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Summary 04 (010)

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(can also use tab at screen bottom right) blog in short:

Global politicians, newspapers, big banks and corporations have joined against the people. To weaken narional politicians these networks use bribery like board posts. Mass immigration, feminism and division into groups according to sexual orientation, diet and more are used to create conflicts in the population. These conflicts make it difficult for people to raise joint demands on the politicians who thereby can continue to be controlled by big corps through f.ex the EU. The distance to EU HQ in Brussels makes it possible for politicians to hide and make themselves inaccessible to the people.

The breaking of borders, destruction of individual cultures and mass immigration are crucial to this process. Small homogeneous countries want to control theselves. People in small countries work together to improve whereas the countries of unions must be kept weak not to cause uprisings.

Creating a mosaic society of differnt groups will impede people from raising joint demands. Mass immigration will introduce other groups with other prioritized goals, maybe just as reasonsble as sending money to their families in their hone countries. It takes long time for an immigrant to learn the basic political structure of his/her new country and deveop an association with the country and wish to start improving it.

Globalization and international contacts are good. What is bad is when control is exerted from a distsnce.

It is not racist to oppose mass immigration, by the way. The reason to oppose it is that it makes it possible for a dictatorship to instigate division and conflicts in the population to continue its tyranny. Few people care about skin color.

The political parties fake conflicts and cooperate:

The left will create chaos, instigate mass immigration which leads to conflicts

The right will protect the rich, privatize and create conflicts with immigrants.

The green in Europe will support green dictatorship/EU and oppose oil and nuclear energy to weaken European countries so they will not have the strength to become independent from the EU.

Sweden is currently run by a socialist gov’t using a budget compiled by the right. With a socialist gov’t the people


wwr: 78292883
När socialister styr med borgerlig budget har alla gränser suddats ut. Partierna har förenats mot folket.

Vi får socialistiskt kaos med massinvandring som skapar konflikter och förhindrar att folket kan ställa gemensamma krav på politikerna.

Högern kan privatisera, skydda de rika och accentuera konflikter med invandrare.

De gröna har fortfarande inflytande och motsätter sig effektiva former av energi som kol, olja och kärnkraft. Därför hålls landet svagt och kan styras av EU. Glad svart Jul! önskar EU Inte många kör julbelysning på normal styrka i energikris.

Med socialistiskt styre och budget hade vi i alla fall kunnat begära rättvis fördelningspolitik. Med borgerligt styre hade samhället fungerar och det funnits “poliser på gatorna”.

Under socialistiskt styre med borgerlig budget får vi det sämsta från alla världarna.

International conflicts are faked in the same way to hide the common leadership and to make people hesitate to visit abroad.

Summary 04 (00100)

The New World Order

Part 010

2.02 summary native indians zAll pages

Summary 04 (020)

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Summary 04 (00200)

The New World Order

Part 020

2.01 contents 2.02 summary zAll pages

Summary 04 (030)

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Summary 04 (00300)

The New World Order

Part 030

2.02 summary zAll pages

Summary 04 (040)

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Summary 04 (00400)

The New World Order

Part 040

2.02 summary native indians zAll pages

Summary 04 (050)

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2.02 summary native indians zAll pages

Summary 04 (060)

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Summary 04 (00600)

The New World Order

Part 060

2.01 contents 9.0 meta zAll pages

20.03 Kortfattad innehållsförteckning

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Stycke 1 (1.1 – 1.9)
Efter 200 år av fred går Sverige i krig. Resonemanget i stycket visar att Sverige styrs av massmedia.

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20.04 (00000 links) Innehållsförteckning, ToC

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Innehållsförteckning, en lista av alla poster

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20.04 (00010 all) Innehållsförteckning, ToC

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Innehållsförteckning, en lista av alla poster

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20.04 (00100) Innehållsförteckning, ToC

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