04 youth revolt 06 psychiatry 07 drugs 500 divide and conquer cover up, filtering/selection, drowning effect on reader is different/opposite than/to initial impression, apparent/true_real content (cp pseudo-criticism) eu misguiding anger and criticism, defusing; decoys, distractions, false leads, misdirection police pseudo alarms pseudo-criticism (cp effect on reader is different ...) unions zAll pages 001/001 Destabilisering genom kravlöshet, droger, drugs, Sackler family, narkotika, narcotics, alkohol; psykiatri, Freud, neuropsychiatry, adhd, Asperger, neurology; regional differences; Education; psychiatry in the Soviet Union; youth rebellion, youth revolt, nature reserves, Simone Biles, diagnoses; labor unions; crime; violence;

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(can also use tab at screen bottom right) Destabilisering genom kravlöshet

Diagnoser som somatiserar tillstånd vilka egentligen kan påverkas av individen, framhävs i media. Barn och familjer motiveras inte att ta ansvar för sin situation när diagnoser som ADHD, MBD överanvänds. Samma gäller diagnosen anorexi.

anti-democratic, pseudo-democratic, democratorship cash boosting double play, false flag, moles facebook google jewish networks linux musk pseudo alarms space spaceX tesla zAll pages (001): Double play in business: Ubuntu; Google; Travel, airlines; Tesla, [prison], Electric Vehicles, Elon Musk, SpaceX, Starlink; Boeing; cryptocurrencies, bitcoin, ethereum; Jeff Bezos, Blue Origin; space, ufo, extraterrestrial life; Nike; Skype; role models; Ångpanneföreningen (inledn.); vegan; movies, games, The Matrix; Red Pill, Blue Pill; No competition, big corporations spread conflicts; customer service, konkurrens;

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Mueller investigation in Sweden
Double play in business
Center party

The following businesses may be example of globalist double play. The businesses counteract their own purpose to support multi national enterprises.

Ubuntu intentionally runs poorly to support Microsoft

Tesla itentionally does poorly to support combustible engine car manufacturers

Google initially acquired large funds and could dominate the market but gives very limited search results on any political issue. What you mostly see are globalist news papers like The New York Times, The Washington Posr, The Guardian and similar.

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