01 trolling, trolls 02 hate, hatred, haters argue from exceptions; neglect Occam's razor; if it looks like a duck ... assange, wikileaks chaos concern trolls cover up, filtering/selection, drowning deep state double play, false flag, moles facebook fake assistance false accusation + denial/apology focus on choice of words and definitions, to quibble google guilt by association keeping the Holocaust alive, exaggerating nazi keeping unaware misguiding anger and criticism, defusing; decoys, distractions, false leads, misdirection mixed messages nazi smearing sionism, antisemitism, jewish culture, history terminology zAll pages

05. Methods: 5.002 (001) Förvirring och troll, agendatroll, false-flag-troll, infiltration, haters, intelligence, intelligens, antisemitfällan, keeping the Holocaust alive, mixed messages, damage control; monikers; vagueness, keeping unaware; accusation/apology; “almost alarming”; “konspirationsteorier”; Personargument, ad personam; another card, a new card

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5.2  Förvirring och troll

I sociala forum verkar Internettroll med motsägelsefulla ståndpunkter, glidningar i föhållningssätt.

Troll sprider naturligtvis förvirring i diskussionen och förhindrar basala fakta att komma i dagen.

01 trolling, trolls 7.5 source criticism alternativ for sverige branding choice of medium cover up, filtering/selection, drowning double play, false flag, moles guilt by association misguiding anger and criticism, defusing; decoys, distractions, false leads, misdirection mix up moderation nazi smearing splitting the topic; several topics writing style, type of medium zAll pages

05. Methods: 5.004 false flag, infiltration, hiding the attacker, funktion och moderering av sociala forum [moderators moderation]; podcast podd, webradio, IRC; misc.; uttråkning; talk/action, guilt by association, mix-up, links and references

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5.4 false flag, infiltration, mullvadar, internetforum, övrigt

false flag, infiltration, mullvadar

Nationalistisk argumentering i t.ex. sociala medier infiltreras troligen av mullvadar som under “false flag” falskt uppger sig vara sympatisörer på “högerkanten”. Dessa false flag troll uppräder som “våldsamma och knäppa idioter”, de kan ha underliga medlemsnamn/nick, signaturer och avatarer, ibland tyskklingande, med nazianspelningar eller antytt våld samt simulera extrema åsikter och dålig språkbehandling. Hur pass vanligt detta är vet man naturligtvis inte eftersom forummedlemmar kan vara anonyma. Men min gissning är att det är mycket vanligt. Detta kan naturligtvis vara ett sätt att ge högerorganisationerna ett falskt dåligt rykte.

all publicity is good publicity choice of medium headline nazi smearing neoliberal slush; "similar things are different" uncertainty writing style, type of medium zAll pages

05. Methods: 5.005 Formation of opinion, writing style; Håkan Juholt, Timbro, criticize details, headlines, uncertainty, choice of medium; sex; cartoons; clan society; advertising, clicks; the best of worlds; wealth; ridiculing democracy; pointless rambling; the Devil is in the details

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Formation of opinion, opinionsbildning

Writing style, skrivsätt, stil

5.5 Opinionsbildning


Så här marknadsför “den nyliberala tankesmedjan” Timbro en av sina utbildningar:

Stureakademin är Timbros äldsta och mest mytomspunna utbildning. Sedan starten 2003 har över trehundra akademister fått chansen att fördjupa sina kunskaper om ideologi, praktisk politik och opinionsbildning. Många av dem arbetar idag som ledarskribenter, politiskt sakkunniga eller rentav riksdagsledamöter.

%%%%% Timbro

Håkan Juholt (Timbro)

En artikel [ Ref ] i Svenska Dagbladet om Håkan Juholt, tidigare ledare för Socialdemokraterna, numera svensk ambassadör till Island, skriven av en “Timbro-statsvetare” har rubriken “Juholt är ingen ensam galning”.

0400 cold war, polarization, war mongering 0500 provocations 500 divide and conquer 900 fake conflict anti-russian china effect on reader is different/opposite than/to initial impression, apparent/true_real content (cp pseudo-criticism) exaggerated criticism israel nazi smearing palestine police pseudo-criticism (cp effect on reader is different ...) trump unspecific zAll pages

05. Methods: 5.007.001 Strävan mot konflikter, Palestinafrågan; The image of conflict, The useful enemy, The Cold War, Provocations; Media focus on the Middle East and foreign countries; foreign countries in social media; Eurovision Song Contest, hets mot konflikt och krig; destructiveness; härskartekniker – master suppression techniques; attack non sensitive area

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5 Metoder:

5.7  Strävan mot konflikt / Behovet av motstånd
The Guardian: Masters of war: architects of modern conflicts say cheese for the camera /Narendra Modi, Tony Blair, Condoleezza Rice, Robert Gates, John Howard, Henry Kissinger;

Globalists use conflict on many levels and areas, f.ex:

Between people. If people are put in power for false reasons (like being promoted to a post by a superior wishing conflict) they do not have the skill or motive to respond accurately and will create conflict.

In forums: Using rudeness and arguments against the person in order to cover up the real topic and bring down the discussion to troll level.

Between groups of people in order to divide and conquer, women and immigrants are f.ex. supported by MSM.

Between countries like in the Skripal drama. Both UK and Russia lose. As usual only war mongers win. In creating conflict both the participating parties often lose and only the superior part wishing a cold war wins.  In this case the “Deep State” and US war machine are the winners in that cold war gives false motives for rearmament.

01 trolling, trolls double play, false flag, moles nazi smearing philippines writing style, type of medium zAll pages

05. Methods: 5.008.001 double crossing, double agents, double game, double play, false flag attacks; vague language; mixing information; layout; Chomsky; quote on criticism

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double crossing, double agents, double game, double play, false flag, moles, mullvadar, entrism

News media and other parties involved often con the general public by playing a double game.

Jag skulle gissa att mer än 90% av påstådda “högerdebattörer” i vissa forum är vänstertroll. Typ de som låtsas vara högerbombare, eller de som motsätter sig globalisternas krigshets men framställer sig som världsfrånvända, pårökta hippies.

The Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter is Jewish owned but propagates an agenda that superficially supports the Palestinians.

The Jewish, extremely wealthy Sheldon Adelson has contributed substantially to Trumps campaign. It is otherwise a general image that Trump is opposing fake news in Jewish owned media.

anti-russian cover up, filtering/selection, drowning keeping the Holocaust alive, exaggerating nazi misguiding anger and criticism, defusing; decoys, distractions, false leads, misdirection sionism, antisemitism, jewish culture, history zAll pages

05. Methods: 5.010.00 misguiding criticism; the anti-semite card

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05. Methods: 5.10 misleading criticism

To mislead and misdirect criticism is probably one of the most important mechanisms used by media when they issue false flag attacks on actors they in fact try to protect. They attack other aspects than the one needed to be critizised. They may attack minor aspects or aspects that can not be changed etc

google keeping the Holocaust alive, exaggerating nazi misguiding anger and criticism, defusing; decoys, distractions, false leads, misdirection sionism, antisemitism, jewish culture, history zAll pages

05. Methods: 5.010.01 Jewish or pro-Israel? Criticism of Jewish interests condemned

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SVT ändrade citat om “oerhört stark judisk lobby”
“Den judiska lobbyn i USA är oerhört stark”, sade SVT:s utrikeskommentator Erika Bjerström enligt en artikel på den statliga tv-jättens hemsida. Men i efterhand har formuleringen “judiska lobbyn” ändrats till “pro-israeliska lobbyn”.
Fria Tider

Finally SvT criticized itself for usung the expression Jewish lobby.

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