01 trolling, trolls double play, false flag, moles nazi smearing philippines writing style, type of medium zAll pages

05. Methods: 5.008.001 double crossing, double agents, double game, double play, false flag attacks; vague language; mixing information; layout; Chomsky; quote on criticism

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double crossing, double agents, double game, double play, false flag, moles, mullvadar, entrism

News media and other parties involved often con the general public by playing a double game.

Jag skulle gissa att mer än 90% av påstådda “högerdebattörer” i vissa forum är vänstertroll. Typ de som låtsas vara högerbombare, eller de som motsätter sig globalisternas krigshets men framställer sig som världsfrånvända, pårökta hippies.

The Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter is Jewish owned but propagates an agenda that superficially supports the Palestinians.

The Jewish, extremely wealthy Sheldon Adelson has contributed substantially to Trumps campaign. It is otherwise a general image that Trump is opposing fake news in Jewish owned media.

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