01 trolling, trolls 7.5 source criticism alternativ for sverige branding choice of medium cover up, filtering/selection, drowning double play, false flag, moles guilt by association misguiding anger and criticism, defusing; decoys, distractions, false leads, misdirection mix up moderation nazi smearing splitting the topic; several topics writing style, type of medium zAll pages

05. Methods: 5.004 false flag, infiltration, hiding the attacker, funktion och moderering av sociala forum [moderators moderation]; podcast podd, webradio, IRC; misc.; uttråkning; talk/action, guilt by association, mix-up, links and references

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5.4 false flag, infiltration, mullvadar, internetforum, övrigt

false flag, infiltration, mullvadar

Nationalistisk argumentering i t.ex. sociala medier infiltreras troligen av mullvadar som under “false flag” falskt uppger sig vara sympatisörer på “högerkanten”. Dessa false flag troll uppräder som “våldsamma och knäppa idioter”, de kan ha underliga medlemsnamn/nick, signaturer och avatarer, ibland tyskklingande, med nazianspelningar eller antytt våld samt simulera extrema åsikter och dålig språkbehandling. Hur pass vanligt detta är vet man naturligtvis inte eftersom forummedlemmar kan vara anonyma. Men min gissning är att det är mycket vanligt. Detta kan naturligtvis vara ett sätt att ge högerorganisationerna ett falskt dåligt rykte.

07 drugs 500 divide and conquer 6.4 finance canada eu misguiding anger and criticism, defusing; decoys, distractions, false leads, misdirection mixed messages soros the struggle for commodities zAll pages

18.000 Economical and financial aspects on globalization; (Greece) the petrodollar, IMF; credit cards; billionaires; neoliberal policies; currencies ERM, ECU, euro, EMU, EMS, euro; [economy,finance]; interest rates, monetary policy, fiscal policy; billionaires, high finance, Vanguard, BlackRock, Schwab; Madoff; entrepreneurs;

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Some aspects on finance and globalization

See also:
Bill Browder

The financial aspects of globalization are beyond the scope of this blog. They are also more difficult to evaluate than the role of news media since they are mostly kept in secret whereas the result of media’s work, by its nature, must be delivered to the public in order to have its effect.

Therefore one must often go to literature to assess globalist aspects of finance/economics instead of, as in the case of media, study the work itself.

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