1300 cyber weapons & defence 22200 assassinations censorship corruption in police and law enforcement disappearance, predicament IT- cyber-technology media protects military misguiding anger and criticism, defusing; decoys, distractions, false leads, misdirection netherlands norway NWO police zAll pages Arjen Kamphuis (2)

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One year after the disappearance of Arjen Kamphuis, the blog summarizes:


#ArjenKamphuis alleged kayak trip:at night,tide,current, unknown waters, alone. (Worlds strongest tidal current 30k away) His personality described as “better safe than sorry”
If he had paddled he must have worn a life jacket.
Body would have been found floating. – He never paddled

Twitter Dag Öien
I own a smaller version OruKayak. Very solid product. The kayak as presented on police pictures is not assembled properly. The zipper channels, stern bulkhead, orange lid floorboard, seat pad and backrest is missing. Doesn’t look seaworthy. #FindArjen #orukayak

Someone killed Arjen and assembled it as a decoy. Alone,@ night, tide,current.Must have had life jacket. But no body found floating.Kayak found on land. Cyber specialist close to Fauske satellite base, spent 10 days Bodö w.out talking to ppl… Killed by CIA?

1300 cyber weapons & defence IT- cyber-technology media protects military netherlands norway zAll pages Arjen Kamphuis (3) AD/Dongen; Avisa Nordland; links (end)

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One year after the disappearance of Arjen Kamphuis, the blog summarizes the case:


– – – –

The fact that Kamphuis got off the train at Fauske for a paddle trip also seems unlikely. It rained and blew hard that day.

Algemeen Dagblad, Holland, September 17, 2018 [Google translate from Dutch]

Annemieke van Dongen 17-09-18, 10:00 Last update: 15:33

‘Everything about the disappearance of Kamphuis is getting weird’

The disappearance of cyber activist Arjen Kamphuis is starting to look more and more like an episode from a Scandinavian detective series. The port city where he stayed is the Norwegian capital for cyber defense. Did he maybe work on a secret operation? And is he hiding on a cargo ship? This website went on research.

01 trolling, trolls 300 terrorism accident investigations anonymous sources, according to reports fake/rigged images, videos and recordings investigation size, Dog in the Night-Time; unverified suspects media protects military misguiding anger and criticism, defusing; decoys, distractions, false leads, misdirection timing zAll pages (001) Flyghaveriutredningar; air crash disasters

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Air crash disasters

Flyghaveriutredningar stöder flygindustrin och försöker i stor omfattning tona ned eller mörklägga tekniska orsaker till haverier. Utredningarna strävar efter att finna fel i (ofta omkomna) piloters agerande. Detta stöder naturligtvis flygindustrin och därmed globaliseringen. Massmedia gör inget för att kritisera detta. I sociala medier förefaller aktiva och tidigare yrkespiloter ofta argumentera enligt samma riktlinjer. Piloter är naturligtvis tvungna att ta hänsyn till sina arbetsgivare när de diskuterar flygsäkerhetsfrågor och deras solidaritet med omkomna kollegor och deras familjer måste därmed sättas i bakgrunden.

Utredningarna arbetar med huvudmålet att hålla allmänhetens förtroende för flygindustrin uppe. Tyvärr går inte alltid detta via att förbättra flygsäkerheten. Tekniska fel och systemfel sätts i bakgrunden och istället framhålls pilotfel och “tillfälligheter”.

anonymous sources, according to reports confusing; contradictory; incomplete corruption in law and judicial system disinformation disinformation to the opposition general disinformation indirect account, second hand information, buffers, leaks media protects military psy-ops skripal unofficial sources vagueness, ambiguity zAll pages (002) Flyghaveriutredningar, JAS 39 Gripen

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JAS 39 Gripen

Det svenskbyggda stridsflygplanet JAS 39 Gripen har drabbats av flera haverier. Bl.a. ett haveri i Sverige under pressvisning, ett under uppvisning mitt i huvudstaden Stockholm samt ett under uppvisning i Thailand. Ett plan har havererat under övning i Sverige av enda orsaken att det hamnat i turbulens bakom ett annat stridsflygplan.

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