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Greta Thunberg’s true, dark motives

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The true, dark motives of the people behind Greta Thunberg

A short summary of Greta’s motives: link.

(Swedish language – please use the translation function on top and bottom of each page.)

Greta Thunberg’s agenda in short:

1. Attack politicians to make them vulnerable to media pressure

Pressure and destabilize governments by calling them out as climate offenders. This makes the governments susceptible to media pressure.

Greta pressures politicans

2. Move authority away from countries and to the European Union

Greta disrespects Swedish politicians by not talking to them. Greta campaigns in Sweden but only outside the parliament building. She does this to paint an image of the Swedish parliament as useless and authority should be moved to the EU (which Greta visits).

After 2 years, Greta still hasn’t found the parliament entrance. She campaigns behind parliament! The world famous activist has not yet spoken to any Swedish politicians! She seemingly protests against the parliament itself, not its members or their decisions. Greta disrespects the Swedish politicians since her handlers has taught her that Sweden is best run from EU/Brussels. [ ]

3. Greta creates conflict between people so news media can pitch groups against each other.

Split up the population in groups that can be manipulated into conflict by media. Climate activism is connected to young people, in particular girls. Older people can not partake in Greta’s “school strikes” and are attacked by “How dare you!”. The climate issue itself is dividing since the government has not yet adopted a program how to handle it.

Climate action is connected to young people, in particular girls. This is done in order to create conflict between groups. These groups can be manipulated by news media.

To increase conflict, Greta does not listen or make constructive suggestions. She assumes an aggressive tone in her speeches and those she disapproves of, like president Trump or the Swedish parliament, she does not talk to.

Confrontation or mobbning is typical for EU-opersrions. If anyone is constructive he/she will be a threat to the EU.

Greta Thunberg is backed by socialists. Her basic message is to spread hate, conflict and disruption among people and to destabilize governments to make them susceptible to control by news media and other international networks.

Surprisingly Greta requires nothing from neither industry nor common people. EV travel is $2/10k, a Tesla is $100.000. Common people do not need to reduce flying or share commuting. Airline CEO says business is hard because of Greta, but the company shows large profit.

Greta only scolds politicians for not doing enough. And they applaud her for that! They want to do more. This means they will raise taxes and give up control to the European Union. Climate alarmists claim that only organizations larger than nations can “save the planet”. This is a way to pave the way for socialism, globalism and the New World Order.

Greta puts pressure on governments by telling them to solve the climate crisis. A crisis which does not exist but is a constructed problem. To reduce CO2, Greta wants society to be turned back to Stone Age. This can never be done so politicians only do lip service. Any politician not obeying news media in other fields will be called out as climate crook. Neither can a politician try to follow Greta’s agenda because she just talks about crisis, but never about concrete means to solve it. So any politician trying to follow her agenda will be accused by the press to solve the problem wrongly. And turning back society to stone age will make the politician unpopular. Therefore the climate crisis will always continue to be an unsolved problem, making the politician weak and under control by the press.

Like refugees, the climate frenzy is also directed towards Europe. In Europe taxes will be redirected to the EU.

Greta is not qualified. News media suddenly appointed a 15 year old girl to be the world’s most prominent climate authority, even though she had never been interested in the subject before. She has theater class training and can perform dramatic speeches. She is very poor off script. Basically she knows no more than any of us (including this blog author) did when we were 15. (When this is written Greta recently turned 17.) She is just an ordinary kid manipulated by globalists.

16 year old Greta Thunberg tells world leaders what to do. She has multiple psychiatric diagnoses and skips school systematically. When in school, she demands special assistance.

This composite photo will make the viewer believe that Greta scolds Trump. But in fact she considers talking to the US president “a waste of time”. This is just a way of sparing the US from her criticism. Scolding Trump also increases the gap between young girls and older white men. This is part of the climate agenda.

01 trolling, trolls 4.0 control of people and governments --- global warming globalist/anti-nationalist misguiding anger and criticism, defusing; decoys, distractions, false leads, misdirection word value, connotation worry zAll pages (001) Global warming, climate change, klimat, food waste; Non Governmental Organizations, NGOs; Secret societies

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Global uppvärmning

Självklart handlar hela klimatfrågan om att eliten och massmedia vill splittra samhället. Man delar in oss i “alarmister” och “förnekare” och sedan skall vi slåss med varandra.

Istället borde naturligtvis ett gemensamt handlingsprogram tas fram av experter, politiker, folkomröstning etc. Sedan agerar vi gemensamt mot det målet. Regeringen är ansvarig, inte vi i befolkningen.

1. Det globala medienätverket ger ett extremt starkt stöd för en ännu obevisad teori om global uppvärmning. Man förespråkar drastiska åtgärder som politiker inte klarar att genomföra. Därmed kläms politikerna mellan rimliga alternativ och medias vansinnesidéer. Media får därigenom ytterligare en hållhake på politikerna.

2. Ingen vet vad som är rätt. Befolkningen splittras i “alarmister” och “förnekare”. Media kan bara härska över splittrade nationer. (I stället skulle naturligtvis expertgrupper och politiker ta fram gemensamma mål för Sverige. Ev efter en folkomröstning.)

3. För att “lösa klimatfrågan” krävs naturligtvis mer överstatlig kontroll, elitens och massmedias huvudmål – att kunna kontrollera Sverige och andra länder.

4. En 16-årig systematisk skol-skolkare (som dessutom kräver stödundervisning när hon behagar visa sig i skolan) med multipla psykiatriska diagnoser tillåts skälla ut FN:s generalsekreterare och ställa politiker mot väggen. Det handlar inte om klimatet utan om att försöka bryta ned auktoriteter, t.ex föräldrar. Se vad som står på dockorna hon tar i örat.

Den Gröna Mini-Diktatorn förbjuder t.ex sina föräldrar stt flyga! Barnet styr familjen! Pappan får gråtattacker. Kanske inget problem att gråta v.b. för en skådespelare.

Hon blir även ett hatobjekt som splittrar befolkningen.

5. Chaos ensues when proper channels and authorities are bypassed. In this case the government ought to act.

6. A doomsday scenario futher increases the stress and worry that news media constantly tries to create.

See also

Greta Thunberg

building hatred

The climate is used as a pretext to control others. Nations are forced to “cooperate” in order to solve a common (in this case constructed) problem. In this process strong forces (“deep state”) can assert their influence over nations. The process is about strengthening supranational control over independent nations.

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