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Swizerland is less controlled by global networks since many issues are decided by direct voting by the people.

counteracting democracy democracy latin america native indians voting system zAll pages South America, Latin America; pink tide; Colombia; Brazil; Peru; Chile; Odebrecht scandal; Petrobras scandal; Middle America

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South America, Latin America, general

One main reason South American countries is neglected in European media is that they vote for presidents and have more clear alternatives at elections.

wwr: 81003922
Den lille amerikamanövrerade krigshetsaren fick inte tala på mötet för Mercosur, den sydamerikanska samarbetsorganisationen. Sydamerika styrs ju fortfarande lite grand av sina valda representanter och mörkläggs i media. Än så länge är bara 4 länder fullvärdiga medlemmar i Mercosur, men det föreligger naturligtvis stor risk att de internationella nätverken kommer att lägga mycket energi på att bygga upp ett nytt Sovjetunionen/EU i Sydamerika. Än så länge har dock världsdelen klarat sig något bättre från krig, massinvandring av svåranpassade grupper (i alla fall på senare tid), extremfeminism och annat som används av den globala diktaturen för att skapa kaos och konflikter för att genomföra odemokratiskt maktövertagande.

Ukraine’s President told no appearance at Mercosur Summit possible

This text will help readers understand that Latin America is more than a “traditional society,” composed of the descendants of the Conquistadors and Native Americans. This book demonstrates the crucial impact of the mass migrations of the late nineteenth and early twentieth c


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%%%%% general, south america

Presidents are white men and often get well along together. Not many wars, did not take part in WW2. A traditional world that global news media tries to destroy. Therefore it is covered up by the news media.

Why did few wars happen in South America?

Jews collaborate with nazis (see Ukraine) like they do with muslims to create conflicts that can be a motive for spread of their conflicts. After WW2 both Jews and Nazis went to South America to continue global take over.

Still national pride in soccer, f.ex.

Feminism is very central to the global dicatatorship. In order to throw countries into internal conflicts, women must be turned on men. This seems to have been difficult in South America. Traditional families are common. Therefore the news media networks have isolated South America and put it in media backwaters. Another way of isolating it is the sperad of violence and criminalty. It is common but also enhanced in news media in order to keep outsiders away.

Catholic. Warm hearted.

Comparatively low population density, comparable to US, lower than Europe and Asia.

Climate summit COP 25 was to be held in Chile. Greta Thunberg was set to make an alomst “impossible” zero-CO2-emmitting trip from the US to Chile. Due to some unrest in Chile the meeting was moved to Spain, Europe. The climate agenda is not strong in Latin America. The climate agenda is one way EUrope is attacked.

Presidents are at least giving an image of being more competent than western leaders like Biden, Harris, Swedish PMs.

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