet, referring to an AI network controlling the world trying to exterminate mankind, in the movie sequel Terminator. Another term used is “shadow government”.

02 feminism moderation native indians usa zAll pages USA …; Kissinger; CIA, mormons; indians, native americans; cowboys; US take over, Stenbeck;

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See INF treaty

95-årige Kissinger gjorde sin plikt och hyllade McCain i ett tal. Men för det blev han påhoppad av en sajt som heter alternet. Man tar även fram en gammal bild där en aktivisttjej dinglar handbojor framför K. Det var oväntat.
Kanske någon slags omvänd propaganda? – Tänk så synd den är om den gamle diplomathjälten, påhoppad så orättvist??

Tillägg 2v senare:
Som citatsidan visar så har Kissinger uttalat sig positivt om Trump. Detta är orsaken till att den gamle stjärdiplomaten nu sågas i media.

usa zAll pages US 2020 elections are rigged

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US 2020 elections are rigged

0400 cold war, polarization, war mongering 0600 sanctions anti globalist slant color revolutions effect on reader is different/opposite than/to initial impression, apparent/true_real content (cp pseudo-criticism) iran oil market pseudo-criticism (cp effect on reader is different ...) usa venezuela will occur zAll pages Venezuela 01; US tries to create a new cold war

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Jan 24, 2019

Venezuelas oppositionsledare Juan
Guaido har utropat sig själv till
tillfällig president, uppger flera
Internationella nyhetsbyråer.

Han har fått stöd av USA:s president
Donald Trump som erkänner Venezuelas
oppositionsledare som landets
tillfällige president,

disinformation influencing elections, election meddling, investigations thereof israel psy-ops usa zAll pages (002) election meddling, intelligence agencies, Mossad

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The New Yorker beskriver hur en misstänkt korrupt läkare/sjukhusägare i Kalifornien, Benzeevi, hyr ex-Mossadagenter för att motverka en “folkrörelse” mot sjukhusägaren, i kommunen. Det handlar om valet av en styrelsemedlem, den som tar den platsen kontrollerar styrelsen och sjukhuset.

assange, wikileaks trump usa zAll pages (011) The making of an anti-Trump weapon – Julian Assange

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This page outlines a scenario where the image of Julian Assange has been inflated by news media for several years. This may have been done partly in order to pressure president Trump during the 2020 elections. Assange has been made a significant person (out of insignificant “leaks”) and politicians must handle his case with care since it, among other things, reflects a balance between military need for secrecy and a general need for the propagation of the free word.

The possibility that Assange will be used against Trump was made by the blog as early as June 2019. [ -1-, -2-, -3-, -4- ]

Making an anti-Trump weapon – Julian Assange

The image of Julian Assange has been inflated for several years. The Main Stream Media tries to make him a symbol for free speech. But the organization he founded, Wikileaks, has leaked very little truly dangerous material.

musk spaceX tesla Texas (170) Elon Musk (Twitter buy, Trump, X) … Texas (Nixon, Haldeman)

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consumers_rights tesla Texas twitter zAll pages (204) Tesla, Electric Vehicles; [Musk Tesla SpaceX grants subsidies] … ; Twitter; Northvolt … , Volvo …; Tesla video ad Berlin Brandenbug drone; Twitter; Mastodon;

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double play, false flag, moles usa zAll pages Scientology; Hare Krishna

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Scientology connects the attack on narcotics and journalists with extremely weird ideas of “space opera”, cult like organization snd ery expensive training.

They quite simply wish us to believe that anyone attacking narcotics and journalists is completely out of his mind.

0300 war antidoping cuba deep state google iraq jewish networks sionism, antisemitism, jewish culture, history trump usa zAll pages Media: The New York Times, US East Coast

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Bay of Pigs

Many believe that if The New York Times had not withheld crucial information, the failed (and for the US, embarrassing) invasion of Cuba would never have taken place.

It is very difficult to investigate situations like Watergate or Bay of Pigs. Any search using Google will be under heavy globalist agenda, in this case often protecting The New York Times.



The New York Times and The Washington Post contributed significantly to the ban of Russian athletes during the Olympic Games in PyeongChang in 2018. -1-  -2-  -3-

The Rodchenkov affair had notable repercussions in media over the world. Based on extremely weak evidence Russia was accused of systematic doping in sport. Jewish networks were activated: The producer of the film Icarus (of Jewish descent) contacted the New York Times (owners of Jewish descent) and the newspaper, together with the Washington Post started a spread of information where other papers followed. See “newspaper of record“. (Therefore antidoping has later been targeted by political actors.

Other similar attacks on Russia, also based on false evidence had much less impact, like “chemical weapons used by Syria”, “nerve gas attacks in UK/Salisbury”. To avoid realizing the differences between people of different ethnicities, Africans are tested harder than others for doping violations. Russian athletes must prove their innocence where others have not to.



The New York Times (reporter Judith Miller) contributed significantly to making the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 happen. The evidence were false.

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