anti-democratic, pseudo-democratic, democratorship Belarus eu zAll pages Belarus; Protasevich grounding incident

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atypical selection consumers_rights eu globalist/anti-nationalist soros zAll pages (000) — Fenomen som gynnar globalisering –; motverkande faktorer: konsumentrådgivning [consumers’ rights]; kundhantering; folkbildning; Storytel; Netflix; Omni; TED; medium; Spotify; ESC; Oscars; HRW; OSF; folkbildning

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— 3.1.4 Fenomen som gynnar globalisering —


Europeiska Unionen, The European Union

EU är en överstatlig organisation som gynnar överstatlig kontroll. Globalistiska intressen försökte t.ex med alla medel stoppa Englands utträde “Brexit”.

See this page

The Guardian – always against Brexit

See also this.


01 trolling, trolls 02 feminism 4.0 control of people and governments --- 500 divide and conquer anti-democratic, pseudo-democratic, democratorship deep state eu false attack of useful aspect of problem headline influencing elections, election meddling, investigations thereof nato pseudo-conflicts rigged leaks uk will occur zAll pages (001) EU, Brexit-001

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EU gynnar naturligtvis globaliseringen genom överstatlig styrning vilken försvagar regeringarna i medlemsländerna.

The analogy between USSR, the communist international and EU/globalism is highly valid

Förenklat handlar EU om att skapa så stora enheter att folket inte kan få kontakt med de som betämmer. Schweiz, ett framgångsrikt land gör motsatsen, de förankrar beslut lokalt, ofta genom direktdemokrati.

2018 07 10
Globalist politicians seem to be female more often than would be expected from the general frequence of female politicians. That is only a general observation by the blog, no statistics yet supplied. (Clinton, Merkel)

Theresa May gets good support from media, including the Swedish. Last weekend she put forward a suggestion to replace the UK EU membership with another union, instead of just leaving the union. Swedish media reported she received “good support” from her own government! Well, this week several ministers resign.

eu uk zAll pages (002) EU Brexit 002, reversed hierarchies

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Brexit (2)

cap, common agricultural policy uk zAll pages (005) Brexit 005

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Brexit 005

07 drugs 500 divide and conquer 6.4 finance canada eu misguiding anger and criticism, defusing; decoys, distractions, false leads, misdirection mixed messages soros the struggle for commodities zAll pages

18.000 Economical and financial aspects on globalization; (Greece) the petrodollar, IMF; credit cards; billionaires; neoliberal policies; currencies ERM, ECU, euro, EMU, EMS, euro; [economy,finance]; interest rates, monetary policy, fiscal policy; billionaires, high finance, Vanguard, BlackRock, Schwab; Madoff; entrepreneurs;

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Some aspects on finance and globalization

See also:
Bill Browder

The financial aspects of globalization are beyond the scope of this blog. They are also more difficult to evaluate than the role of news media since they are mostly kept in secret whereas the result of media’s work, by its nature, must be delivered to the public in order to have its effect.

Therefore one must often go to literature to assess globalist aspects of finance/economics instead of, as in the case of media, study the work itself.

6.4 finance eu trade_tariff trump usa zAll pages

18.001 Trade deals, tariffs

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Trump is moving the US out of free trade agreements and into bilateral agreements. His reason is that the US are losing jobs to abroad.
Trade wars (Trump) Flashback

This issue has not yet been covered by the blog. So far it just notices that free trade is part of globalism.  Breaking down borders will simplify supranational control. Immigration can divide nations and throw them into chaos in which foreign media networks can rule and hide in the multicultural environment.

currencies eu zAll pages

18.008 exchange rate mechanisms in Europe; currencies

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