anonymous sources, according to reports confusing; contradictory; incomplete corruption in law and judicial system disinformation disinformation to the opposition general disinformation indirect account, second hand information, buffers, leaks media protects military psy-ops skripal unofficial sources vagueness, ambiguity zAll pages (002) Flyghaveriutredningar, JAS 39 Gripen

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JAS 39 Gripen

Det svenskbyggda stridsflygplanet JAS 39 Gripen har drabbats av flera haverier. Bl.a. ett haveri i Sverige under pressvisning, ett under uppvisning mitt i huvudstaden Stockholm samt ett under uppvisning i Thailand. Ett plan har havererat under övning i Sverige av enda orsaken att det hamnat i turbulens bakom ett annat stridsflygplan.

20 political control NWO russia skripal uk zAll pages 004 Leaders: Control of politicians

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See also destabilization of leaders.

One example of how politicians are controlled is the Skripal case described elsewhere in this blog. Britain accuses Russia of using nerve gas on 2 civilians.

Both Britain and Russia lose. Russia is allegedly using nerve gas on civilians. Britain is making accusations that are unfounded. These accusations are so strong and unfounded that the foreign minister Boris Johnson might even have to resign.

300 terrorism double play, false flag, moles fake news, news slant google iraq paywall philippines skripal timing will occur zAll pages

05. Methods: 5.006 Tidsaspekter på nyhetsförmedling, initiala tvivel, erased material, news slant, fake news, “will occur”

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5 Metoder: 5.6 Tidsaspekter på nyhetsförmedling

Tidsaspekter på nyhetsförmedling

Grundläggande är att information ofta blåses upp och förvrängs i det skede den fokuseras i media. När senare informationen korrigeras har den fallit ur medias fokus. Media hoppas att någotav den initiala, förvrängda informationen fastnar i allmänhetens medvetande.

7.5 source criticism congo double play, false flag, moles fake news, news slant investigation size, Dog in the Night-Time; unverified suspects skripal zAll pages

07. Detection of fake information: 07.01 consequences, investigation size; Dog in the Night-Time; unverified suspects

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(see also)

Dog in the night-time

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is a Sherlock Holmes novel where Holmes solves a case by  noting the absence of expected facts.

F.ex the murder of Catalan or the Skripal “nerve gas attack” ought to have elicited major nation wide man hunts  but did not. Catalans murder was perpetrated by the govt, supported by the UN and the nerve gas attack was fake.

01 open borders 01a mass immigration 02 feminism 03 hbtq 0300 war 0400 cold war, polarization, war mongering 2.02 summary 30 feeding frenzy 500 divide and conquer 7.5 source criticism deep state iran iraq libya obama oil market skripal syria usa zAll pages

20.02 02 Summary (2)

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A longer summary can be found here.


Regeringars agerande skadar ofta deras eget land, folk och t.o.m. regeringsmedlemmarna själva.

T.ex skadar svensk massinvandring Sverige och Skripaldramat skadar brittiskt anseende. T.o.m. regeringsmedlemmar (t.ex Boris Johnson) kritiseras för sina ogrundade uttalanden.

Det är svårförståeligt varför regeringar inte verkar för sitt eller landets bästa. Men det är inte de enskilda regeringarna som kontrollerar sina länder. Regeringarnas ologiska åtgärder kan bara förklaras med att de står under inflytande och agerar på andras uppdrag. En del av inflytandet utgörs ju uppenbarligen av media eftersom media stöder de ologiska åtgärderna (i dessa fall massinvandring resp. ogrundade anklagelser mot Ryssland) och inte genomför elementär källkritik etc.

I USA kallas detta inflytande Deep State. Det beskriver de delar av administrationen som inte arbetar för presidenten utan för att odemokratiskt försöka styra landet och utöva inflytande över presidenten.

För att förstå det politiska skeendet måste man frigöra sig från traditionella uppfattningar och inse att
1. Det finns krafter öveordnade regeringar.
2. Media styr politikerna.
3. Kallt krig är det viktigaste målet med USA:s politik, detta oberoende av orsaken till konflikten eller vem man har konflikt med. Förstår man inte ett utrikespolitiskt skeende kan det ofta klarläggas om man ser vilka konsekvenser det har för ett kallt krig och dess inverkan på upprustning.

07 drugs 7.5 source criticism 9.0 meta anti-russian antidoping congo effect on reader is different/opposite than/to initial impression, apparent/true_real content (cp pseudo-criticism) fake news, news slant iran iraq philippines pseudo-criticism (cp effect on reader is different ...) skripal un, United Nations usa zAll pages

20.06 01 Fake news, examples

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What is called fake news naturally depends in the definition. In 2003 “Weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq was fake news, but proven much too late to make much difference.

Reporters often say “we didn’t know” and add that they just never checked sources. That the drawings of chemical weapons, presented by Colin Powell in the UN were fake was pretty obvious to most people.

When news media oligarchs, politicians and paid social media administrators and trolls act together, they define the “truth” of the New World Order.

1100 chemical weapons alternativ for sverige double play, false flag, moles nmr skripal syria zAll pages

20.06 02 (01) False flag operations, awards

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Dagens Nyheter (DN)
Nothing beats the Swedish globalist flagship newspaper. You can read it for 20 years and still believe it is pro Palestinian.


Skripal attack (Salisbury, UK)
Russians attacking civilians in England with the world’s most poisonous nerve gas and 3/4 survived. One attack during Russian presidential elections, one during the World Cup in Russia.

Wikileaks, Julian Assange not genuine

Ola Bini

IS execution videos
Jihad John scolds Obama in London accent and pulls the knife 5-6 times over the throat of the “executed” w/ out one drop if blood emerging. The sister of one “victim” is interviewed on US television. – She is an actress that has played the roles of other persons related to news events. (F.ex a classmate of the perpetrator of the Sandy Hook massacre.)

The videos are produced with advanced green screen production that IS never could have access to. In one video the IS soldiers all are 2.10 m tall, to look intimidating. With advanced technology they seem to walk beside their much shorter prisoners. Even technicians at Fox news verified this.

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