assange, wikileaks google korea serious news connected to unserious medium suffering trump zAll pages (010) Julian Assange (003); Wikileaks (003);

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Det här vill jag gärna ha klarhet i.

Stämmer det att någon tog Assanges rakhyvel i början på januari och han därför inte kunde raka sig på tre månader innan han togs in på fängelset?

Detta förefaller ha intygats av en FN-tjänsteman, expert på tortyr.

Det låter ju helt orimligt. Är detta förlopp rätt uppfattat?

Han måste ju ha kunnat skaffa en ny rakhyvel. Han har heller inte påpekat detta tidigare.

assange, wikileaks trump usa zAll pages (011) The making of an anti-Trump weapon – Julian Assange

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This page outlines a scenario where the image of Julian Assange has been inflated by news media for several years. This may have been done partly in order to pressure president Trump during the 2020 elections. Assange has been made a significant person (out of insignificant “leaks”) and politicians must handle his case with care since it, among other things, reflects a balance between military need for secrecy and a general need for the propagation of the free word.

The possibility that Assange will be used against Trump was made by the blog as early as June 2019. [ -1-, -2-, -3-, -4- ]

Making an anti-Trump weapon – Julian Assange

The image of Julian Assange has been inflated for several years. The Main Stream Media tries to make him a symbol for free speech. But the organization he founded, Wikileaks, has leaked very little truly dangerous material.

assange, wikileaks zAll pages (012) Julian Assange (004) (childhood, family) …; Wikileaks (004) …; Google blocking of pages, Google censorship; GDPR; kakor, cookies, tracking;

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assange, wikileaks zAll pages (013) Julian Assange (005); Wikileaks (005);

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22300 espionage 22350 whistleblowers assange, wikileaks mass surveillance zAll pages (081) Edward Snowden; mass surveillance

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US operative Edward Snowden was put in Russia by the US. The operation involved another US-op, Julian Assange (influencing Ecuador to issue a “travel pass” and vice president Joe Biden (making Ecuador cancel the pass at a time suitable to strand Snowden in Russia).

Snowden’s mission is to criticize mass surveillance in a misdirected way. By being a “traitor” (whistleblower) having “fled to Russia” such criticism is meant not to be taken seriously.

Mass surveillance is very sensitive. Another way to discourage activism against mass surveillance was the fake murder of activist Arjen Kamphuis, designed to look like a CIA hit.

01 trolling, trolls 02 hate, hatred, haters argue from exceptions; neglect Occam's razor; if it looks like a duck ... assange, wikileaks chaos concern trolls cover up, filtering/selection, drowning deep state double play, false flag, moles facebook fake assistance false accusation + denial/apology focus on choice of words and definitions, to quibble google guilt by association keeping the Holocaust alive, exaggerating nazi keeping unaware misguiding anger and criticism, defusing; decoys, distractions, false leads, misdirection mixed messages nazi smearing sionism, antisemitism, jewish culture, history terminology zAll pages

05. Methods: 5.002 (001) Förvirring och troll, agendatroll, false-flag-troll, infiltration, haters, intelligence, intelligens, antisemitfällan, keeping the Holocaust alive, mixed messages, damage control; monikers; vagueness, keeping unaware; accusation/apology; “almost alarming”; “konspirationsteorier”; Personargument, ad personam; another card, a new card

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5.2  Förvirring och troll

I sociala forum verkar Internettroll med motsägelsefulla ståndpunkter, glidningar i föhållningssätt.

Troll sprider naturligtvis förvirring i diskussionen och förhindrar basala fakta att komma i dagen.

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