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1. Irakkriget

Före starten av kriget påstod USA att Irak innehade kemiska vapen. “Bevisen” var bl.a. teckningar utförda av irakiska avhoppare, som visades upp I FN av utrikesminister Powell. Några kemiska vapen eller andra massförstörelsevapen återfanns inte under invasionen.

Falska bevis presenterades av avhopparna Ahmed Chalabi och Curveball (Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi). Tony Blair sade “WMD ready in 45 min” medan det i själva verket inte fanns några Weapons of Mass Destruction alls. USA under George W Bush och USAs allierade attackerade Irak 2003.

Judith Miller with then-executive editor of the New York Times Bill Keller


0400 cold war, polarization, war mongering 0600 sanctions 1100 chemical weapons 1200 nuclear weapons 22300 espionage 600 conflict (1/3: between countries, organizations etc) --- anonymous sources, according to reports deep state headline iran israel korea netanyahu oil market zAll pages (01) Iran

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    — Note! —

Many conclusions on this page must be reconsidered. After evaluating the Iran-US conflict as a whole, this blog concludes it is fake. Iran is under US control and is made to play enemy in a game similar to the cold war.

After USA toppled the Saddam regime in Iraq and replaced it with Shia rule, Iran has become stronger in the Middle East. Another enemy of Israel, Assad’s Syria is also ruled by Shia.

USA is trying to counteract this with sanctions against Iran to make it stop its nuclear program.

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