anti-democratic, pseudo-democratic, democratorship zAll pages (002) Democracy and how it is counteracted: Saying one thing, silently doing another

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The NWO and their servants, the politicians often claim to do one thing but in fact work in another or the opposite direction.

1. Sweden is said to be neutral but sends troops to support US warfare in Iraq and Afghanistan. We don’t enter NATO since the public opinion is aware of NATO warfare. But we sign a “host nation treaty” witout any preceding public discussions. We buy a SEK 25 bn air defense system that probably can not shoot down US planes.

2. The UK politicians say they work for Brexit. But they just intentionally get entangled into unnecessary questions. At present they just, out of nowhere, claim they will not pay their debts to the EU unless the EU forms a new union instead of the one UK is supposed to leave.

anti-democratic, pseudo-democratic, democratorship zAll pages (003:001) Democracy and how it is counteracted: Partisystemet, val

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Olle Wästberg:

Den svenska demokratin är i hög grad en partidemokrati. Vi har mycket få inslag av direktdemokrati och har längst mellan valen av alla demokratier. Det är partiernas uppgift att företräda väljarna och fatta beslut å deras vägnar. Partierna har också nomineringsmonopol.

De politiska partierna är en spillra av vad de varit. De har mist över en miljon medlemmar sedan 1980-talet. För 20 år sedan var en femtedel av väljarna medlemmar i politiska partier, idag endast 2,5 procent.

När frågan om pensioner till riksdagsledamöter första gången togs upp 1947 avvisades det. Riksdagsmannen Elon Andersson (FP) menade att det var osunt för demokratin om ledamotskapet skulle ses som ett yrke och att pension inte borde utgå ”för en sådan episod i en medborgares liv”. Numera är kommunalråd och riksdagsledamöter heltidsavlönade.

01 trolling, trolls 02 feminism 4.0 control of people and governments --- 500 divide and conquer anti-democratic, pseudo-democratic, democratorship deep state eu false attack of useful aspect of problem headline influencing elections, election meddling, investigations thereof nato pseudo-conflicts rigged leaks uk will occur zAll pages (001) EU, Brexit-001

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EU gynnar naturligtvis globaliseringen genom överstatlig styrning vilken försvagar regeringarna i medlemsländerna.

The analogy between USSR, the communist international and EU/globalism is highly valid

Förenklat handlar EU om att skapa så stora enheter att folket inte kan få kontakt med de som betämmer. Schweiz, ett framgångsrikt land gör motsatsen, de förankrar beslut lokalt, ofta genom direktdemokrati.

2018 07 10
Globalist politicians seem to be female more often than would be expected from the general frequence of female politicians. That is only a general observation by the blog, no statistics yet supplied. (Clinton, Merkel)

Theresa May gets good support from media, including the Swedish. Last weekend she put forward a suggestion to replace the UK EU membership with another union, instead of just leaving the union. Swedish media reported she received “good support” from her own government! Well, this week several ministers resign.

anti-democratic, pseudo-democratic, democratorship cash boosting double play, false flag, moles facebook google jewish networks linux musk pseudo alarms space spaceX tesla zAll pages (001): Double play in business: Ubuntu; Google; Travel, airlines; Tesla, [prison], Electric Vehicles, Elon Musk, SpaceX, Starlink; Boeing; cryptocurrencies, bitcoin, ethereum; Jeff Bezos, Blue Origin; space, ufo, extraterrestrial life; Nike; Skype; role models; Ångpanneföreningen (inledn.); vegan; movies, games, The Matrix; Red Pill, Blue Pill; No competition, big corporations spread conflicts; customer service, konkurrens;

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Mueller investigation in Sweden
Double play in business
Center party

The following businesses may be example of globalist double play. The businesses counteract their own purpose to support multi national enterprises.

Ubuntu intentionally runs poorly to support Microsoft

Tesla itentionally does poorly to support combustible engine car manufacturers

Google initially acquired large funds and could dominate the market but gives very limited search results on any political issue. What you mostly see are globalist news papers like The New York Times, The Washington Posr, The Guardian and similar.

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